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Aphex, Squarepusher and Shadow announced WHP2011


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Guest NapLand

I'm there. I just need a place to crash for 2 weeks before the show!


Also. What is the shadowsphere.. and how is Hudson Mohawke live?

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I've heard he's really good live. Friend saw him at Glade in 2008 or 2009, said he was the highlight. Also he's seen him a couple more times said he played material he didn't recognise once (but apparently it was unmistakably him), and said he just mixed hip hop the next time.

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apparently its in the same location


1hr cue, £4.50 a can, 15min smoking cue where the bin your drinks, arsehole bouncers, no running water or soap, indoor puddles, bad acoustics anywhere past 15yrds from the front, overcrowding, shit food, crumbling celing all for £20.


Why cant Richard and Tom play in decent places?

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HudMo is good live, although the 3 times I've seen him his laptop has broken twice!


Pretty good summary of WHP, but you forgot that it's full of student hipster cunts. But when it's good it's really good. It's moving location next year.

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HudMo is good live, although the 3 times I've seen him his laptop has broken twice!


Pretty good summary of WHP, but you forgot that it's full of student hipster cunts. But when it's good it's really good. It's moving location next year.


I was going to mention them too however on the aphex/sp nights i've been to there the crowd have been the nicest there is mainly because they've sold out to fans and not wankers


last years Moderat/Clark night was to the brim with rude hipster wanker cunts walking straight through all the fucking time which put me right off the place. A mate even got told to fuck off for finding a girls purse he found on the floor with everything intact!


Even the meatheads at the Dave Clark night a few years back were there to have fun!


Where's the love like the real warehouse parties were founded on gone?

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