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this is it

Guest fiznuthian

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My cousins girlfriend and he himself are big into raw diet, homeopathy, whatever. They were trying to tell me that through changing my diet, eating raw and all this shit I can cure my diabetes. I was polite to them. But this shit makes my blood fucking boil.


Diet and exercise are paramount to everybody's health but fucking essential for life when it comes to diabetes. If you develop type 2 diabetes later in life it can be very well managed and often times reversed by changing your eating and exercise habits, shedding some pounds. If you have type 1 diabetes you can improve the situation by adhering to a strict diet and stuff. It would make the condition easier to manage. But you won't cure shit. There is no defined cause for type 1 diabetes. My body destroys the cells that produce insulin as if they were bad cells. I could eat gold and it wouldn't cure my diabetes. People reccomend things like this, and even become pushy about it, without a decent base of knowledge. I am open to anything that will help my situation but don't start spraying my face with your verbal diarrhea. I even had a Diabetes nurse give some attitude when I was in the hospital. She had finished her med school only a few years prior and had only been directly dealing with diabetes for a couple of years. She had the nerve to assume, because of a malfunction in my medical equipment, I was far less educated than her and didn't even know how to use an insulin pen. I have been using an insulin pen since before she even decided to go to university. She told my MD that I was a complete wreck and couldn't manage my diabetes. Fuck her and fuck people who assume they know what is best for me because they assume that they are better than me. I am far from being an idiot, especially when it comes to the condition that is a part of every single aspect of my day to day life. Fuck you and fuck off.


This is my experience with myriad people who think they know what's best for others. These encounters make me want to drink a keg of Skittle Brau.


Oh, and i'm not attacking the OP, I can stand on most of it. It just reminded me of my experiences with people in my life.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Hey Essines, sorry to hear about your problem. I've also had bad experiences with nursing staff that sound similar to your own. I hope things improve for you.

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Guest underscore

essines, I really don't envy being in your position. I think there is an absurd amount of scientific data out there to help out people with type 2 diabetes (like 85% of the people in my immediate family) rather than type 1. stay strong, jigga <3

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i can recall fiznuthian creating a similar thread about mushrooms, saying something like "these mushrooms have changed my life, my flabby body is literally being replaced by solid muscle." something about the wording make everyone call you out on your shit.


As essines touched on, perhaps threads titled "This is it," isn't the best way to win friends and influence people, especially with hazy science.





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Now I'm not saying that one MD who does clinical research is the be all and end all of scientific research. And this doesn't have anything to do with curing diabetes. But I just thought it was funny how AW was all "science ftw!" ignoring that this video was produced by, you know, an actual scientist.


Also i think, i mean, i might be wrong on this point, that it's kind of been proven that eating fruits and vegetables with some meat and carbohydrates in moderation is generally a much healthier choice than eating McDonald's,bacon,pizza and tacos/donairs 24/7.

Fuck. now I want a donair.

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Eating healthy or at least home grown food makes me feel very much better than eating junky food. I've been comparing how I felt eating this and that in the last couple of months and I know that eventually I'll just want to eat home veggies and pork. It's just better for my condition and tastes way better than industrial shit I mostly eat now.


As for indie researches, homeopaths and stuff I reserve my judgement until I've had personal connection with it.

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Guest disparaissant
a malfunction in medical equipment and a shitty nurse

my gf had exactly this happen not too long ago when her insulin pump decided it didn't want to work and now there is a nurse who i am going to have to kick in the cunt.


and i get this a lot with exercise and depressive episodes. motherfucker i do exercise. and i eat as healthily as i can afford to. it is not a fucking cure-all for a brain-chemicals imbalance. when i am so depressed i am in physical pain, a nice jog doesn't do a whole hell of a lot.

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Guest fiznuthian

My cousins girlfriend and he himself are big into raw diet, homeopathy, whatever. They were trying to tell me that through changing my diet, eating raw and all this shit I can cure my diabetes. I was polite to them. But this shit makes my blood fucking boil.


Diet and exercise are paramount to everybody's health but fucking essential for life when it comes to diabetes. If you develop type 2 diabetes later in life it can be very well managed and often times reversed by changing your eating and exercise habits, shedding some pounds. If you have type 1 diabetes you can improve the situation by adhering to a strict diet and stuff. It would make the condition easier to manage. But you won't cure shit. There is no defined cause for type 1 diabetes. My body destroys the cells that produce insulin as if they were bad cells. I could eat gold and it wouldn't cure my diabetes. People reccomend things like this, and even become pushy about it, without a decent base of knowledge. I am open to anything that will help my situation but don't start spraying my face with your verbal diarrhea. I even had a Diabetes nurse give some attitude when I was in the hospital. She had finished her med school only a few years prior and had only been directly dealing with diabetes for a couple of years. She had the nerve to assume, because of a malfunction in my medical equipment, I was far less educated than her and didn't even know how to use an insulin pen. I have been using an insulin pen since before she even decided to go to university. She told my MD that I was a complete wreck and couldn't manage my diabetes. Fuck her and fuck people who assume they know what is best for me because they assume that they are better than me. I am far from being an idiot, especially when it comes to the condition that is a part of every single aspect of my day to day life. Fuck you and fuck off.


