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Fred McGriff

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Guest JW Modestburns

Sciatica can be awful, I've had pretty bad for almost a year now. I'm almost certain my case is a result of being a lazy fuck and gaining too much weight.


I went to the doctor when it got to the point that I was unable to walk more than a few mins without excruciating pain. First off, they prescribed a 12 day stint of prednisone which worked great for about a week. They also prescribed ibuprofen 800 to reduce inflammation which I have been on for some time now, it helps a lot but I'm kind of sketched about taking so much ibuprofen. They also sent me to physical therapy, but after a few visits I've decided that that shit is for the birds. I can stretch for an hour on my own and save a couple hundred dollars a month.


I usually try to stretch 4-5 times a day and I think that it is helping, I've been able to knock down the ibuprofen to 400mg.


As of now, my sciatica is much more manageable although I do still have pain every day.

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this pain is no joke. godspeed burns. i split my hand open and severed a tendon and a nerve and had about half of a glass pint explode inside of it earlier this year, but i would consider this fucking butt pain as the worst thing that has happened to me physically this year.

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this pain is no joke. godspeed burns. i split my hand open and severed a tendon and a nerve and had about half of a glass pint explode inside of it earlier this year...


tell me this was the result of a bar fight in ltm about recent watmm activity.

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this pain is no joke. godspeed burns. i split my hand open and severed a tendon and a nerve and had about half of a glass pint explode inside of it earlier this year...


tell me this was the result of a bar fight in ltm about recent watmm activity.


no it was a halo-related incident



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I still lift my boys! I put the 2 year old inside a big basket with handles and I work out like that! Excersize for me... Fun for him! The other I use for bench presses!

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