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Unobvious Things That Delight You

Guest hahathhat

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A cat has been shitting on my lawn for a year now. I just shot him with my Daisy BB gun.

you bastard :diablo:

A cat has been shitting on my lawn for a year now. I just shot him with my Daisy BB gun.

+1 for rationally proportionate action.


I tried everything. I only pumped the gun twice. He isn't dead...yet.

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Guest underscore

after you've been for a poo and you wipe your bum and there's absolutely no sign of said dirty business.


very pleasing.


Clean Wipe!


i used to get these a lot before my IBS kicked in. i always called them "safety wipes". good days

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Guest Adjective

lately when i get a clean break, i still wipe the same amount, because i don't trust sneaky poop. i start to wipe out of character, from all angles, strange motions, different finger configs under the tissue. all the suspense pays off though after all 23 checkpoints report back clean. that's the kind of moment that sends me to wikipedia to weigh my chances of bumping the current human anus picture with the new model of excellence.

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Guest uptown devil

that's the kind of moment that sends me to wikipedia to weigh my chances of bumping the current human anus picture with the new model of excellence.

fucking lol

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lukewarm printouts from the photocopier at work.


Yes, and also the smell of freshly-printed documents.


I love buying a "red fruit delight" box from Tesco (grapes, strawberries and apple slices) and eating a few crisp apple slices that are soaked in sweet, bright red strawberry juice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My grammother got out of the hospital recentlyish, and I've been sleeping on her couch each night at her request (not the couch part).

I had a nightmare of some sort and was trying to escape into reality, and woke up in a mind frenzy, yelling in my head "WHERE AM I?!"

I've had it happen before at other houses I've slept in that I don't usually sleep in. I love it.

I really wish I could remember the nightmare.

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When somebody in the far left passing lane moves over to let you...pass them.


Music library on shuffle and two songs from different bands/groups go together really well.


Figuring out a mis-heard lyric.


That sudden onset of vertigo when you've been drinking entirely too much and are about to vomit your guts out. The dizzyness feels really good if you're laying down, listening to some chill music and let it immerse you. Just remember to find a place to puke within the next minute or two.

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Sleeping in a few different houses (grandmothers, mothers, fathers) all in a short period of time and waking up expecting to see your room, and then realizing that you're in someone else's house. Or vice versa.


Reading the little shampoo labels while taking a shower.


Finding little faces and shapes in your bathroom tile or bedroom ceiling


Listening to a song you haven't heard in ages and realizing you know all the lyrics as you sing them.





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The soft hum of the stereo with the jack disconnected. The same buzz a guitar amp makes before you plug it into a guitar. I just let it hum for hours.


Walking, biking, or jogging down the street at 5 in the morning, with the whole world to myself.


Leaving the window open at night to feel the cool air juxtaposed with the heat of the bed.



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Guest moonchild

I love it when my cat is sleeping and I pet him. He reaches out and grabs my hand with his two front paws and pulls my hand into his face. It always feels like the ultimate I love you. Like my hand is the best thing in the world as far as he is concerned. And I love it when moss and tiny ferns grow in the cracks of concrete.

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