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Tottenham riots


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Guest AcrossCanyons

fuck these people. I've tried to stay away from any photos/footage because these things always enrage me. it's spread all over now. going down in nottingham not too far away from me. I hope they bring the army in and they destroy the cunts.

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Guest disparaissant

I like this article.

It's pretty easy to demonize the rioters when a bunch of middle class white kids run out and appropriate a genuine protest so they can get some new kicks. But I think it's pretty important to remember that there's actually a reason for this shit.


There's a Terry Pratchett quote a friend of mine brought up that seems pretty on point:

Coppers were always outnumbered, so being a copper only worked when people let it work
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The mindless actions of the last few days will effect everyone in the country, either directly through having your own property vandalised / work or social lives disrupted, or indirectly through costs and shame.


As a tax payer I am paying towards these peoples benefits. As a council tax payer I will also be paying towards the clear up, and also towards the prisons where some of these scum will no doubt end up.


Seeing firefighters being attacked whilst trying to put out a burning car made me feel sick. These guys (hero's) risk their lives on a daily basis for the benefit of others, but having to deal with a gang of violent yobs intent on hurting them must seriously make them question why they bother.


*edit* - 16,000 police on the streets of London tonight with their leave cancelled, England vs. Netherlands cancelled tomorrow as well as all football league games cancelled tonight. This will cost a fortune, even before the clean up begins. And the kids are concerned because they dont have any money being invested in them? Well shucks, there is even less money to go round now.....



Note -

I have drafted so many posts to this thread that I have deleted through the risk of sounding racist. I am not a racist person, but the feelings invoked by what we are seeing is really going to fuel the fire for the EDL / BNP and seriously not going to help the causes of the race communities involved.

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Guest Promo

Riot over the shooting of a "Gangster" who shot at Police?

or maybe not... Guardian reporting that apparently the bullet in the coppers Radio was police issue. Either a gangster with a Met firearm, or the police doing some typically inept attempt at a cover up :facepalm:



i'm only just starting into this whole story, but this seems pretty key. if a cop fucked up and shot some some dude at a peaceful demonstration, well, the fuck do you expect? the people that show up to demonstrate are emotional in the first place; they want to make some noise. the cops shoot one of them and lie about it, and this understandably causes triggers riots. right after the initial outburst, the vultures move in to take advantage of the chaos and steal TVs.


either that, or the cops are innocent, the riots were triggered by the vultures in the first place, and they're the dicks for causing problems in order to steal TVs.


no - this dude:




was shot by cops for allegedly shooting at them first and hitting one of them, hence him getting shot in retalliation. this was last thursday the 4th august. then on saturday night a load of angry members of his family and friends headed down to the local police station to protest about his being shot. this "protest" then turned nasty and ended in a riot which in my view was just an excuse to go on a massive looting and destruction spree and has helped no-one. stupid fuckers demolished the post-office where they all pick up their benefit cheques. they'll be rioting about that next...

Indeed, I completely agree. I've just bolded the bit which to me seems the trigger to firstly the apparently peaceful protest, and then what a lot of people were claiming was the reason for the riots. The IPCC will hopefully uncover what really happened to Mark Duggan. However the riots have just been an excuse for twats to vandelise, destroy and steal. Literally pissing on their own door-step, and making shithole areas even worse.

Yeah you've just said what's basically on my mind.

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Guest Iain C

Note -

I have drafted so many posts to this thread that I have deleted through the risk of sounding racist. I am not a racist person, but the feelings invoked by what we are seeing is really going to fuel the fire for the EDL / BNP and seriously not going to help the causes of the race communities involved.


Have you seen the pictures of last night's rioting? There are plenty of white people out there taking part in this too. Race is far less a factor in behaviour like this than poverty - it just so happens that they often correlate in urban areas. To be honest it's close-knit ethnic communitys like the Turks in Dalston and the Bangladeshis in Whitechapel who are actually coming together to fight off the looters.

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Guest rumbo

This is really shit. I was looking forward to returning to the UK for a few years. Even after the financial crisis took a bite I thought, "it'll be harder, but it will be worth it". Now I just don't think this is the right time, and I don't know for how long. Really pisses me off.

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Note -

I have drafted so many posts to this thread that I have deleted through the risk of sounding racist. I am not a racist person, but the feelings invoked by what we are seeing is really going to fuel the fire for the EDL / BNP and seriously not going to help the causes of the race communities involved.


Have you seen the pictures of last night's rioting? There are plenty of white people out there taking part in this too. Race is far less a factor in behaviour like this than poverty - it just so happens that they often correlate in urban areas. To be honest it's close-knit ethnic communitys like the Turks in Dalston and the Bangladeshis in Whitechapel who are actually coming together to fight off the looters.

thanks for being a voice of sense.

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i reckon they'll get bored of it all soon. hopefully not much will happen tonight... i've been hearing stories of things that you don't see on the news though - Colliers Wood Retail Park got done over apparently, some trouble at the bottom of Ritherdon Road in Balham/Tooting Bec, some pubs got done in Putney, lots of little things you don't hear about unless you know someone who was there - my GF is a beauty therapist so get s talking to a lot of her clients obviously and hjas heard all sorts. One of her colleagues and her boyfriend were attacked by someone weilding a garden rake - boyfriend ended up in hospital, she's turned up to work with a big cut down her face apparently... mental really.


Glad I bought a baseball bat the other day.

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shit, just got sent this email:


Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances and planned rioters meeting in Wimbledon later this afternoon our offices will be closed from 3pm today in order for staff to get home safely before they are caught up in any trouble.


All calls will be diverted to our Out of Hours team and will be dealt with accordingly.


