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Conspiracy theories

Guest chunky

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while we are here id just like to thank squee for putting that track in his sig


now all is fine in the world and i dont give a shit about its problems

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I think my entire life is a tv show like the Truman show film. When I saw that film I had this moment where I decided to look outside my window to see if there was the possibility of someone watching me from the street. Right before I was able to reach the window the fire alarm went off and my parents came into the room immediately, picked me up and took me outside to the back yard (not front where my window faced). There wasn't a fire and even since then when the alarm had gone off, their reaction was never as urgent. I suspect they noticed my increased suspension of this recorded reality and as I grew older and more wise they have advanced their techniques for recording my reality. But I am onto their games and one day when they mess up, I'll get all the evidence I need to forever end this crime against humanity.

Edited by compson
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Guest Gary C

I think my entire life is a tv show like the Truman show film. When I saw that film I had this moment where I decided to look outside my window to see if there was the possibility of someone watching me from the street. Right before I was able to reach the window the fire alarm went off and my parents came into the room immediately, picked me up and took me outside to the back yard (not front where my window faced). There wasn't a fire and even since then when the alarm had gone off, their reaction was never as urgent. I suspect they noticed my increased suspension of this recorded reality and as I grew older and more wise they have advanced their techniques for recording my reality. But I am onto their games and one day when they mess up, I'll get all the evidence I need to forever end this crime against humanity.

Yeah, there's a show about you, but no-one watches it.

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I think my entire life is a tv show like the Truman show film. When I saw that film I had this moment where I decided to look outside my window to see if there was the possibility of someone watching me from the street. Right before I was able to reach the window the fire alarm went off and my parents came into the room immediately, picked me up and took me outside to the back yard (not front where my window faced). There wasn't a fire and even since then when the alarm had gone off, their reaction was never as urgent. I suspect they noticed my increased suspension of this recorded reality and as I grew older and more wise they have advanced their techniques for recording my reality. But I am onto their games and one day when they mess up, I'll get all the evidence I need to forever end this crime against humanity.

Yeah, there's a show about you, but no-one watches it.


See, you're just trying to convince me that there's nothing going on. But I'm onto these games.

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If there was a show about my life, then the writers and producers should be fired.


Thats what they want you to think and thats what the audience demands... because brainwashing their race and instilling the belief that their inherent biology and technology gives each of them, individually, superior critical thinking skills, is the main reason your external reality lacks compared to your imagined one, you have also been put inside a box. Its designed to de-value the human individual. And why those who are receptive to the brainwashing aren't experiencing mediocracy to be mediocre. There must be control on those who discover talents able to persuade or enlighten. But it takes time to determine who is to target. If one has stumbled onto something before they begin pursuing some kind of career around their passions... they can slip under the radar.


Lol I'm not serious, really....

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Some guy on the metro told me that clothing companies give away free shit to celebs, to make teens wanting their shit for cash.


Aka Marketing

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aka direct marketing, my trolling attempts are taken too seriously here :trollface:

My point was that common methods (like marketing) could be interpreted as consipiracies, and I'm saying this with an tear in the eye, because often enough they have that conspirational morbidity when the human is seen as an 'wanting machine' that will be feed with useless thoughts (not his own) to make $ with useless shit, that surrogates his own unfulfillment, without him being aware of this, or even worse, with him being aware of this, but not being able to change it, not an original idea by itsself, expressed and thought throu by more qualified individuals (chumsky) who wanted to teach students methods of selfdefence against those corporate strategies.... ah well

Edited by schlucharski
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Guest Gary C

Secrets of the Shining, or how faking the Moon Landing nearly cost Stanley Kubrick his marriage and his life.



I actually really enjoyed this theory. I'd never put any significance into Danny's jumper, and the layout of the bars and patterns before. It's definitely a nod to the moon landing, but obviously I doubt the stuff about Kubrick directing the 'fake moon landing'.

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@compson: a friend of mine was trying to get to believe the conspiracies behind Kubrick's film making and we ended having a yelling match.






After filming Kubrick's very revealing film, Eyes Wide Shut, in which a secret ritual performed by both many higher order freemasonic linked secret societies and scientologists is portrayed, Cruise was physically and mentally tortured by David Miscaviage, current leader of scientology, for an entire week. Kubrick was then poisoned and murdered by scientologists shortly before the release of the film, but it was too late for them to stop the release. Cruise was forced to divorce Kidman after this incident because of her being an accomplice in the making of the blasphemous film and also for leading Cruise down a path away from scientology.


Years later after a long and seemingly fruitless search for a new counterpart in Cruise's further developing as the next leader of the scientologists, Katie Holmes was chosen to become his new wife. As the future mother of the moonchild, a child bearing the soul of an important spirit that will usher in the new aeon of Horus and destroy the current state of humanity, she had much preparing to do.


Scarlett Johansson was initially picked. She narrowly escaped her captures who held her on a boat somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. After having been subjected to initiation rituals carried out by scientologists to prepare her for her role as the "Scarlet Woman", she found a life boat and escaped while the members on board were asleep. They had raped Johansson for a full day, as part of the initiation, and she was rescued from a small island in the Caribbean. She is still in counseling to this day recovering from the emotional trauma.


