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COD: Black Ops 2


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The graphics cards aren't going to be that amazing in next generation consoles. If you look at the projections, Nvidia's graph on how smart phones GPUs are more powerful than consoles now and their prospects for the future. Most games will probably 30FPS or less on consoles so they can try and get them as pretty as possible. If they didn't prioritize pretty over framerate next gen console games would not be very impressive at all compared to smart phone games and obviously PCs.


Please show me the smartphone that exists today that has a GPU more powerful than either the 360 or PS3.


The projects for what will be in the next Microsoft console is a what was months ago a $70 dollar AMD GPU, that probably isn't too far off. The prioritize budget more than power obviously and especially with more people watching Netflix on their 360s than playing games they aren't too worried. The biggest thing they are looking forward to is removing the ability to sell and play used games on next gen consoles.


I read about the 70$ GPU for the next xbox as well - that should be able to easily produce 1080P @ 60FPS given enough RAM, right?


Also, I highly doubt there is a shift from people using their console as a movie device primarily over playing games on it.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

It was posted a long time ago, I thought it was feasible by now


Nvidia: Smartphones Will Beat (Current) Console Performance by 2014



A 360 could run Half Life 1 in 1080p at 60FPS easily that doesn't mean that's the graphics level any developer wants to shoot for. Again like was said before there are a handful of console games in the last decade that have shot for 60FPS. That's not going to change when consoles have a bit more power. They are going to focus on making them look a major upgrade from current gen consoles or people will just say "fuck this, sure it's better framerates in 1080p but it doesn't look barely any better than any PS3 game I've ever seen, I'm getting a GPU for my PC" like a lot of people are slowly starting to do now.


EDIT : dear god I'm leaving out words quite often lately when I type fast responses on WATMM. I don't know if it's apathy or old age setting in.

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Too much emphasis on graphics and not enough on content I find. Games look pretty when you take a screen of them but when they run poorly, have terrible controls, and dull content they lose their "wow" factor in hours.


I find myself playing games like TF2, LOL, SMNC, and Diablo more than anything else trying to be cutting edge and flashy.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

That's the cool thing about PCs, even with my 5 year old? Q6600 and a 200 dollar GPU most all games run great at high settings, controls are rarely less than perfect with mouse and keyboard and when I'm not enjoying the great games I bought during Steam sales I'm able to enjoy third party mods and FREE TO PLAY GAMES like Tribes Ascend. So stoked that Hawken and Mechwarrior Online are F2P.

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With Cod 4 being one of my favorite shooters, it was really sad to see the call of duty series go in the shitter. This new one just looks like a cluster fuck of technology and other random surprises. And seriously, could they make that trailer any more corny?

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That's the cool thing about PCs, even with my 5 year old? Q6600 and a 200 dollar GPU most all games run great at high settings, controls are rarely less than perfect with mouse and keyboard and when I'm not enjoying the great games I bought during Steam sales I'm able to enjoy third party mods and FREE TO PLAY GAMES like Tribes Ascend. So stoked that Hawken and Mechwarrior Online are F2P.


the glorious pc master race will be the victor of the console wars.

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  • 5 months later...

Only one week left.


After Modern Warfare 3 from last year, this is the last chance for COD to redeem itself for me. MW3 was just... not very good at all. At least with this one, it seems like they're changing things up a bit, so I'll give it one last go. Better not disappoint.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I played MW3 once and was distracted by Black Ops. I traded both in for Borderlands 2. I wont be getting Black Ops 2.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Battlefield 3 is all you need from a combat based FPS.


So many maps I can't count. Many co-op missions. So many medals to achieve that I've played 461 hours of online play and only unlocked 32/53 of them. Too many guns to count (91 unlocked so far with many more to come), constant expansion packs. Too many vehicles to count, including choppers, jets and a fucking great bomber, tanks, jeeps, giant vehicle mortars, boats and I can't remember the many others. With 12 different game modes per map, why the fuck would you buy COD? I've owned them all, so I say this from experience, but I took them all back almost immediately. I completed the campaigns in a matter of hours and the multiplayer is so limited a 5 year old could write everything accessible down on paper in about 30 seconds. Granted it's enjoyable, I'm not taking that away from it, but why limit your enjoyment when you can have all of what COD offers and about 1000% more from another game?

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Guest abusivegeorge

It looks like a clusterfuck.


And I'm saying this as a fan of the series. Treyarch just continually fucks things up :facepalm:


My favourite was World at War. A fantastic game, with vehicles too, and it had the original COD Zombie co-op gameplay which was really fantastic.

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i was pleasantly surprised to see that people still played CoD 3 when i played it about a year ago, the multiplayer on that game was really fun.

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With Cod 4 being one of my favorite shooters, it was really sad to see the call of duty series go in the shitter. This new one just looks like a cluster fuck of technology and other random surprises. And seriously, could they make that trailer any more corny?


for you and other long time CoD fans, why was Modern Warfare 3 considered such a flop? I only ask because my brother gave me a copy and Im pretty new to the whole franchise...what were the "glory" days so to speak?


Still playin' the shit out of MW3.




ahh, i should add you as a friend! be warned though, im pretty horrible

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cya on black ops 2 tomorow!


i refuse to pay 60 bucks for a multiplayer game that is essentially the same thing over and over (but its hella fun)



if you buy me a copy id be glad to play a game or two with ya

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I don't consider myself a big fan of COD. I really liked COD2 and COD4, and that's about it. I have played them all because my brother always end up buying them, and then I borrow them.


But find I it ridiculous that the current userscore for the game on metacritic is 4.0 with 507 ratings, 1 day after it's been released. People are clearly judging the game without having played it. Why do so many gamers, act like a complete bunch of babies and trolls these days? From what I've heard, there's actually a lot of interesting things going on with this game. And I'm not even defending COD, I hated MW2 and MW3.


I know that these scores doesn't really matter in the end. But it's the same with every game release these days. Do I even have to mention all the Mass Effect 3 whining?

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