We will also have a small amount of staff from each office working remotely from other locations to action any urgent emails between now and 6pm.


Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.


Kind regards

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Guest disparaissant

Note -

I have drafted so many posts to this thread that I have deleted through the risk of sounding racist. I am not a racist person, but the feelings invoked by what we are seeing is really going to fuel the fire for the EDL / BNP and seriously not going to help the causes of the race communities involved.


Have you seen the pictures of last night's rioting? There are plenty of white people out there taking part in this too. Race is far less a factor in behaviour like this than poverty - it just so happens that they often correlate in urban areas. To be honest it's close-knit ethnic communitys like the Turks in Dalston and the Bangladeshis in Whitechapel who are actually coming together to fight off the looters.

thanks for being a voice of sense.

make that plus 2


edit: this:

Again, events are multifaceted, cultural and racial groups are not monolithic, and many things about a situation can be true at the same time. Reductionism is dangerous. Simplicity is dangerous. There are no easy, one line answers. They don’t exist, because life isn’t like that.

The following ideas do not contradict each other.

1. There are real socio-economic and political reasons for why this riot occurred. Urban violence committed by youth and marginalized people of color does not happen in a vacuum. When you neglect a community for so long, when you treat its residents as criminals-by-default who must then prove themselves to be citizens, when you treat these communities as problem areas to be hemmed in and monitored, instead of nurtured, when tax money goes to law enforcement, not schools and development — this is what happens.

Do NOT believe what the law enforcement or the media has to say about this. The institutions of power have a vested interest in protecting the status quo, which is the continued existence of the police state in poor communities of color in London, and in similar cities across the Western world. The rioters are not individual hooligans taking advantage of a bad situation. This is not an argument for more police control, for taking away social spending, or longer prison sentences.

The official reaction to these riots confirms what activists from these communities have been saying for years; poor kids of color are either a) irrelevant to mainstream society, or if they are finally noticed are b) only seen as criminals. There’s very little opportunity for poor youth to be seen as the nuanced, complicated, diverse beings that they are. That’s intentional. The status quo is reinforced every time minority youth are seen as a terrifying, brainless monolith. That is what the mainstream media is going to try to do to these kids. Do not let them.

2. Its silly to pretend that all of this violence is directed, focused, and political in intent. A powderkeg of repressed anger and energy has exploded, and London is feeling the consequence of that. It doesn’t mean London deserves the violence, or that the rioters are correct in their actions. The rioters are not innocents, fighting back the only way they can against a corrupt police state. They are culpable. Their behavior cannot be excused by their political intentions; political violence cannot be purified or sanctified or reduced into something palatable and easily digestible by an ideology. Political violence is still violence, the same old beast we’ve engaged with for millions of years. Nothing changes that.


You run over me, doesn’t matter how oppressed you are. You still ran over me. I’m still dead. There are a lot of people, innocent people, who are going to lose their lives, their livelihoods, and their homes. People who we know are in danger.

Don’t you dare try to paper over that.

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i also think that the notion that "they're just looking for an excuse to loot" is pretty bullshit, simplistic, and if not racist, ludicrously classist.


er, what? you don't think they're just in it for looting? what else are they doing it for? don't tell me you believe this is really about Mark Duggan being shot...

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Guest disparaissant

ah just read my edit, someone else said it better than i could.


are there people in it for the looting? sure.

is it just about looting? no.


and really, to say it's about mark duggan is an oversimplification as well. that might be the straw that broke the camel's back but it's really more about the ipcc and how they have been protecting the police. and the police profiling and brutality and etc.

and austerity measures

and cuts in funding to youth programs

and basically the lower classes and minorities being further marginalised while the rich get richer.

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ah just read my edit, someone else said it better than i could.


are there people in it for the looting? sure.

is it just about looting? no.


and really, to say it's about mark duggan is an oversimplification as well. that might be the straw that broke the camel's back but it's really more about the ipcc and how they have been protecting the police. and the police profiling and brutality and etc.

i dunno so much....certainly in Birmingham and Liverpool it seems to be simply looting

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Guest disparaissant

righto but bcm was implying that it was about looting from the start. things turned ugly because people wanted to loot. which is kind of ridiculous. as far as i heard things turned ugly because people weren't being heard, then the police started doing random stop-searches and people got really fucking mad.

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righto but bcm was implying that it was about looting from the start. things turned ugly because people wanted to loot. which is kind of ridiculous. as far as i heard things turned ugly because people weren't being heard, then the police started doing random stop-searches and people got really fucking mad.

oh i'm in total agreement that the initial riot wasn't fuelled by a petty desire to loot, but the events occurring outside of London are most definitely not related to what happened.


Unfortunately, these lootings are overshadowing anything else, and it looks bad on all sides.

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righto but bcm was implying that it was about looting from the start. things turned ugly because people wanted to loot. which is kind of ridiculous. as far as i heard things turned ugly because people weren't being heard, then the police started doing random stop-searches and people got really fucking mad.


seriously, don't comment on stuff you don't understand. this has nothing to do with the police doing "random stop searches" - sounds like you've heard a media filtered, chinese-whispers version of events from TV/newpapers. and not British TV/newspapers at that. I like, actually live in London and have heard and seen first hand what is happening. Absolutely this is just about idiot thugs wanting to get free shit and break stuff. End of.

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Guest disparaissant

right okay i guess you're right everyone just wants to loot and no one is mad over austerity measures or being treated like criminals by the police. they're fine with that. they just want new tvs. :rolleyes:


I live in London and I disagree.


Let's fight

yes fight fight fight


winner gets a microwave

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