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nothing wrong with bedroom musicians and/or people with a small studio space and/or budget equipment.

what is wrong, tho, imo, is the hundreds of Analord/Aphex in general, clones and rip-offs.

but it's mostly Analord and Tuss immitators that you hear more than anything else,.. it's just way beyond boring now!


i agree. seems pointless. more originality is needed.

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nothing wrong with bedroom musicians and/or people with a small studio space and/or budget equipment.

what is wrong, tho, imo, is the hundreds of Analord/Aphex in general, clones and rip-offs.

but it's mostly Analord and Tuss immitators that you hear more than anything else,.. it's just way beyond boring now!


i agree. seems pointless. more originality is needed.


definitely! too many sheep and not enough Shepherd's, as the saying goes...?

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- millions of minion immitators. - some really really good, but mostly all shite.


you are too optimistic for the amount of listeners, let alone imitators of these styles :P


it is natural for imitators to exist in such an environment, particularly when such people are prone to funny games on the internet themselves and seem to enjoy watching the fakes bounce about.


a lot of folks you enjoy ala Kendrick, Monolith etc cut teeth with such things....


Granted a lot of what I have heard fake track wise isn't encouraging but some are pretty decent, the most recent Tuss lot on here (for example in that last thread all the "unreleased Tuss" stuff was just Jodey Kendricks youtube channel)


I'd rather people tried being imitators of this sort of style and eventually become good through hard work, maybe discovering more of their own sounds/style on the way in comparison to the much larger majority which just sits and makes what sounds like really soul-less boring music (see your thousands upon thousands of house/techno/dubstep lads churning out remixes/other boring trite and then sending everyone on the planet soundcloud messages asking if you can listen even though you swear you've never even heard of their name before let alone have anything to do with them...)

people don't start off being excellent at the music makings, gotta work on that shit for quite a while :trashbear:




I wouldn't really see these tracks coming up as a bad thing.... rather that someone out there likes the styles and if they keep working at it we might get some new gems ;) (I'm pretty sure there has to be some Skam lads that got involved via Autechre fakes in the same sense that there are plenty of lads on Rephlex camp who got involved via fakes)



maybe I'm just being too optimistic/not hating enough :emotawesomepm9:

it also happens/used to happen with Autechre's music around the late 90's/early 2000's. - millions of minion immitators. - some really really good, but mostly all shite.


but just like Aphex, a lot of these imitators only imitate specific aesthetics used in a certain era of Autechre. How many actual AFX and Autechre imitators out there who actually are inspired by the diverse catalog each artist has? very very few if any at all. The inspiration should come from the creative and conceptual spark that allowed each group to produce so much cool material, not just say EP7/LP5 cloners, which frankly 90% of AE imitators stick to. I haven't heard many people at all actually try and touch Confield or Draft style, and i've never heard someone do anything like Untilted or Quaristice either.

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but just like Aphex, a lot of these imitators only imitate specific aesthetics used in a certain era of Autechre. How many actual AFX and Autechre imitators out there who actually are inspired by the diverse catalog each artist has? very very few if any at all. The inspiration should come from the creative and conceptual spark that allowed each group to produce so much cool material, not just say EP7/LP5 cloners, which frankly 90% of AE imitators stick to.


true that.

some people do do it really really well tho, has to be said.

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- millions of minion immitators. - some really really good, but mostly all shite.


you are too optimistic for the amount of listeners, let alone imitators of these styles :P


it is natural for imitators to exist in such an environment, particularly when such people are prone to funny games on the internet themselves and seem to enjoy watching the fakes bounce about.


a lot of folks you enjoy ala Kendrick, Monolith etc cut teeth with such things....


Granted a lot of what I have heard fake track wise isn't encouraging but some are pretty decent, the most recent Tuss lot on here (for example in that last thread all the "unreleased Tuss" stuff was just Jodey Kendricks youtube channel)


I'd rather people tried being imitators of this sort of style and eventually become good through hard work, maybe discovering more of their own sounds/style on the way in comparison to the much larger majority which just sits and makes what sounds like really soul-less boring music (see your thousands upon thousands of house/techno/dubstep lads churning out remixes/other boring trite and then sending everyone on the planet soundcloud messages asking if you can listen even though you swear you've never even heard of their name before let alone have anything to do with them...)

people don't start off being excellent at the music makings, gotta work on that shit for quite a while :trashbear:




I wouldn't really see these tracks coming up as a bad thing.... rather that someone out there likes the styles and if they keep working at it we might get some new gems ;) (I'm pretty sure there has to be some Skam lads that got involved via Autechre fakes in the same sense that there are plenty of lads on Rephlex camp who got involved via fakes)



maybe I'm just being too optimistic/not hating enough :emotawesomepm9:

it also happens/used to happen with Autechre's music around the late 90's/early 2000's. - millions of minion immitators. - some really really good, but mostly all shite.


