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Things people write on Facebook

Guest Mirezzi

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There was a time when I remember opening the news feed on Facebook and seeing fairly relevant or somewhat interesting things that people on my friends list would write.


Now it's:

  • Motivational pictures of fitness models with bland messages about how anything is possible if you dream about trying your best without ever giving up bla bla bla shoot me in the f'ing skull. Sometimes just pictures of words. Like a big giant ass picture with about 12 words on it. You managed to take a picture and reduce its value to 12 fucking words. Amazing.
  • Terrible photos. Horrible cropping, blurry, drowning in instagram filter effects of babies / animals / lunch. An album of a dozen or more shots of the exact same content. Nobody wants to see 35 pictures of a baby staring at the wall with it's dead cow eyes taken in the span of 10 seconds. Nobody needs to see someone's cat / dog in various locations every single day.
  • Likes. I don't know when this happened but now every time someone hits like on something it's gotta be plopped in with everything else. A friend may write or link something interesting but now it's buried in all the crap everyone else has liked. I get so annoyed when I see "Joe Blow likes BestBuy". Sharing things to win in contests. Liking or commenting on basic math equations. I can't comprehend how people don't see that they are actively participating in spreading spam.
  • Hashtags. #Yousoundlikeatwat.
  • Girls posting pictures of themselves multiple times a week. Seriously, how many likes and "girl you are gorgeous" compliments do you need to get from your friends.
  • Posting about things everyone does. You are going to bed! Cool so are about 7 billion other people at some point soon. When did people become so self important that they need to update their entire network of "friends" about the type of muffin they just ate.

Sorry bit of a rant, but lately I've been getting really pissed off with FB and the massive amount of trash that makes it onto the news feed. I guess I need to trim some of the fat or just give up on the thing entirely.


Edit: I've only got about 190 people on my FB. I cannot fathom having any more, this almost seems to be too much.

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There was a time when I remember opening the news feed on Facebook and seeing fairly relevant or somewhat interesting things that people on my friends list would write.


Now it's:

  • Motivational pictures of fitness models with bland messages about how anything is possible if you dream about trying your best without ever giving up bla bla bla shoot me in the f'ing skull. Sometimes just pictures of words. Like a big giant ass picture with about 12 words on it. You managed to take a picture and reduce its value to 12 fucking words. Amazing.
  • Terrible photos. Horrible cropping, blurry, drowning in instagram filter effects of babies / animals / lunch. An album of a dozen or more shots of the exact same content. Nobody wants to see 35 pictures of a baby staring at the wall with it's dead cow eyes taken in the span of 10 seconds. Nobody needs to see someone's cat / dog in various locations every single day.
  • Likes. I don't know when this happened but now every time someone hits like on something it's gotta be plopped in with everything else. A friend may write or link something interesting but now it's buried in all the crap everyone else has liked. I get so annoyed when I see "Joe Blow likes BestBuy". Sharing things to win in contests. Liking or commenting on basic math equations. I can't comprehend how people don't see that they are actively participating in spreading spam.
  • Hashtags. #Yousoundlikeatwat.
  • Girls posting pictures of themselves multiple times a week. Seriously, how many likes and "girl you are gorgeous" compliments do you need to get from your friends.
  • Posting about things everyone does. You are going to bed! Cool so are about 7 billion other people at some point soon. When did people become so self important that they need to update their entire network of "friends" about the type of muffin they just ate.

Sorry bit of a rant, but lately I've been getting really pissed off with FB and the massive amount of trash that makes it onto the news feed. I guess I need to trim some of the fat or just give up on the thing entirely.


Edit: I've only got about 190 people on my FB. I cannot fathom having any more, this almost seems to be too much.


This is all very spot-on, except the pictures of cats. I like looking at people's cats in various places.


Why is this # thing so annoying? It's not as common for German users it seems, at least not for the ones I'm connected with. But it's really quite enraging. Maybe because it pushes banal things to such a superlative, but they're neither worth it nor is it all that funny anyway, so it's basically like someone saying "We should totally open a twitter account for that!" every single time, with the exact same wording and pronunciation ...


Btw, 190 is kind of a lot.

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I had about 120 which I then trimmed down to about 90, before deactivating. having your co-workers on your facebook is a really bad idea if you work in any type of bureaucracy. especially higher-ups/senior management, fucking bad idea.

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I work with a bunch of similarly trashy people; we're all as bad as each other in terms of the shit we get up to on weekends so it doesn't concern me to have colleagues on my facebook friends list.

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you guys don't work in typical bureaucracies then, that works out nicely for you. I work in a public service agency that has a lot of obnoxious self-important cunts who will jump to conclusions about you based on any info that comes their way. friending them on facebook was a big mistake that I only realised later.

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Oh jeebus. How fucking stupid is this...


I had to change my profile to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle and got it wrong. Try the great giraffe challenge!
The deal is I give you a riddle. You get it right you get to keep your profile pic. You get it wrong and you change your profile pic to a Giraffe for the next 3 days.
I don't know if I'm supposed to do a new riddle or not. I technically got this one right, but I sent the wrong answer first.

Here is the riddle: 3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, It's your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?
Remember... message me only. If you get it right I'll post your name here. If you get it wrong change your profile pic.



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Haha go figure, that giraffe thing just showed up on mine. I msgd them "a box of shotgun shells". Either they think it's funny or I rid myself of another humourless spam drone.

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