This is my experience with myriad people who think they know what's best for others. These encounters make me want to drink a keg of Skittle Brau.


Oh, and i'm not attacking the OP, I can stand on most of it. It just reminded me of my experiences with people in my life.

Yes, my experience with doctors has always been the same.

"Here, try this it's our most effective treatment"

"Oh, and it also happens to have suicide risks, will probably ruin your adrenal glands, disrupt thyroid function, it's potentially cancerous, and if you notice yourself dying give us a call"


And yes I am also still obsessed with mushrooms, and people did call me out on my shit. Fact is there are many, many studies investigating the novel compounds present in mushrooms that interact with animal immune systems. Whether they had any effect on my condition at the time I have no idea honestly. I was tossing a lot of things into my body, and modifying my diet frequently. During that time I also experimenting with pescetarianism and vegetarianism some, lots and lots of exercise, among other things. While I became extremely athletic really fast, my skin disorder did not regress fully and I struggled to satiate myself on carb heavy food.


Luckily my quest for answers is over and eating paleo did everything I ever wanted and more. I am almost pure lean muscle, I have the same lovely mood 24/7, my skin is healthy and continues to heal the damage caused by years of inflammation thanks to inherited genes, my cavities have completely disappeared and my teeth healed themselves 100%, I go everyday all day feeling very little hunger or cravings for food, my sex drive is higher than itself ever been and girls are attempting to throw themselves at me (i barely even know how to handle this, it has never happened before), i sleep like an champion and feel almost zero sleep deprivation on minimal sleep... among a few other things..


Basically even if my skin didn't clear which is the one thing that wished would happen more than anything, I would STILL eat this way.

The difference is the way I feel.. I do not enjoy being sluggish, tired, moody, etc.. and nutritionally empty food will do that to anyone. Calories mean fuck all.

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Guest fiznuthian
a malfunction in medical equipment and a shitty nurse
my gf had exactly this happen not too long ago when her insulin pump decided it didn't want to work and now there is a nurse who i am going to have to kick in the cunt. and i get this a lot with exercise and depressive episodes. motherfucker i do exercise. and i eat as healthily as i can afford to. it is not a fucking cure-all for a brain-chemicals imbalance. when i am so depressed i am in physical pain, a nice jog doesn't do a whole hell of a lot.



While I do recommend you give a grain-free, sugar-free, dairy free diet a chance, I am not trying to give you official medical advice.

I will say that I am a person who also suffered from depression, social phobias, body dysmorphia, whatever.

I have none of them now and enjoy the way I look at feel every day. No drugs, no crazy supplements (besides fatty acids and vitamin D), not a fucking thing but good wholesome food and fats.


Might as well go ahead and post the latest meta-analysis in the AJCN discussing the latest saturated fat studies. Big suprise: scientists are changing their tune.


The paper is free full-text, and worth the read.

If you are eating a low-fat diet I would be concerned about what you are doing to your brain, as our brains are largely comprised of saturated fats and omega 3 polyunsaturated fats. Without them your brain will suffer. Cholesterol is also one of the most important substances in the body and nothing stimulates an optimal triglyceride profile better than a diet rich in dietary cholesterol without all of the blood glucose spiking grain/sugar junk food.

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Guest fiznuthian

Essines I feel you man, and refuse to get preachy with you. Shit is fucking rough, and i've been in the room with type 1 diabetics who weren't so lucky. One almost died while in his bedroom while I was working on a website for his Volvo repair business. :\

After his wife said I could go home they never called me again and I still have no idea if he's dead or not. Scared me so much I didn't call and inquire about it. They hired me out of a high school computer tech class.


Good luck though, and I always enjoy your posts here on watmm

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Guest fiznuthian

Nutrition will definitely benefit from the new genomic evolution in medicine. We are getting closer every day to creating treatments and nutrition advice based on the way a person's genes drive protein production. The problem with any claim about nutrition is a quantum dilemma: everything is correct and incorrect at the same time in enough instances. People can eat steaks with butter every day, live 100 years and never show any signs of cardiovascular disease; people can eat fish, vegetables, supplements, run 10 miles a day and still have a stroke or heart attack.


Everyone agrees that nutrition is the why to many things but no one can adequately get to the how. Soon, we'll have genetic screening and know which is the right answer: gluten-free, vegetarian, paleo, etc. Best thing to do is to see a doctor, take inexpensive baseline tests like complete metabolic panels, blood lipids/cholesterol, vitamin levels, etc. and then experiment in 3 month sequences to see effects. If you come out fine on those tests......quit fucking worrying


So true.. I would be willing to get tested and post the results for curiosities sake.

