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kids these days

Guest uptown devil

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Please just because some stupid young kids are being assholes doesn't mean they are going to be rapist psychopaths. I think everyone was guilty of doing something shitty and immoral when they were younger. I had a nice period of being a complete cock, but I grew out of it. Also, an adult should know how to handle some dumb ass kids especially if it is her job. I'm not saying these kids aren't stupid assholes though. Also, for all we know this lady could be a bitch everyday. I once had this teacher in middle school who was stupid, inept, inconsistent, and plain unfair a lot the time and when students stopped respecting her and giving her a hard time in class she would cry. Did she deserve to be made to cry? Probably not, but she should have been a better teacher.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Please just because some stupid young kids are being assholes doesn't mean they are going to be rapist psychopaths. I think everyone was guilty of doing something shitty and immoral when they were younger. I had a nice period of being a complete cock, but I grew out of it. Also, an adult should know how to handle some dumb ass kids especially if it is her job. I'm not saying these kids aren't stupid assholes though. Also, for all we know this lady could be a bitch everyday. I once had this teacher in middle school who was stupid, inept, inconsistent, and plain unfair a lot the time and when students stopped respecting her and giving her a hard time in class she would cry. Did she deserve to be made to cry? Probably not, but she should have been a better teacher.


as a kid, after school was over, me and my friends used to fool around with our grandmas and their neighborhood ladies, making pranks and that stuff, but they would laugh with us as well, even tho ocasionally it would get kinda messy, but we always knew when to shut up and listen, and we knew our limit, because there was one. we had respect for those ederly people, because they were taking care of us and we had a special relationship with them, as they would spend the majority of time with us, when parents were working.

but this is different. these kids really don't display any sort of shame and respect in their faces when they are saying such dirty, disrespectful ugly things about the lady. they do it naturally, even in front of a camera. so lets just not say that every kid makes something shitty and immoral, because these kids' behaviour are way beyond the acceptable.

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Poor little brats. Can't imagine the amount of suffering a little shit like that is going through to feel the need to act that way. Seriously, just a little black pit of pain and suffering in those kinds minds and hearts. Poor bastards. Probably very little hope for them too, but who knows. Put them under psychiatric care and brainwashing a la Clockwork Orange.

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Please just because some stupid young kids are being assholes doesn't mean they are going to be rapist psychopaths. I think everyone was guilty of doing something shitty and immoral when they were younger. I had a nice period of being a complete cock, but I grew out of it. Also, an adult should know how to handle some dumb ass kids especially if it is her job. I'm not saying these kids aren't stupid assholes though. Also, for all we know this lady could be a bitch everyday. I once had this teacher in middle school who was stupid, inept, inconsistent, and plain unfair a lot the time and when students stopped respecting her and giving her a hard time in class she would cry. Did she deserve to be made to cry? Probably not, but she should have been a better teacher.


as a kid, after school was over, me and my friends used to fool around with our grandmas and their neighborhood ladies, making pranks and that stuff, but they would laugh with us as well, even tho ocasionally it would get kinda messy, but we always knew when to shut up and listen, and we knew our limit, because there was one. we had respect for those ederly people, because they were taking care of us and we had a special relationship with them, as they would spend the majority of time with us, when parents were working.

but this is different. these kids really don't display any sort of shame and respect in their faces when they are saying such dirty, disrespectful ugly things about the lady. they do it naturally, even in front of a camera. so lets just not say that every kid makes something shitty and immoral, because these kids' behaviour are way beyond the acceptable.

Exactly. pulling pranks and all that is one thing, but what these kids are doing is just straight up fucked.

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when these kids start saying "if i cut you with my knife it'll go through like butter" you can tell this is just building. Some of these kids would kill and beat if they could, honestly I hate to say it but I have zero sympathy for these kids, at least the "leaders" of the group. Zero. Kill them.

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Guest sirch

"kids these days" indeed! who'd want them?


fuck that.



ps. OP, cool avatar bro. that's a nice touch. Lol

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I've never known anyone that cruel either, to my memory (and I've known some real cunts).

I didn't watch the video because I didn't want my day to get ruined.




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Bullies need to be scalped. There's really no other way to deal with the little shits. I need 100 bully scalps by sundown.

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i just read a fascinating book on phsycopaths, claiming that around 1 percent of the population quite simply have a broken brain, meaning they simply cannot emotionally empathise with other human beings, and there is absolutely no cure for it. it was quite chilling actually. these kids seem to fit the bill.

Could you quote the title of the book? I would be interested in reading it.

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What's a "bus monitor"?




Okay, job description.

  • 1) Monitors conduct of students on school bus to maintain discipline and safety: Directs loading of students on bus to prevent congestion and unsafe conditions.

  • 2) Rides school bus to prevent altercations between students and damage to bus.

  • 3) Participates in school bus safety drills.

  • 4) May disembark from school bus at railroad crossings and clear bus across tracks.

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Please just because some stupid young kids are being assholes doesn't mean they are going to be rapist psychopaths. I think everyone was guilty of doing something shitty and immoral when they were younger. I had a nice period of being a complete cock, but I grew out of it. Also, an adult should know how to handle some dumb ass kids especially if it is her job. I'm not saying these kids aren't stupid assholes though. Also, for all we know this lady could be a bitch everyday. I once had this teacher in middle school who was stupid, inept, inconsistent, and plain unfair a lot the time and when students stopped respecting her and giving her a hard time in class she would cry. Did she deserve to be made to cry? Probably not, but she should have been a better teacher.





