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Unobvious Things That Delight You

Guest hahathhat

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Guest hahathhat

Here are some of my favorites.


1) Solo Cups


Few people appreciate the engineering genius behind a solo cup -- how the precisely placed ridges massively reinforce structural integrity, and allow for a strong, fistgrip-resistant structure. Someone feel like composing some Solo Cup Acid?


2) Escalators, motorized walkways, etc.


Fuck wood stairs! I'm in awe of this automated set of stairs that walk for you. Walking while being escalated makes you feel almost superhuman. Once, while stuck in JFK airport for ~12 hours, I killed the tedium via riding the walkways. If you've been to JFK, you might be autowalking where I autowalked.


3) Microwaves


If you took one apart, you could easily put it back together into a device capable of cooking birds midair. Few people appreciate how dangerous an untamed magnetron is.


4) Bic Lighters


They've been engineered down to the minimum, and there's plenty to appreciate. Next time your lighter runs out, try taking it apart.


5) Laptops


People have grown up with laptops at this point. Few know how long it took to realize the dream.

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Downloading/hoarding movies I never have time to watch.

Listening to music in complete darkness.

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Guest hahathhat

- the quirky design of US Post Office trucks


- the stunning variety of toilet paper dispensers found in office enviornments


- making coffee.

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the smell of meatballs and gravy simmering away on a crisp fall Sunday while watching football on the couch all day anticipating dinner


waking up to see that it snowed several inches during the night and you are cozy in bed

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Guest hahathhat

the smell of meatballs and gravy simmering away on a crisp fall Sunday while watching football on the couch all day anticipating dinner

smelling thanksgiving dinner is the greatest


waking up to see that it snowed several inches during the night and you are cozy in bed


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that there's a bay tree in the garden of my new place. picking bay leaves from it. knowing i won't have to buy bay leaves. eating food that has been made with too many bay leaves. bit weird.


- making coffee.

I'd list that as an unlikely thing that makes me shit. I don't have to take a sip, just smelling coffee can do it.

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Guest hahathhat

i didn't have coffee today or yesterday, simply because i've been eating light. but i ordered dominos today, and coffee there will be tomorrow

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1) Solo Cups


Few people appreciate the engineering genius behind a solo cup -- how the precisely placed ridges massively reinforce structural integrity, and allow for a strong, fistgrip-resistant structure. Someone feel like composing some Solo Cup Acid?

I used to love Solo cups. I used to always have a stash of them. I'd keep a few in my car so I could just walk into a restaurant and enjoy their fountain beverages for free.


going to a restaurant and seeing sriracha on the table



the rain

Dear god yes. It makes the world feel smaller and cozier. It's also quite idm.


I like when clickable pens are unclicked after being used. Ditto for pens with caps. And speaking of pens, Zebra F-301's are the shit.

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Forcing yourself outside for a walk or cycle in the middle of January/Febuary, when it's icy cold, biting winds and there is no leaves on the trees. You find yourself alone with one of those beautiful, widescreen winter sunsets. And it would seem, you are the only person on planet Earth as it drops below the horizon.


And getting home to a bottle of 7% import strength Guiness

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I had some ideas for this theoretical thread yesterday before it was an actual thread (the McGriff thread had me anticipating it), but now I've forgotten them. Um...

Oh, the "show new reply" alert that pops up if you're typing a reply and someone else posts one before you're done. That just happened and it delighted me.


When it's a windy day in the fall and there are leaves blowing everywhere.



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Guest disparaissant

talking to someone for the first time in a year who you stopped talking to because they were a massive asshole and finding out that they realise they were a massive asshole and have decided to try to be less of a massive asshole.


i guess that's not unobvious.

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The hum of a lawn mower in the distance on a bright spring Saturday morning.


The smell of jam donuts and fairy floss at a carnival.


A little kid staring at me on my motorbike. I was that kid once.

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Guest disparaissant

the sound of cicadas on a peaceful afternoon. wouldn't be summer without em!


diet dr pepper


the fact that john maus is moderately popular so less people think i'm totally fucking weird for being obsessed with him

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Guest Pennywise

Rain too. yeh it makes it more cosy definitley. My weather preference is either nice sunny day, rain or snow. Nothing inbetween.

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