I currently eat 200+ grams saturated fat daily, who knows how much protein, and between 50-100 grams carbohydrate from fruit and veggie. My dietary cholesterol intake can be measured in grams rather than mg. Yet on my run last night, I felt just like this:



I'll even post pictures of myself soon once my skin is almost done healing.. I have lots of scarring leftover but otherwise my skin regressed 100%.

Might need to get an operation or two, but otherwise my time spent at dermatologists eating their pills are over.

Perhaps its easiest to dismiss me as a quack, but I do have a face and my experience is really happening.


You're spot on about the quantum dilemma.. it's been years now of sifting through the seemingly random variables of what causes this and what causes that and it's just maddening. It is hard to trust just about anyone and what they have to say, especially when it comes to medications, diet, and supplements. Even I kinda regret posting a bunch of fringe shit on watmm as at the time certainty was apparent to myself but not actually there, and despite getting decent results I still had not a clue why. To think it all came down to what was passing through my mouth is absolutely mindblowing.

To anyone who feels that this science is fringe science, well I suppose it is. I won't argue with that. Scientists like Mary Enig, Loren Cordain, Terry Wahls ofcourse, William Lands, et al. Their work is radical, yes, but necessary to progress scientifically.


Clearly the dietary advice from our government can not be trusted. Does not anyone find it alarming that subsidized grains are used to force metabolic disorder on livestock to increase yield and profit, yet our food supply is riddled with grains and grain derived products as well to.. yet again to increase profit. Anyone with their own eyes can see the consequences taking place.

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i eat healthy/nutritious food but give up grains? what? no.


that reminds me, i had a dream that i was eating a pasty and telling someone that i intend to eat more pastry.

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Guest fiznuthian

i eat healthy/nutritious food but give up grains? what? no.


that reminds me, i had a dream that i was eating a pasty and telling someone that i intend to eat more pastry.


Yeah, it is hard. :( I slipped up a couple times, but by the third swing my metabolism had changed significantly and now I have zero cravings or desire to eat grains.

LOL that dream sounds... unhealthy.

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a malfunction in medical equipment and a shitty nurse

my gf had exactly this happen not too long ago when her insulin pump decided it didn't want to work and now there is a nurse who i am going to have to kick in the cunt.


This is exactly what happened to me. I eat well. I eat as local as i can. I don't eat sugary or deep fried shit (except on occasion because deep frying things is FUCKING AWESOME). So i've got, like, 12 hours of checking my blood glucose, i only do it once (as my BG is so high i ain't thinking straight) and all of a sudden i'm an idiot asshole. Fuck me. I'm going to stay healthy just so i don't have to deal with assholes. But in general the nurses were super kind and got me water and juice and food and whatever i needed whenever i needed it. it was just that one shitty diabetes nurse,

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a malfunction in medical equipment and a shitty nurse
my gf had exactly this happen not too long ago when her insulin pump decided it didn't want to work and now there is a nurse who i am going to have to kick in the cunt. and i get this a lot with exercise and depressive episodes. motherfucker i do exercise. and i eat as healthily as i can afford to. it is not a fucking cure-all for a brain-chemicals imbalance. when i am so depressed i am in physical pain, a nice jog doesn't do a whole hell of a lot.



While I do recommend you give a grain-free, sugar-free, dairy free diet a chance, I am not trying to give you official medical advice.

I will say that I am a person who also suffered from depression, social phobias, body dysmorphia, whatever.

I have none of them now and enjoy the way I look at feel every day. No drugs, no crazy supplements (besides fatty acids and vitamin D), not a fucking thing but good wholesome food and fats.


Might as well go ahead and post the latest meta-analysis in the AJCN discussing the latest saturated fat studies. Big suprise: scientists are changing their tune.


The paper is free full-text, and worth the read.

If you are eating a low-fat diet I would be concerned about what you are doing to your brain, as our brains are largely comprised of saturated fats and omega 3 polyunsaturated fats. Without them your brain will suffer. Cholesterol is also one of the most important substances in the body and nothing stimulates an optimal triglyceride profile better than a diet rich in dietary cholesterol without all of the blood glucose spiking grain/sugar junk food.

Though my diet is basically this, it is not as tight. but i've been dealing with "depression, social phobias, body dysmorphia" all of my life. I could change my diet slightly and if it'd help this. i'd be so down but as far as i can tell the changes i'd need to make are very slight. I suppose i should stop drinking. but i agree. This is why i don't like pasta and rarely eat it.

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Exercise and a balanced diet, yes.


I've always had the impression that some people lack certain vitamins and that your diet can provide you with the missing pieces. Not everyone's internal chemistry is the same.


I'll have to start eating more kale and seaweed.

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