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hurricane sandy


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Pisses me off more when European high horses exaggerate US opinion for the sake of taking some kind of fantasized moral high ground. It's the biggest hurricane in the region for at least a century, we aren't sure what the damage is or amount of deaths, the subways not working could have global economic consequences... Major natural disasters are interesting to observe regardless and I remember a lot of people following the Japanese earthquake last year. But na, because this was given media coverage Americans are selfish non caring ego maniacs... right?







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i find it ironic that despite some people yelling about equal representation of hurricanes/disasters elsewhere, they never decide to post or report about them until a comparison to a disaster in the West seems necessary.


To be fair, on a forum like this who is going to bother responding to such a thread?


Just troon with his "mother nature has bummed us in the balls because of our paradoxical ignorance from our low brow un-brain primate thinking, so sad, so so sad" bullshit.


thats my whole point. its pointing it out to look like a hip globally aware contrarian. its nonsense and I cant help but notice a waterfall of smug shooting out of those otherwise pointless posts.

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Not to mention, this is the most powerful millitary and financial nation in the world having it's most populous region getting dunked under water. I mean they sandbagged the stock exchange like pussies and failed. When the brisbane flood came to inundate my workplace we used concrete, and the epicentre of richdom instead fucks off for the day and uses a few roped in plebs to muck around with sandbags. It warms the cockles, which bred underwater on the stock exchange floor.


And then imagine the insurance bill !! the companies won't pay out, it'll be QE4 just to pay for this. hah.

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shiiiiit. Just ventured outside for the first time in 36 hours. Everything's quite pleasant, luckily UWC was on high enough ground to not really be bothered.


My fear is the site I was working on, brooklyn bridge park, (converted industrial piers to a waterfront park) i'm fairly convinced it completely destroyed. Which is horrible because they don't really have enough money to recover as most of the site was a construction area at this point.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



Lots of pictures now coming in from the region:



NOOOOO!!!!!! the deer didn't get out of the wave's way!

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that second pic !! and bambi !!


This http://edition.cnn.com/video/ check "watch sandy blow around reporters" .. awesome.


Go to the US section and scroll down.


"woah.. Woah" lol


and d'aww can't believe some people rescued that deer


edit: check the video frankie, that deer got a broken leg and was rescued by some dude with a baseball hat.

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This Bloomberg article is not as optimistic as the homonymous Mayor as far as the timeframe for restoring the subway:





Restoring service on New York subway lines that have been flooded could take weeks, said Mortimer Downey, a former MTA executive director and current board member of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.


“From the New York viewpoint, they’ve got a lot of work ahead of them,” Downey said in an interview. “It’s going to be days and possibly weeks.”


He declined to estimate what the recovery may cost because there’s no precedent for the work that will need to be done.

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If you run this storm on a "quantity of life taken" basis, places like Bangladesh get horrific all the time that cause mass destruction and often mass losses of life.


For example...


This hit two weeks ago, killing 19 people and flattening over 1000 homes.


Yet this story barely made the news over here, it definitely would not have made front page news on multiple papers nor would it have clogged up the news channels as Sandy is.


What I am trying to say is, this shit happens all over the world, all the time, but the UK media seem rather fixated with what happens in the US of A. I guess because our economies are densely tied and what happens in America tends to eventually have an economic impact worldwide... but America has the resources and the infrastructure to rebuild (although im guessing the NY subway could be pretty damn screwed). Sandy itself killed 65 people when it hit the Caribbean and this was only briefly mentioned in news reports until it got close to mainland America.


I am not belittling the chaos that is going on over the pond, I hope everyone is ok. I'm just trying to put it all into perspective. Sure looks like a monster storm though!


You could have made a thread about it and people would have posted in it.

Personally, I didn't live in Bangladesh for 12 years, but I did live in NYC for 12 years and know hundreds of people there. I think the difference in interest is completely reasonable, considering a lot of our personal connections to the areas effected.

Honestly, when I read your post, it pissed me off.


sorry if the following is a bit insensitive - the impression i get is that all the drama in NY is much exaggerated. the bunch of pictures floating around make it look like entire manhattan got swept, but it's just the streets close to the harbor right? you see a picture of a flooded subway station and think all of them are submerged. when in reality it's just a bunch. no power? well NYC has seen that before, crappy infrastructure much? also these false reports of NYSE being drowned etc... fake drama! it's just that people in US metropolitan areas seem to be the most prolific internet users on the planet, and probably also the most sensation craving.. how many people die due to traffic accidents in the storm area on a normal day, which didn't happen last night because no traffic? got your feet wet a bit? big deal.


Same to you.

A lot of the most important people in my life still live in NYC and when they show those pics on the TV, they are showing pics of my old neighborhoods and the subways I used to ride every day for years.

It's hard to watch this all go down and not be there anymore. You clearly are a cunt and don't have any perspective.


Again, If you give a shit about all the people that die in weather-related car accidents, post a thread about it. No one is stopping you and it is a completely unrelated issue.


Way to go, hero.

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why did they just board up the subways? it just seems like such a half-assed precaution and now they're paying for it big time.


my general impression is that they expected structural damage, but nothing on the level of flooding that they received.....or am i off on this?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

edit: check the video frankie, that deer got a broken leg and was rescued by some dude with a baseball hat.

i know they aren't the same. just look at the antlers. and the fact that the one by the wave was a buck while the other is a doe. just making a joke to lighten the mood.
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Guest Franklin

haha. i think he just means a different deer.


niagara came out pretty unscathed. no problems! good luck with the cleanup new yorkers!

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haha. i think he just means a different deer.


niagara came out pretty unscathed. no problems! good luck with the cleanup new yorkers!


The deer that fell down niagra though, oh dear.


roots for pics of bears coming out of the woods to feed on said sad life removalists.


Still though, i really want to hear about sharks attacking correspondents in waste deep water.


Or those bears, whatever .. _ER.

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