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Incomplete Skyscrapers are the Most IDM!


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does not inspire me to wish to participate. incomplete skyscraper is just another term for "building site", and in my experience, building sites are not idm.

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does not inspire me to wish to participate. incomplete skyscraper is just another term for "building site", and in my experience, building sites are not idm.

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there's drills - as in drill and bass

sanders - as in what aphex twin DJs with

cement mixers - like mixers

cranes - like desk lamps, idm is often made at computer desks


and that's just the building site, get the skyscraper involved and there's loads of idm

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Nah, airships are too steampunk to be IDM. We need something cyberpunk or apocalyptic.


Maybe the flying blimp airship from Blade Runner. Yeah, actually, that thing is hella IDM.


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