but just like Aphex, a lot of these imitators only imitate specific aesthetics used in a certain era of Autechre. How many actual AFX and Autechre imitators out there who actually are inspired by the diverse catalog each artist has? very very few if any at all. The inspiration should come from the creative and conceptual spark that allowed each group to produce so much cool material, not just say EP7/LP5 cloners, which frankly 90% of AE imitators stick to. I haven't heard many people at all actually try and touch Confield or Draft style, and i've never heard someone do anything like Untilted or Quaristice either.


they may be imitating


you're ignoring the lessons they would have learned from imitating such styles though. you don't just start making music and running with that style... it takes a little bit of thought and time.


and this in return might lead to better music (evidence in the pudding at all your new rephlex lads that go down a treat here ;) ) and from that road form their own sound and sensibilities and draw from it and become inspired


you lads seem too boxed into the tracks themselves and not actually what the existence of said tracks states for the mindset of the creators imo.....


I'm not arguing that a lot of them ain't all that good (in comparison to a very very high bar where we're talking true pros. For bedroom musicians to try and take it as a sort of challenge is an interesting concept), quite a few bad attempts but, fair play if that's what they want to try and imitate then they can spend time doing it.


they would definitely learn a thing or two in the process though... without question that would lead to better music in the long run ;)

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Most people are going to sound pretty derivative starting out, unless they're some sort of raised by wolves hills person with savant powers (spoiler none of the WATMM featured artists are this). The trick to developing a style is:


A. Listen to a wide range of music from many eras & genres

B. Understand exactly why certain things elicit certain reactions in you

C. Be self critical, but not a hater. Unless you really do suck (you probably don't)


Basically understand the underlying forces of most/all music & put them to use in an interesting way. Just throwing some random bits together in an attempt to sound different usually doesn't work too well.

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Just throwing some random bits together in an attempt to sound different usually doesn't work too well.

shit! well, that's that composing method of mine done with.

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Guest HokusPoker


Haven't heard these yet. Pretty good. I like the synths he uses for the chords. Not his typical style.


So can anyone confirm if you can actually buy anything from Rephlex right now?


What's this? Any known problems with Rephlex? I still haven't got my music I bought months ago, no replies, no nothing.

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I think it's a bit hypocritical to hate on some artists but not all, e.g. you love Monolith who is the biggest Tuss "imitator", but hate on others. The only difference being Monolith releasing on Rephlex. Don't get me wrong though, I like Monolith - but not admitting the extreme similarities to The Tuss is just dumb. Seems to me like you think it's "ok" to like "imitators" if they are accepted by the Shepherd, which still makes you sheep.

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not many understand strongly individual music, not many get away with making it, not many want to listen to it.

mostly music needs to relate to something that is already there, that goes for aphex and the tuss aswell as for everybody else.


the tuss melts the warmth of old funk with the more abstract creations of the submainstream of english techno which by itself refers to

chicago and detroit and so on. its neverending.

It refers to more or less established streams and the art and manner it does this is the "individual addition".

one could say monolith does the same, but as the reference seems to be limited in his case, one might say he's not

cooking a new soup with old ingredients but rather disassembling a cooked soup. More interpretation than creation.

But it does not matter to me, I'm glad he does this stuff and I guess we can spot a Monolith song, even if there's no nametag on it.

simply because it has enough individuality.

the whole nametag and indentity thing is kinda wearing off.

I wonder what the purpose of the anon musician was, as the concept is not new.

The artist wants to lead the attention away from his personna to the music itself.

But this is rather creating a myth around the artist and the attention is drifting away from music back to the artist,and as there is

nothing a grab, no face no posing infront of whatever the fanboyenergy produces enough steam....so it goes on and on






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im very very jealous of infectious but simple melodies and im always trying to understand how they are made. I think if you have the melody everything else is easy

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I think it's a bit hypocritical to hate on some artists but not all, e.g. you love Monolith who is the biggest Tuss "imitator", but hate on others. The only difference being Monolith releasing on Rephlex. Don't get me wrong though, I like Monolith - but not admitting the extreme similarities to The Tuss is just dumb. Seems to me like you think it's "ok" to like "imitators" if they are accepted by the Shepherd, which still makes you sheep.


who are you talking to?

if it's me, then you "seem" wrong. and it's not hypocritical at all. wrong word there.

btw, i've never heard anything you've done, music-wise. your tracks might be good. no need to get too defensive just yet...

