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Make A Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich At Home


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msg :cisfor:


One of nature's best all-purpose seasonings... let me guess - you're in the "MSG is baaad for you" camp, right?

well, too much of it does give me a headache and it makes any old shit taste good. that's all i know about it.

and also, jeez, i can't seem to post anything on watmm at the moment without someone jumping down my throat


if i was a troll i'd be having a great time


Papa is just being a moody old sod, ignore him.

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I hate everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate.


This is what people waste their time on? no wonder we can't get anything done, people get involve in just nonsense trends (like Kony). People are hating on the restaurant because is cool and everybody is doing it, they write a Facebook status against the restaurant on their wall and pretend they are involve in politics and then look down on the people that don't give a shit about any of this.


Liberals think they are making a difference by making a stupid Facebook status about a fucking restaurant meanwhile all the fucking criminals that are raping this world are getting away with fucking murder.


I understand your frustration, but I don't think it is pointless to share your opinion via Facebook (or any other platform including WATMM or face-to-face with friends at the pub for that matter). It is sure to make at least a fraction of the people who read it stop to think and even discuss an issue that they may have not known about before, or didn't think twice about because they figured it didn't affect them directly. This could inspire more people to care, and eventually care enough when it comes time to put that opinion into action and vote. Big change can only come with a big number of people willing to care enough to help make that change. How do you get people to care? Spread the word. Discuss, etc.


No one is arguing that marriage equality is the most severe problem we have, and it may not be so much as a blip on the radar for you but there are *plenty* of people out there who are angry/sad/frustrated/tired of being treated like 2nd class citizens because of stupid laws passed thanks in part to wealthy, bigoted organizations.


It's your right not to give a shit, but hating "everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate" is a bit rude. It's a serious matter that oppresses a huge population of our fellow man. (How can you not care even in the slightest?)


Anyway, I don't think we have many Chick-Fil-As out here (never eaten there) but I'd love to see people lining up to get fatter in the name of hate. That's pretty funny.

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I hate everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate.


This is what people waste their time on? no wonder we can't get anything done, people get involve in just nonsense trends (like Kony). People are hating on the restaurant because is cool and everybody is doing it, they write a Facebook status against the restaurant on their wall and pretend they are involve in politics and then look down on the people that don't give a shit about any of this.


Liberals think they are making a difference by making a stupid Facebook status about a fucking restaurant meanwhile all the fucking criminals that are raping this world are getting away with fucking murder.


lol u mad

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I agree with yo303, this whole thing is a fucking stupid and pathetic exp<b></b>ression of "politics"


It worked out very well for chick fil a though, maybe they should accidentally express their support for some other right wing causes.

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I hate everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate.


This is what people waste their time on? no wonder we can't get anything done, people get involve in just nonsense trends (like Kony). People are hating on the restaurant because is cool and everybody is doing it, they write a Facebook status against the restaurant on their wall and pretend they are involve in politics and then look down on the people that don't give a shit about any of this.


Liberals think they are making a difference by making a stupid Facebook status about a fucking restaurant meanwhile all the fucking criminals that are raping this world are getting away with fucking murder.


lol u mad


Do you really think going against a restaurant is a priority? more states (and nation around the world) are allowing gay marriage, adoption ,etc. Going against this old guy will not do shit for gay rights.


There are bigger fish to fried out there, an old restaurant guy who donates some money to anti-gay rights should not be a priority, do you know the amount that is being donated to PRO-gay groups? this guy's money means nothing.

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I hate everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate.


This is what people waste their time on? no wonder we can't get anything done, people get involve in just nonsense trends (like Kony). People are hating on the restaurant because is cool and everybody is doing it, they write a Facebook status against the restaurant on their wall and pretend they are involve in politics and then look down on the people that don't give a shit about any of this.


Liberals think they are making a difference by making a stupid Facebook status about a fucking restaurant meanwhile all the fucking criminals that are raping this world are getting away with fucking murder.


lol u mad


Do you really think going against a restaurant is a priority? more states (and nation around the world) are allowing gay marriage, adoption ,etc. Going against this old guy will not do shit for gay rights.


There are bigger fish to fried out there, an old restaurant guy who donates some money to anti-gay rights should not be a priority, do you know the amount that is being donated to PRO-gay groups? this guy's money means nothing.


plz tell me how i can change the world thx

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I hate everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate.


This is what people waste their time on? no wonder we can't get anything done, people get involve in just nonsense trends (like Kony). People are hating on the restaurant because is cool and everybody is doing it, they write a Facebook status against the restaurant on their wall and pretend they are involve in politics and then look down on the people that don't give a shit about any of this.


Liberals think they are making a difference by making a stupid Facebook status about a fucking restaurant meanwhile all the fucking criminals that are raping this world are getting away with fucking murder.


lol u mad


Do you really think going against a restaurant is a priority? more states (and nation around the world) are allowing gay marriage, adoption ,etc. Going against this old guy will not do shit for gay rights.


There are bigger fish to fried out there, an old restaurant guy who donates some money to anti-gay rights should not be a priority, do you know the amount that is being donated to PRO-gay groups? this guy's money means nothing.


plz tell me how i can change the world thx


If you want to support gay marriage go and bother politicians (the ones that make the laws) not an old guy who's money is minuscule next to the money being donated to pro-gay rights.




