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the story of feminism, as told by women

vamos scorcho

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how is it not backwards?


perpetuating an act that demonstrates that females are weaker than males might not seem like a good idea to some.


i think he was getting off anyways, and i generally look at these things in the broadest way possible, eg: he's just a NICE GUY?

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yeah i don't think that he himself thought too much into it, he probably believes it's a nice thing to do and does it.

a lot of bad things happened as a result of actions of people who believed they're doing the right thing though

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i understand what you're telling me about the people that thought too much into this and saw it as some form of misogyny.. my question, though, is: do YOU see it the same way? do you not think it's backwards for a man to over-think his (simple) actions at this level? ("should i let this person take my seat? can't i be a nice guy without people misinterpreting my actions?")


imo, it's taking things a bit too far..

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someone on reddit mentioned that this was actually a form of misogyny, that by singling out women as being more deserving for favors such as giving up a seat, he was undermining feminist thought, something like that.


It would be seen as patronising by women if most women actually truly wanted to be equals but here's the thing, they dont. They want it as good as possible like any other group of people do.


This is part of what I hate about humanity.

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i understand what you're telling me about the people that thought too much into this and saw it as some form of misogyny.. my question, though, is: do YOU see it the same way? do you not think it's backwards for a man to over-think his (simple) actions at this level? ("should i let this person take my seat? can't i be a nice guy without people misinterpreting my actions?")


imo, it's taking things a bit too far..

i wouldn't call it misogyny in any case, but i'm a sociology student, i'm supposed to over-think such little things :)

anyway i don't think it's backwards, i think it's even kinda beneficial to deconstruct our old habits, theoretically at least.

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Guest disparaissant

I respect feminism, and I like women.

You clearly don't.

Sorry if this offended anyone, I am a feminist.

You clearly aren't.

I post a video making fun of / not 100% sucking feminism's dick and that makes me a social reject who hates women.

No, you post a blatantly misogynistic and racist video that trivalizes feminism on just about every level in theLEAST funny ways and go har har har look at this you guys this is hilarious and also (unrelated) you are a social reject who hates women.

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Guest disparaissant

Re: the actual keanu video, anyone actually getting enraged by it is stupid, there's not enough there to know his motivation either way and even then giving someone a seat on a fucking subway is nothing to get enraged about anyways and anyone who claims it is actually misogyny and claims to be a feminist is basically giving feminism a bad name.

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i understand what you're telling me about the people that thought too much into this and saw it as some form of misogyny.. my question, though, is: do YOU see it the same way? do you not think it's backwards for a man to over-think his (simple) actions at this level? ("should i let this person take my seat? can't i be a nice guy without people misinterpreting my actions?")


imo, it's taking things a bit too far..

i wouldn't call it misogyny in any case, but i'm a sociology student, i'm supposed to over-think such little things :)

anyway i don't think it's backwards, i think it's even kinda beneficial to deconstruct our old habits, theoretically at least.


So is this a personal trouble or a public issue?

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i understand what you're telling me about the people that thought too much into this and saw it as some form of misogyny.. my question, though, is: do YOU see it the same way? do you not think it's backwards for a man to over-think his (simple) actions at this level? ("should i let this person take my seat? can't i be a nice guy without people misinterpreting my actions?")


imo, it's taking things a bit too far..

i wouldn't call it misogyny in any case, but i'm a sociology student, i'm supposed to over-think such little things :)

anyway i don't think it's backwards, i think it's even kinda beneficial to deconstruct our old habits, theoretically at least.


i agree wholeheartedly and the only thing that i was referring to about being backwards is thinking that THIS specific action would be misogynistic in any way. i'm a sociology student as well! :beer:

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i understand what you're telling me about the people that thought too much into this and saw it as some form of misogyny.. my question, though, is: do YOU see it the same way? do you not think it's backwards for a man to over-think his (simple) actions at this level? ("should i let this person take my seat? can't i be a nice guy without people misinterpreting my actions?")


imo, it's taking things a bit too far..

i wouldn't call it misogyny in any case, but i'm a sociology student, i'm supposed to over-think such little things :)

anyway i don't think it's backwards, i think it's even kinda beneficial to deconstruct our old habits, theoretically at least.


So is this a personal trouble or a public issue?

i don't understand the question :cerious:

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i'm still not sure if i understand what you mean by saying "public issue".

was keanu considering his own conscience or what would people around him think to make the decision ? i'd say the former, he was just being nice. though there's no way of knowing, and it's possible that those two interact somehow on a psychological level.

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Guest disparaissant

Modern feminism is a hypocritical joke.

in my experience, people who say this either know nothing about feminism, or are raving misogynists.


usually both.

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i think the big problem here is that we are using feminism as this catch-all term that has been conclusively defined by a reputable source, when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

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well, i am lesbian, so ya got me there.

and in the same stroke proved your misogyny! way to go.


Well, I am not a misogynist, so ya didn't get me there

And in the same stroke proved your inability to make a coherent argument rather than resorting to Ad Hominem attacks.


"You know nothing about feminism and you're a misogynist."


How about you prove me wrong before you insult me?



Feminists constantly employ invalid and outdated statistics.


Women make MORE than men.

Women have an ADVANTAGE in applying for a job

Women have an ADVANTAGE in college acceptance and scholarship acquisition


What the hell else is there? Nothing worth complaining about considering the ridiculous amount of other problems which plague men and not women.


Going to go complain about the materialistic portrayals of the female body in the media? How about you put some damn clothes on and stop perpetuating those images, geniuses.

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