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Gothic Rock


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So, I've been feeling rather gloomy and misunderstood lately. I've always been curious about the genre, as far as what quality content there is to be had of it.

I'm talking straight up goth rock, mind you.

Not industrial or edm.


I'm looking to go deeper down the rabbit hole.

My attraction is toward quality songwriting, atmospheric production and just all-around gloominess.

I just picked up a This Mortal Coil cassette (I think it's called Blood?). Not 100% sure of it yet. Good recordings, for sure.


Suggest artists, songs, albums, comps, whatever.


Goth it up.

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Under a spoiler, because I'm not an animal.





















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Christian Death - Only Theatre of Pain. No other goth rock album comes close to the quality of this one for me. I remember this being my first exposure to goth rock and since almost every famous goth rock album recommended to me since comes off as sort of whiny semi happy music if that makes sense.




for some reason it also gives me a Return of the Living Dead vibe, i love this album

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You're talking to one of the planets biggest Sisters of Mercy fan. They were the second band I saw live, I think I was sixteen and it was at the Brixton Academy. Me and my friends Chris were the only non-goths there lol(just blue jeans and t-shirt for us thank-you very much). We stuck out like sore thumbs but fuck dressing up like that!


Anyway just get everything by The Sisters, their early stuff pre-Floodland is real gothy, Floodland is a work of brilliance but the grimyness is replaced by polishedness (thats not a word I think). If you get the cd reissues of the 3 studio albums (First Last and Always, Floodland and Vision Thing) they all come with loads of extra tracks which were for years just lost bootlegs or on very early presses of vinyl. Great thing for you is the Sisters back catalogue is tiny, bad thing for me is I want more Sisters of Mercy! They still play live and they play loads of new (awesome) tracks but Eldritch has some bee in his bonnet about something or other. I maybe rambling? The Sisters were the only goth band I really liked, though the early Cure are pretty good too, and for early Cure you need Faith lp.


If I had three new album wishes it would be Aphex, BoC and Sisters.

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Fields Of The Nephilim-Elizium


Also the first band I would recommend.


Here's a live track of the early 90's that shows them in their best light. It picks up pace around the 7 min mark for a great finale.

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