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Things people write on Facebook

Guest Mirezzi

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i've been thinking about posting what i eat on facebook like everyone else except it would be really boring stuff like cereal and toast..

just make sure you're yekking your breakfast in each photo.

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i've been thinking about posting what i eat on facebook like everyone else except it would be really boring stuff like cereal and toast..

just make sure you're yekking your breakfast in each photo.



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  • 2 weeks later...


what the fuck is uuuup face book haha well its me here i just got some bomb kush that im boutta get higher then a kite off of


whats is up facebook im just getting ready to get blasted tonight lmao i got some real dank og here ready to load into my bowl and get lifted lms if your are too


okay well i guess its time for me to smoke this dank bud lmao i got the blaziest kush right now from my cali dealer he sent me some nugs thatll blow me into skyhigh u better bet it haha


i just invented a new bong out of a toilet paper role tube if u cup ur hand at the botom let the nugs sit u can light them thru the card baord and the extra of it gets u relaly high try it out lol i sware ull get blazed harder then if u toke otherwise lmk how it goes if u do try it tho

cooker at Pizaa Hut



I work at a medical cannabis cooperative/garden, and yes people like this do exist- and yes I have to deal with them on almost a daily basis. I have to update our facebook and other websites occasionally and the stuff that I see people posting on that fucking facebook feed are just mind-bogglingly stupid. Much akin to the posts above...




On a separate note, why is all this new-agey crap going around online. Its funny when you have kids living off their parents and driving nice cars complaining about the current state of affairs in their life and world on the internet, and then reside to just posting some Gandhi quote on facebook with the words "why won't we change?"... it pretty much gives an answer to the question right there...

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How difficult could it be to find out who is behind the chemical warfare in Syria...?


We have won the 1st and 2nd world war.

We have terraformed the entire planet.

We can make glass out of sand.

Even we can put vehicules on Mars and Venus!


And the media puts in big headliners that the NSA knows more about you then you know about yourself..


So tell me... you really think they dont know who is behind it?


I hope that everybody realize that this could be the beginning of a 3d?


F*cked up world... what do you do about it? Pffff











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That last one's a classic.


I just found this:


2 Million Bikers are heading for Washington DC Right now even though their Permit was denied for 9/11 & this will become very interesting as they reach there in time to be there at the same time as the Million Muslim March. Stand Tall with these Patriots and Share this please as they are riding for our Freedom!

Can we Get 2 Million Shares for the 2 Million Bikers by 9/11?

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It seems Facebook my end is becoming less "what people are eating" and more "LOOK AT MY COLOURED FINGERNAILS"


If people I knew came up to me in the street and thrust those coloured dick fingers in my face I would smack them silly.

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