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UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC)


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"A six-year study of Britain's drug laws by leading scientists, police officers, academics and experts has concluded it is time to introduce decriminalisation.The report by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), an independent advisory body, says possession of small amounts of controlled drugs should no longer be a criminal offence and concludes the move will not lead to a significant increase in use.The experts say the criminal sanctions imposed on the 42,000 people sentenced each year for possession of all drugs – and the 160,000 given cannabis warnings – should be replaced with simple civil penalties such as a fine, attendance at a drug awareness session or a referral to a drug treatment programme."



read http://www.guardian....use-say-experts

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Yawn, another panel saying the same old shit they've been saying for decades. Odds that it will affect government policy? Precisely zero.

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you are likely right, however, i feel quite strongly about this issue. i do not believe drug use (especially nordle) should result in one being sent to the stoney lonesome. families have been split and billions (trillions) have been squandered with little to no result.

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Lol you're not doing wonders for stoner stereotypes here. "The only political issue worth being bothered about is smoking weed!"

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Yeah, I really hate the stereotype that voting for legalization is all about being able to smoke more easily. I'm voting for it because people are going to buy weed, no matter what its legal status, and we may as well get that money put back into the system and the economy, instead of having it fund cartels, and instead of blowing billions of dollars and ruining millions of lives on incarceration. Anyone who can't see that is misinformed, an idiot, or have a horse in the drug war race.


All of the other bullshit being bantered about is more of the same and I just don't give a shit anymore. This system needs to get run into the ground before we see any real changes. May as well let that whole process run its course. R=D.

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You don't get an efficient workforce you can control through fear, misery and debt if everyone is happy on drugs!


Governments aren't there to benefit society, they are there to serve those who control money to skank as much from the population that they cat get away with without us rioting in the streets. If we orientated our lives around a peacefully euphoric society people wouldn't be as greedy and selfish which is what keeps the essential growth of this imploding economy moving.


You could have the most perfect positive and enjoyable drug with no side effects but it would still get banned by having some alleged involvement with a teenagers death according to some bullshit corporate rag backed by some right wing MP.


Also recreational drugs encourage a social behaviorism and when the masses get together on a mutual level that can only threaten pure capitalism (or freedom as some call it). It's slowly happening with the demise of pub culture in the UK and unless it becomes a problem so big that they cant afford to solve then they will try to make money from it but apart from the revenues made from festivals I doubt that will ever happen on a nationwide level.





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most english mps do drugs. even the prime minister and chancellor. theres a famous picture of george osborne sitting at a table with a prostitute and some cocaine. the media dont give a damn about it.


this committee is totally fake. i could make my own committee with a posh name and it would have just as little legitimacy as this fraudulent gang.

they want to get high but dress it up with posh sounding words and psuedoscience. just say you want to get high you lying commitee!!!!


in england drugs are technically legal. most people do drugs now. the number of people going to jail for drugs is tiny. every country signed international agreements about drug laws so england is bound by treaty to keep these laws, though it doesnt enforce them.

you can do as much drugs as you like, so why bother changing the law ? it would just drive up prices?

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most english mps do drugs. even the prime minister and chancellor. theres a famous picture of george osborne sitting at a table with a prostitute and some cocaine. the media dont give a damn about it.


this committee is totally fake. i could make my own committee with a posh name and it would have just as little legitimacy as this fraudulent gang.

they want to get high but dress it up with posh sounding words and psuedoscience. just say you want to get high you lying commitee!!!!


in england drugs are technically legal. most people do drugs now. the number of people going to jail for drugs is tiny. every country signed international agreements about drug laws so england is bound by treaty to keep these laws, though it doesnt enforce them.

you can do as much drugs as you like, so why bother changing the law ? it would just drive up prices?


in the united states, getting caught with drugs can totally fuck up your life. you become a felon, the government takes away all your financial aid for school, not to mention that you'll probably go to prison for a variable amount of time depending on your skin color. it's bullshit, dude. peoples' lives are getting RUINED and you're worried about driving up prices?? jesus fucking christ.


not to mention that legalizing drugs will reduce the amount of overdoses due to mislabeled/impure drugs. that would save so many lives. the problem is that the government doesn't care about lives, it only cares about money. it just uses "safety" as a convenient excuse to perpetuate the "drug war."

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Guest cult fiction

you can do as much drugs as you like, so why bother changing the law ? it would just drive up prices?


Even with high taxes, it is highly likely that drugs would be drastically cheaper if they were fully legal.


Imagine Walmart selling weed right next to their liquor and cigarettes. Do you think your local dealer, who likely gets their supply from a long chain of foreign criminals is going to be able to undercut Walmart?

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in england people grow their own. of course it's cheaper than wal mart. come live in ely cardiff, all drugs are available. only time the police will bother you is if they want to steal it and sell it on themselves.

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Guest RadarJammer

We might just legalize it here in Washington state this November.





Yup. This election season I am pretty jaded, but that is the one thing I might edit: WILL vote for. That & prop. 74 for marriage equality.


Colorado (Amendment 64) and Washington (Initiative 502) are both voting for a similar Marijuana legalization bill next month. Its sad that the biggest threat to these bills isn't the anti-pot people in general but the pro-pot people actively campaigning against it because they aren't satisfied with all the fine points. There are probably some shady things about these bills but if it fails in both states then it certainly closes doors for our country instead of opens them.

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Hopefully they legalize it and all the youngsters will start smoking it.


Then when they finish school there'll be fewer of them able to study hard and get and hold down a decent job, leaving more opportunities for me through the rest of my life.

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most english mps do drugs. even the prime minister and chancellor. theres a famous picture of george osborne sitting at a table with a prostitute and some cocaine. the media dont give a damn about it.


this committee is totally fake. i could make my own committee with a posh name and it would have just as little legitimacy as this fraudulent gang.

they want to get high but dress it up with posh sounding words and psuedoscience. just say you want to get high you lying commitee!!!!


in england drugs are technically legal. most people do drugs now. the number of people going to jail for drugs is tiny. every country signed international agreements about drug laws so england is bound by treaty to keep these laws, though it doesnt enforce them.

you can do as much drugs as you like, so why bother changing the law ? it would just drive up prices?


Most people don't do drugs (pharmaceuticals not included) also you mean practically legal, they're very much technically illegal.

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most english mps do drugs. even the prime minister and chancellor. theres a famous picture of george osborne sitting at a table with a prostitute and some cocaine. the media dont give a damn about it.


this committee is totally fake. i could make my own committee with a posh name and it would have just as little legitimacy as this fraudulent gang.

they want to get high but dress it up with posh sounding words and psuedoscience. just say you want to get high you lying commitee!!!!


in england drugs are technically legal. most people do drugs now. the number of people going to jail for drugs is tiny. every country signed international agreements about drug laws so england is bound by treaty to keep these laws, though it doesnt enforce them.

you can do as much drugs as you like, so why bother changing the law ? it would just drive up prices?


Most people don't do drugs (pharmaceuticals not included) also you mean practically legal, they're very much technically illegal.


most people actually do use drugs, actually. unless you're not including coffee, alcohol and cigarettes in your definition of a "drug."

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