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Why do my armpits already smell like armpits?


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I put on some nice deodorant, and I haven't even sweated at all today, but I can smell that underarm smell. This is a newly-washed shirt too, I believe -- wtf?! It's just going to get worse as the day goes along, and then I have to lead a workshop this afternoon. fmaps

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maybe you did some serious sweating in bed last night? :spiteful: and you didn't shower? :spiteful: dirty boy! :spiteful:


but for serious, old shirts can retain that aroma even after washing and your body heat :spiteful: re-awakens :spiteful: the stench :spiteful: .

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

you have smelly body parts, smelly under your arms, in the armpits, just put some vinegar on it...why didn't you think of that?

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I put on some nice deodorant, and I haven't even sweated at all today, but I can smell that underarm smell. This is a newly-washed shirt too, I believe -- wtf?! It's just going to get worse as the day goes along, and then I have to lead a workshop this afternoon. fmaps


This might answer your question - and what a coincidence because this article was just published:


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Guest theSun

my armpits are sweaty and a little stinky and all i do is sit at my computer for 8 hours in a row. wtfml

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My armpits have been smelling a bit like cum lately. WHAT'S WITH THAT?!


edit: zole just checked the rambo thread, amazon



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