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Guest Al Hounos

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Gay people are getting married here in Massachusetts and so far no demons have risen up from Hell to rape everyone.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

well the devil is a homo so obviously he's cool with all this, its god you have to watch out for bro

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Guest Drahken

Great move politcally if the GOP wastes the rest of election year saber rattling about gay marriage instead of the economy.

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and we're congratulating him for having an opinion why?


he's obviously not that cool with it since he continues to do nothing about states that outlaw it.


so yeah, barack has opinions and stuff. legendary.

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Guest RadarJammer

Way to come out on the right side of history, Obama. Hope this doesn't cost you the erection or your wife!

fix'd that for you



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and we're congratulating him for having an opinion why?


he's obviously not that cool with it since he continues to do nothing about states that outlaw it.


so yeah, barack has opinions and stuff. legendary.

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He's coming to West Hollywood, tomorrow. He's gonna get cruised so hard.



edit: ooh, he's visiting Clooney again. Oh, to be a furiously masturbating fly on that wall.

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Guest Al Hounos

I'm thinking this was a pretty clever political move, actually. Drawing a clear distinction between him and Romney, and forcing people to choose sides. I guarantee the Romney campaign was not jumping for joy when they saw this, as many people might be guessing right now.


and we're congratulating him for having an opinion why?


he's obviously not that cool with it since he continues to do nothing about states that outlaw it.


so yeah, barack has opinions and stuff. legendary.


You two are so stupid I'm not going to even bother pointing out why.

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and we're congratulating him for having an opinion why?


he's obviously not that cool with it since he continues to do nothing about states that outlaw it.


so yeah, barack has opinions and stuff. legendary.


You two are so stupid I'm not going to even bother pointing out why.


it actually took me a couple minutes to realize your OP wasn't tongue in cheek

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Guest zaphod

well the devil is a homo so obviously he's cool with all this, its god you have to watch out for bro


pretty sure god is a jealous old queen so i wouldn't be too worried about it

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This is like when Obama announced the end of the war on drugs but followed that up with more raids on medical marijuana than Bush. Purely political and essentially non-news since Obama is not proposing a federal law.

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Not voting for Obama solely because he is for gay marriage is pretty gay, if you ask me.

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Guest Al Hounos

Obama becomes the first sitting president in history to unequivocally support gay marriage, in an ELECTION YEAR, no less, and you think it's no big deal?

Do you think this is not a controversial issue anymore?

Do you think the first black president should have spent all of his political capital during his first term, during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, legalizing gay marriage at the federal level? As if this would have even been possible?

Do you realize that blacks and latinos, two voting blocs that overwhelmingly supported Obama in 2008, are also overwhelmingly in opposition to gay marriage?

Do you realize that the most essential 'swing states' - Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, are opposed to gay marriage? Christ, this week, North Carolina, which went for Obama in 2008, just banned gay marriage.


I realize that cynicism is very fashionable in more 'intellectual' parts of the web, like WATMM, but cynicism doesn't always make you look wise and worldly. In this case, it just makes you look really ignorant.

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yeah just political tactics. nothing more nothing less. I honestly think he doesn't care, which is stupid but he's got bigger fish to fry. saving it up for a moment that would cause the most news i.e. when a dumb state like NC is doing dumb stuff

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wow no one asked you and that's fucked up get a grip


parents can be really shitty, abusive and will fuck you up so hard no matter their sexual orientation (but most of them will be white trash)

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I'm okay with marriage. Not with adoption though.


I'm going to naively assume you mean marriage and adoption in general and not just with same-sex couples. That way I can believe you're really stupid instead of really ignorant.


And for the record, I'd be willing to bet gay parents who volunteer to adopt are far better parents than some trashy and stupid straight couple that couldn't fucking use contraceptives. The same states that try to ban gays from adopting are often the same ones that are trying to ban publicly funding family planning clinics. It stems from the same bullshit ideology and religious convictions. Let's let children be born in poverty and abusive homes because the bible told us that's ok.

