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Scifi films


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I'm looking for some good scenes from science fiction films. Specifically, scenes that would be ideal for remaking the audio. So I would be taking out the original audio and replacing it with new sound effects. These scenes have to contain no or little dialogue.


Any ideas?

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if you're looking for bleeps and bloops Forbidden Planet, old Dr Who. Movies i havent sampled the SFX from yet but want to: Alien, Ghostbusters, Predator, Terminator 2


never mind, i completely did not process while reading your post

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if you're looking for bleeps and bloops Forbidden Planet, old Dr Who. Movies i havent sampled the SFX from yet but want to: Alien, Ghostbusters, Predator, Terminator 2


never mind, i completely did not process while reading your post


I made the same mistake. I misinterpreted it as using samples from sci-fi movies, but Braintree actually wants to replace the original sounds with new ones.

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- Metropolis (we kinda already did that)

- The opening to Terminator 2 (screw the monologue)


I'll think of more


EDIT: What about Alien? As far as I remember nothing really happens during the first couple of minutes

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Guest milorad

I would recommend 70s sci-fi classics.

Andromeda strain comes to mind. Although that movie has some great sound already.

Can't be bothered to look for a certain scene for you though... You'll surely enjoy the movie looking for one!

For example 7:05 on this video:


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I imagine Silent Running would be a good candidate for this, I can't remember any scenes in particular though.

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Is it when necessary to mention Blade Runner? But it has already been sampled to death. So I wouldn't sample it.


Maybe.. Escape From New York, The Thing or some other John Carpenter movie?

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I just remembered - the ending of Akira, after Neo-Tokyo gets wiped out.


When my brother and I were teenagers we played Nine Inch Nails' album The Downward Spiral in the background, throughout the movie. The last track, Hurt, fit perfectly with that scene.


Not saying that's the soundtrack you should use, Braintree, but it is a quiet scene. There might be room to introduce new audio.

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This would be perfect... The Tarkovsky one of course.


ditto, also I think Forbidden Planet would still be a good candidate. I'm sure there's a wealth of a great space imagery from a plethora of "space opera" anime series: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_opera_media#Anime


Other ideas: climatic scenes from Abyss, Total Recall, Sunshine...and older classics aside, I remember Titan A.E. having some cool scenes.

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