Katie Holmes was then selected, "initiated", and prepared to become the "Scarlet Woman", the whore of Babalon whom is the only female that can bring forth the moonchild into the world. Her and Cruise had Suri, the moonchild and the future queen of all humanity and the solar system.


Recently it was learned by Holmes that not only would she soon be replaced by another woman to care for Suri in her further development as the moonchild but that Homaes would also be murdered in order for all scientogist secrets to remain within the group. They fear that she is not strong enough to keep such important information, aka lies, safe.


She is currently on the run with her daughter, hiding in safe houses, wanting a divorce from Cruise and complete custody of Suri. She has a book written revealing all of the events she has gone through in dealing with Cruise and the scientologists, ready to publish at any moment. This is the one thing that has kept her alive during the whole ordeal that started about two years ago.

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In fact, Stephen King, when he wrote The Shining, was trying to warn the US of the attack on the twin towers by having the twin girls murdered.

The top half of the "A" in Kubrick's first name is a masonic symbol for power.


There are actually 6 users of WATMM.

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Guest sirch

@compson: a friend of mine was trying to get to believe the conspiracies behind Kubrick's film making and we ended having a yelling match.






After filming Kubrick's very revealing film, Eyes Wide Shut, in which a secret ritual performed by both many higher order freemasonic linked secret societies and scientologists is portrayed, Cruise was physically and mentally tortured by David Miscaviage, current leader of scientology, for an entire week. Kubrick was then poisoned and murdered by scientologists shortly before the release of the film, but it was too late for them to stop the release. Cruise was forced to divorce Kidman after this incident because of her being an accomplice in the making of the blasphemous film and also for leading Cruise down a path away from scientology.


Years later after a long and seemingly fruitless search for a new counterpart in Cruise's further developing as the next leader of the scientologists, Katie Holmes was chosen to become his new wife. As the future mother of the moonchild, a child bearing the soul of an important spirit that will usher in the new aeon of Horus and destroy the current state of humanity, she had much preparing to do.


Scarlett Johansson was initially picked. She narrowly escaped her captures who held her on a boat somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. After having been subjected to initiation rituals carried out by scientologists to prepare her for her role as the "Scarlet Woman", she found a life boat and escaped while the members on board were asleep. They had raped Johansson for a full day, as part of the initiation, and she was rescued from a small island in the Caribbean. She is still in counseling to this day recovering from the emotional trauma.


Katie Holmes was then selected, "initiated", and prepared to become the "Scarlet Woman", the whore of Babalon whom is the only female that can bring forth the moonchild into the world. Her and Cruise had Suri, the moonchild and the future queen of all humanity and the solar system.


Recently it was learned by Holmes that not only would she soon be replaced by another woman to care for Suri in her further development as the moonchild but that Homaes would also be murdered in order for all scientogist secrets to remain within the group. They fear that she is not strong enough to keep such important information, aka lies, safe.


She is currently on the run with her daughter, hiding in safe houses, wanting a divorce from Cruise and complete custody of Suri. She has a book written revealing all of the events she has gone through in dealing with Cruise and the scientologists, ready to publish at any moment. This is the one thing that has kept her alive during the whole ordeal that started about two years ago.


hahaha, brilliant! would make a good movie :)

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some of the most fascinating conspiracy theory websites i've stumbled across


Sarah Palin's dirty Little Secret -

http://palinsdirtyli.....<br /><br />T


Decide for yourself. Is this a code or coincidence?

Sarah Palin and John McCain claimed to be a Mavericks

Mark Cuban the "Rich Jerk" above owns the Dallas Mavericks basketball team

Obama claims his basketball name was Barack O'Bomber

Sarah Palin claims her basketball name is Sarah Barracuda

Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii

Sarah Palin claims to have attended school at Hawaii Hilo and graduated from U of Idaho in Moscow Idaho

Sarah Palin was mocked by Tina Fey claiming she could see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin Putin

Mark Cuban was under investigation for insider trading of a search engine company named Mamma

Sarah Palin claims to be a Mama Grizzly

Obama was a Chicago Senator

Chicago Bears Chicago Cubs = Mama Grizzly

Gayle King and Oprah were both news anchors

Sarah Palin claims to have also been a news anchor


Gayle King was in a movie called the Manchurian Candidate



The Nuclear Bible


(absolutely absurd, i know this guy in real life, he seems to be really good at self promotion)


Alex Chiu is the shit, if you havent seen this yet go here first, it's amazing

http://www.alexchiu......<br /><br />F


Faul/Paul mcartney car crash conspiracy theory, PAUL CAUGHT LEFT HANDED


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Faul/Paul mcartney car crash conspiracy theory, PAUL CAUGHT LEFT HANDED



More on the McCartney car crash.

Nothing is Real: Paul was Replaced

Warning - incredibly long read - grab some coffee and put on your favorite ambient, and read the posts by the poster "jarface" first, as he is the narrator of the story.

(I think someone on here posted the site, can't remember who, but man - fantastic stuff)

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