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mars one


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Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp is leading a group visionaries and businesspeople who want to send four humans to Mars by 2023, and they say they can achieve their goal at an estimated cost of $6 billion USD.


How can they do it? By building it into a global media spectacle. And oh, by the way, this will be a one-way trip.“Who would be able to look away from an adventure such as this one?” asks Lansdorp in his bio on the Mars One website. “Who wouldn’t be compelled to watch, talk about, get involved in the biggest undertaking mankind has ever made?


The entire world will be able to follow this giant leap from the start; from the very first astronaut selections to the established, independent village years later. The media focus that comes with the public’s attention opens pathways to sponsors and investors.”


As far as the one-way mission the Mars One website notes, “this is no way excludes the possibility of a return flight at some point in the future.”


i can't decide whether to laugh in their faces or go "AWESOME!!"





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I'm an engineer by trade, and whenever I look at these moon- or Mars-colonization fancies, I always come to the conclusion that these dumbasses have no fucking clue the technical challenges they're up against. Like how exactly you mobilize for constructing a colony on Mars, make it completely sustainable (with waaay less available energy and resources than here on Earth), and adjust/account all the conditions that are necessary for our continued existence here (things like gravity, atmosphere, temperature, magnetosphere, etc.).


I know some idealists like to think that our advances in technology will continue to overcome, but there are certain inherent constraints in nature (e.g. speed of light, finiteness of resources, conservation of mass/energy, entropy...) that are always going to trump.

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I'd volunteer, not because I think they could actually create a sustainable environment on mars but because.... God damn that'd be an epic way to go out. Where do I sign up?

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If only the billionaire's weren't so damn greedy they could pony up and pay for the party and a whole lot of other cool stuff. I know that's what I've would do if I'd be as obscenely wealthy as some of the guys topping the Forbes most rich lists. Spend money on things that could improve the human condition instead of just using my wealth to hoard more wealth.

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Guest theSun

yeah, all thumbs up from me here. I'd volunteer.


if things got worse here i might volunteer, but i think i'll be content to live out my life in an Earthen forest

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Guest Gary C

I had thought I'd be up for shooting myself into space with no hope of coming back, but reading this put a lump in my throat... and I realised that I'm actually a pussy.

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Guest theSun

this could inspire a whole generation of physicists/scientists, so i'm all for it. why not use the media circus for something as important and critical as science?

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this could inspire a whole generation of physicists/scientists, so i'm all for it. why not use the media circus for something as important and critical as science?




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  • 2 weeks later...

this could inspire a whole generation of physicists/scientists, so i'm all for it. why not use the media circus for something as important and critical as science?








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about time.


we need to stop spending good brains and money on bullshit and start doing massive thought experiments and bizarre science fiction made realities. we need to start doing things that are actually interesting that take advantage of the technology we have because at a certain point power, sex and money simply aren't fun anymore. we need huge fucking space playgrounds and zero gravity brothels. we need clone factories on the moons of jupiter where we can own sex slaves, we take out their "consciousness" and whatever causes pain receptors to connect. we should have clone cities on the moon for our own entertainment, we control the clones from our computers and it is like some bizarro clone version of "Second Life"



we need huge mankind experiments and mammoth novelty machines. holy wow!! no more money or time spent on disney toys and transformer films, move all that talent towards engineering a cake the size of the state of texas that can be treated like a giant interactive playground of food, demolish everything for that whole state and just build a huge playground. a cake so large you can skydive into it without injuring yourself.

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about time.


we need to stop spending good brains and money on bullshit and start doing massive thought experiments and bizarre science fiction made realities. we need to start doing things that are actually interesting that take advantage of the technology we have because at a certain point power, sex and money simply aren't fun anymore. we need huge fucking space brothels and zero gravity playgrounds . we need clone factories on the moons of jupiter where we can own sex slaves, we take out their "consciousness" and whatever causes pain receptors to connect. we should have clone cities on the moon for our own entertainment, we control the clones from our computers and it is like some bizarro clone version of "Second Life"





we need huge mammoth experiments and novelty mankind machines. holy wow!! no more money or time spent on disney films and transformer toys , move all that talent towards engineering a state the size of texas that can be treated like a giant interactive cake, demolish everything for that whole state and just build a huge playground of food. a cake so large you can skydive into it without injuring yourself.


I like the way you think.


Personally I'm unrealistic enough to say that, given the opportunity, I'd do it.

But I don't think this venture will develop into anything concrete though, all they've got is a website and some companies willing to let them use their logo, listing them as supplier/sponsor.

There's no team of astronauts, there's no vehicles, there's nothing.

If this were to be a serious venture they would've waited going public until they had something more substantial than a wild idea and some people willing to 'back' it. This is a great way to get your name out there and get onto tv a few times, Bas Lansdorp is fresh out of univerisity had some exposure with an airborne windpower project, it's probably stalled by now, and he wants more attention as a crazy future science guy.

That's my take on it anyway.

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Guest sirch

the problem with living on another planet is that you're more liable to getting fucked in the ass by aliens.



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This bitches, read it :





All the work to go to Mars is directly in that book. It's all there, the grandfather of all plans. There is no other way than this book.


Anyway Mars One a complete scam. Heck they even did a AMA on Reddit and it was a complete PR disaster. It's a way to take out funds away from the REAL people who are working on that.

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