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Back to the Obama statement - I've seen a lot of discussion about this among my liberal friends (the one's who didn't just re-post "w00t Obama" memes on facebook all day) about how significant this is, if it's significant at all, the sincerity of it, whether it was a great political move, etc. I have to admit I initially thought "it's about fucking time." It was a boost to hear him flat out say he supports it after the North Carolina vote yesterday (as well as the fact that an experienced senator, Richard Lugar, was voted out of office in favor of yet another asshat Tea Party candidate for not being "conservative" enough)


Hopefully it's not just a election move and it's part of a clarification on his concern of the issue. If this is previewing his support for Court order to Federally support civil unions/gay marriage for same-sex couples, then right on. Unfortunately, this country is still full of enough ignorant citizens that a Supreme Court decision might be the only way to revoke same-sex marriage bans.


Just the fact that states are amending constitutions over the issue is fucking insane. By the way, the North Carolina amendment completely nullifies any legal rights of those in same-sex relationships. There are literally lesbian and gay parents preparing to leave the state and/or lawyering up to keep the custody of fucking children. The amendment was also so legally vague that it has weakened, if not eliminated, laws that protect people being abused and threatened in ANY domestic relationships. Yet in the eyes of the delusional, this is a day to rejoice. Marriage, despite the 50%+ divorce rate, despite the ongoing domestic abuses it often permits, despite the commercialization of the ceremony itself, is now slightly more "sanctified" because it's denied to a minority of citizens. The fact that they'd put this above the issues of poor education standards, corruption, poverty, lack of medical care, etc is amazing. It's an absolute shame even the most moderate GOP politicians have to say "well, it's a state issue." You know what else what else was a state's issue? Segregation. That wasn't banned via legislation in 1964/65 until a plethora of Supreme Court cases that struck down specific aspects of the policy.


I'm ranting now, but to put it succinctly, I'm fucking glad he said what he said. It's a huge fucking middle finger to conservative and religious ignorance that is being legislated in this country. Right-wingers are getting red in the face and throwing hissy fits this evening. It's not going to change anything at the moment, I know that, but it's ballsy. It's ballsy because it's not safe or strategic. That's a refreshing change in my opinion. And I doubt it's going to sway any more voters to the right. Obama is so hated that in a West Virginia Democratic primary, a currently imprisoned convict in Texas received 40% of the votes against Obama. The ire against him is so intense and accepted that people who call him a Muslim and a Socialist or claim he wasn't born on U.S. soil aren't part of a obvious fringe, they're encouraged to come on cable news outlets and fucking talk about it like their legitimate opinions. With that said, it is becoming more of statement to say you like him. Sure, I'm still voting for him as the "lesser of two evils" - but so far I'm feeling less and less apathetic and increasingly sincere about supporting him for another term. The pipe dream is that he'll actually accomplish some true progressive goals in the next 4 years. The reality is he's still a better candidate than Romney will ever be.

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I'm okay with marriage. Not with adoption though.


I'm going to naively assume you mean marriage and adoption in general and not just with same-sex couples. That way I can believe you're really stupid instead of really ignorant.


And for the record, I'd be willing to bet gay parents who volunteer to adopt are far better parents than some trashy and stupid straight couple that couldn't fucking use contraceptives. The same states that try to ban gays from adopting are often the same ones that are trying to ban publicly funding family planning clinics. It stems from the same bullshit ideology and religious convictions. Let's let children be born in poverty and abusive homes because the bible told us that's ok.


Yeah I was talking about same sex couples. The rest of your non-sense doesn't deserve a serious answer, It seems you're comparing the worst situations of one side with the best situation of the one you defend, it's unfair and biased. People like you don't deserve their freedom of speech, they just talk shit in general because they're completely brainwashed, you're probably a transvestite.

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