Probably doesn't deserve this treatment????


You are still a piece of shit, you didn;t grow out of it.








If I would been a witness to this I would be in jail for the rest of my life.



Fight fire with fire.

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i just read a fascinating book on phsycopaths, claiming that around 1 percent of the population quite simply have a broken brain, meaning they simply cannot emotionally empathise with other human beings, and there is absolutely no cure for it. it was quite chilling actually. these kids seem to fit the bill.

Could you quote the title of the book? I would be interested in reading it.


jon ronson 'the phsycopath test'

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Somewhat related (insofar as impertinent young people are concerned) is this vid, though it is more dubious as to who is really at fault...





The relation between those videos is tenuous at best. Sure the kid has a smart mouth but that doesn't excuse any of what the old man does. He should know better and could have diffused the situation several times. Truthfully, I don't know that I would have stayed calm for as long as the kid did. Also, I saw way crazier shit than that first video when I used to ride the bus to school.

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The problem is, although the job description says "discipline" teachers and monitors are powerless to discipline students now. And I'm not talking about beating them, or using the strap/cane. There is literally nothing that a teacher can do to punish students who are unruly.

You can't fail students anymore, and suspending them from school is hardly a punishment. The only thing this lady could have done is take their names, and then pass the information on to the principal, who may or may not have contacted the parents. Who probably don't care.

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Exactly...She is being applauded for failing at her job instead of standing up for herself and taking control of the situation. She is being rewarded for being cowardly and inept. People say shitty things all the time. These kids didn't hurt her. They were talking out of their ass like a bunch of foolish children. Cruelty happens all the time and if this is the cruelest thing you've ever experienced then you have lived a blessed life.


Come back to reality please everyone...This not new.


You don't think children have been cruel before this? Or that this is some new level of cruelty. Fuck, they didn't even use physical force. I read on MSN comments section some people want these kids charged with a felony. Are you kidding me? Are you serious? Do you understand the implications of a felony? These kid's have probably already started to realize the error in their ways. They have now just experienced real consequences to their actions. Take it a little further and seal the deal, but come on. They are just kids who need to learn something.


I even saw people talk about, "blah blah blah, I'll smack my kid so he learns respect and so that he knows to fear me and in turn listen to me". Do people not realize that this kind of conditioning is the best way to create a coward? That is what you are training them to be when you think like this. You shouldn't want your kids to listen to everything you tell them to do. That makes them followers not leaders. Something of which this world has too few. Impart values, reward and correct as necessary, but the mob and their warped view of justice is much more cruel than these CHILDREN...


Being bullied is a part of life. I've experienced it a great deal and I've dished it out as well. From random people, friends, famiily, significant others...You have to rise above the situation. Its a key ability that you will need throughout life. Try entering the workforce without being able to handle bullying or confrontation. I guarantee you will get passed over again and again. I learned just as these kids will probably learn. Teaching your children to fear you is only going to make them act correctly in your presence. Teaching your children to be decent people and leading by example will give you a better chance of creating a decent human being who does the right thing even when no one is watching.

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Exactly...She is being applauded for failing at her job instead of standing up for herself and taking control of the situation. She is being rewarded for being cowardly and inept. People say shitty things all the time. These kids didn't hurt her. They were talking out of their ass like a bunch of foolish children. Cruelty happens all the time and if this is the cruelest thing you've ever experienced then you have lived a blessed life.


Come back to reality please everyone...This not new.


You don't think children have been cruel before this? Or that this is some new level of cruelty. Fuck, they didn't even use physical force. I read on MSN comments section some people want these kids charged with a felony. Are you kidding me? Are you serious? Do you understand the implications of a felony? These kid's have probably already started to realize the error in their ways. They have now just experienced real consequences to their actions. Take it a little further and seal the deal, but come on. They are just kids who need to learn something.


I even saw people talk about, "blah blah blah, I'll smack my kid so he learns respect and so that he knows to fear me and in turn listen to me". Do people not realize that this kind of conditioning is the best way to create a coward? That is what you are training them to be when you think like this. You shouldn't want your kids to listen to everything you tell them to do. That makes them followers not leaders. Something of which this world has too few. Impart values, reward and correct as necessary, but the mob and their warped view of justice is much more cruel than these CHILDREN...


Being bullied is a part of life. I've experienced it a great deal and I've dished it out as well. From random people, friends, famiily, significant others...You have to rise above the situation. Its a key ability that you will need throughout life. Try entering the workforce without being able to handle bullying or confrontation. I guarantee you will get passed over again and again. I learned just as these kids will probably learn. Teaching your children to fear you is only going to make them act correctly in your presence. Teaching your children to be decent people and leading by example will give you a better chance of creating a decent human being who does the right thing even when no one is watching.


im gonna take a random stab in the dark and guess you are probably quite a cunt of a person

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Guest Mirezzi

im gonna take a random stab in the dark and guess you are probably quite a cunt of a person




More or less what I was going to write this morning, but didn't want to start a flamewar with what appears to be "quite a cunt of a person."

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