I honestly don't give a shit about changing the world, i'm trying to change MY world once i fix all of my problems and find happiness maybe i'll get involve in politics.


The thing that sparked my "fury" was people on Facebook and Reddit that call themselves "informed and political" just because they post a "pre-aproved by liberals" anti-chicken-fil-a rant (and then look down on people that don't give a shit about the subject). In my eyes these people are neither informed or political, they just follow trends, once the next pre-aproved "hot topic" emerges these people will forget the chick-fil-a thing.

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they'll remember it every time they sprinkle msg in their chicken coater or carefully select two (not 1 or 3) slices of.. ''dill chips'' for their sandwich.


actually i'll probably always remember it because it's how i learned the phrase ''dill chips"


edit: they, they! them!

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I hate everybody who is involved in this bullshit debate.


This is what people waste their time on? no wonder we can't get anything done, people get involve in just nonsense trends (like Kony). People are hating on the restaurant because is cool and everybody is doing it, they write a Facebook status against the restaurant on their wall and pretend they are involve in politics and then look down on the people that don't give a shit about any of this.


Liberals think they are making a difference by making a stupid Facebook status about a fucking restaurant meanwhile all the fucking criminals that are raping this world are getting away with fucking murder.


lol u mad


Do you really think going against a restaurant is a priority? more states (and nation around the world) are allowing gay marriage, adoption ,etc. Going against this old guy will not do shit for gay rights.


There are bigger fish to fried out there, an old restaurant guy who donates some money to anti-gay rights should not be a priority, do you know the amount that is being donated to PRO-gay groups? this guy's money means nothing.


plz tell me how i can change the world thx


If you want to support gay marriage go and bother politicians (the ones that make the laws) not an old guy who's money is minuscule next to the money being donated to pro-gay rights.




I honestly don't give a shit about changing the world, i'm trying to change MY world once i fix all of my problems and find happiness maybe i'll get involve in politics.


The thing that sparked my "fury" was people on Facebook and Reddit that call themselves "informed and political" just because they post a "pre-aproved by liberals" anti-chicken-fil-a rant (and then look down on people that don't give a shit about the subject). In my eyes these people are neither informed or political, they just follow trends, once the next pre-aproved "hot topic" emerges these people will forget the chick-fil-a thing.


last time I checked, opposing Chick-Fil-A has taken me absolutely zero effort.


People suffer from "follow the leader" syndrome? You need to write a dissertation exploring this breakthrough, stat!

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That Chick-Fil-A shit looks pretty shitty, but I am not one to judge.


People from watmm should make these and post their creations!

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i'll do it, but as a chicken kiev because i can't be bothered battering chicken fillets if there's not even anything inside it

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Guest Iain C

I don't understand why US conservatives are so opposed to gay marriage. Conservatives here - at least the ones outside of the church - are mostly all for it. Why? Because gay marriage is about the most conservative position imaginable. It defangs the entire LGBT rights movement by attempting to assimilate the most powerful people within it - ie largely middle class, white gays - into the heteronormative mainstream.


I'm not saying gay marriage is a bad idea, far from it, especially when stuff like legal and tax issues come into it. But I know I'd never get married to a man OR a woman because I don't like what it represents, ie a fundamentally conservative + patriarchal institution.

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Guest Iain C

I have to admit though, reading the news last night and seeing the lines outside these chicken restaurants was one of the most surreal things I've seen in the media for a while. The idea that the latest high-profile battleground in America's "culture wars" or w/e is a fast food restaurant. The idea that a chicken restaurant has become so symbolic of the mainstream political debate in the USA. It's just mad.

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Conservatives stuffing their faces with shitty fast food chicken sandwiches is a good thing, increases their risk of dying of a coronary and the world will have a couple less morons to worry about.


And good point, Iain C, of course the US culture battle of the time will be at a fast food restaurant.

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Guest mafted

it's because marriage is a religious institution based around procreation. can gays procreate? no. it's not about going against any gay movement, it's simply what they believe. now, stop trying to turn straight guys (like me) gay while saying it's not a choice and get over yourselves.

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msg :cisfor:


One of nature's best all-purpose seasonings... let me guess - you're in the "MSG is baaad for you" camp, right?

well, too much of it does give me a headache and it makes any old shit taste good. that's all i know about it.

and also, jeez, i can't seem to post anything on watmm at the moment without someone jumping down my throat


if i was a troll i'd be having a great time


Papa is just being a moody old sod, ignore him.


FUCK YOU! AM NOT! :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Iain C

it's because marriage is a religious institution based around procreation.


Traditionally, yes. Not any more. Should infertile people not be allowed to marry? People who don't want children? Atheists? Too bad - they already do, all the time. Where are the protests against that? Remember, I'm not fan of marriage gay or straight but this is no kind of argument.


can gays procreate? no.


Yes they can. Gays and lesbians are no less fertile than straight people. There are PLENTY of gay parents out there.


it's not about going against any gay movement


Yes it is.


it's simply what they believe.


This does not mean their beliefs should be taken as guidelines for the rest of society.


now, stop trying to turn straight guys (like me) gay


But you're so fucking hot.

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it's because marriage is a religious institution based around procreation. can gays procreate? no. it's not about going against any gay movement, it's simply what they believe. now, stop trying to turn straight guys (like me) gay while saying it's not a choice and get over yourselves.




i hope this is a joke post

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