and apologies if you guys have taken it all a bit personally here and got a little unsettled and/or offended.

keep up the good work. i hope you get signed to Rephlex soon. :emotawesomepm9:

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back·ped·al (bkpdl)

intr.v. back·ped·aled or back·ped·alled, back·ped·al·ing or back·ped·al·ling, back·ped·als

1. To move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.

2. To move backward by taking short quick steps, as in boxing or football.

3. To retreat or withdraw from a position or attitude: The senator later backpedaled on the issue.

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back·ped·al (bkpdl)

intr.v. back·ped·aled or back·ped·alled, back·ped·al·ing or back·ped·al·ling, back·ped·als

1. To move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.

2. To move backward by taking short quick steps, as in boxing or football.

3. To retreat or withdraw from a position or attitude: The senator later backpedaled on the issue.


there's no need for you to back pedal. link me to some of your tracks... i'll give you some constructive criticism and an honest opinion, from a non-biased, non-related (as in family of any kind), and non-friend sort of view point. 'cos you know how mates usually just say all their other mates stuff is great... 'cos it's easier/for a quiet life, etc. which is often also why people drop an argument sometimes, just because they can't be arsed with it after a while. it's a lot easier to just be polite and say 'yeah' all the time, or nothing, isn't it. but where would we all be with a world full of polite, quiet people!?? we'd all be the same, copying each other. ..... a world full of robot-like clones.







a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.


a population of identical units, cells, or individuals that derive from the same ancestral line.



a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style: All the fashion models seemed to be clones of one another.

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I think it's a bit hypocritical to hate on some artists but not all, e.g. you love Monolith who is the biggest Tuss "imitator", but hate on others. The only difference being Monolith releasing on Rephlex. Don't get me wrong though, I like Monolith - but not admitting the extreme similarities to The Tuss is just dumb. Seems to me like you think it's "ok" to like "imitators" if they are accepted by the Shepherd, which still makes you sheep.


who are you talking to?

and apologies if you guys have taken it all a bit personally here and got a little unsettled and/or offended.


lol I don't go about as an imitator, there was no offense to me (if you're assuming because I defended the imitators that I was defending out of some self interest of my own gambit)


I was only just pointing out the fact that artists you do love were once sitting in the very imitator camp that you mock/still are.


Also the the importance of learning by doing such an exercise as imitating your favourite art, you might see this with writers who like to imitate their friends styles of writing in literature for example as a test of craft.... you don't hear people complaining, I don't know why we're bothering to complain here.....


artists do this all the time


they gradually make materials to look/sound like what they like(in this case The Tuss) and get more and more sophisticated and complex through time and work.


Even if you don't like the fakes, it at least points that people are trying to make music they give a shit about/maybe we'll get more gems (repeated as evidenced by the chaps that were once in the camps) - I mean, it's a hell of a statement for someone to directly make something and be so forward as to what they're paying homage to is. That's like, "I love this style so much so I want to try and make something like it for fun"


who is to say the imitators don't make lots of other music in different styles under different normal names and are not inspired by the backlog of their favourite artists work? that I think is a bit of a sweeping assumption.


People that bother making such music don't sit around and JUST imitate one style imo

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back·ped·al (bkpdl)

intr.v. back·ped·aled or back·ped·alled, back·ped·al·ing or back·ped·al·ling, back·ped·als

1. To move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.

2. To move backward by taking short quick steps, as in boxing or football.

3. To retreat or withdraw from a position or attitude: The senator later backpedaled on the issue.


there's no need for you to back pedal. link me to some of your tracks... i'll give you some constructive criticism and an honest opinion, from a non-biased, non-related (as in family of any kind), and non-friend sort of view point. 'cos you know how mates usually just say all their other mates stuff is great... 'cos it's easier/for a quiet life, etc. which is often also why people drop an argument sometimes, just because they can't be arsed with it after a while. it's a lot easier to just be polite and say 'yeah' all the time, or nothing, isn't it. but where would we all be with a world full of polite, quiet people!?? we'd all be the same, copying each other. ..... a world full of robot-like clones.







a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.


a population of identical units, cells, or individuals that derive from the same ancestral line.



a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style: All the fashion models seemed to be clones of one another.


I am not the one backpedaling and changing subject to my music. I am pointing out that you first say how much you dislike all the millions of analord and tuss imitators. Then you basically say that you love the ones that have released on Rephlex. If you can't tell that Monolith has taken everything that makes his sound from The Tuss then you are in denial. This is why I called you a hypocrite. The fact that you go around quoting that elitist-cunt phrase about the sheep and the shepherd just makes you retarded.

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