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Two Aphex mash-ups and mixover moments


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Ten years ago and for a period of about two years and a half, I spent most of my free time mixing music together with a dual pitch-control CD player and a three-channel mixer. I recorded about 50 mixtapes, but lost most of them during various moves. I did transfer a few hilights on my computer eventually, and here I'd like to share two moments where I mixed some Aphex Twin stuff with unrelated material to interesting results.


At 4:09 in this excerpt, I mixed Mozart's Requiem's Introitus over AFX's remix of Baby Ford's Normal for over 3 minutes and a half. It was done live without any prior editing, so it does go a little offbeat in some parts, but in some others it does work surprisingly well, at least to my ears:


And at 4:14 in the excerpt of this ambient mix, the soundtrack from the 1989 cult film "Begotten" is layered with Aphex Twin's classic "Rhubarb". I thought the two pieces really meshed well with each other. In the first part of the excerpt, "Ddrhodes" by www.jz-arkh.co.uk appears from Pop Ambient 2002.


If you like these, here is another favourite mixtape moment of mine, a mash-up of Leafcutter John's track 5 from Microcontact and Astrobotnia's Acidophilus. It is evidently wildly offbeat in part, but I still thought it worked and that the result was poignant.


Sorry for posting dated material, but that's already pretty much all I got to share!

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