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Post your daily commute


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Today I decided to film my drive to and from college, speed it up roughly 8x, throw some BoC overtop and post to YouTube. This is the 'view from your bedroom window' taken to the next level. Post something similar, or don't and critique mine. Either way, enjoy!



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You've got quite a nice looking ride on the way to work. I may have to try make one myself, although I haven't got a dash cam that stays still, unlike, what seems to be, the rest of the population.

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I don't have a dash cam, I put my phone in a regular case and half scotch-taped/ half wedged it between the dash and the windshield. I'm sure you could macgyver something passable. Oh and as far as a 2.5 hour drive, my commute was 45 minutes round trip, was roughly a gig of raw video, so if you emptied your phone first 2.5 hours would fit no problem.


Also I fail to see how a daily commute could be 2.5 hours ANYWHERE in the UK. When I was there I could get from Heathrow to Brighton in less time than that, and that was using public transportation.

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Mine is a one hour walk each way. I don't think I'd have the patience to hold my phone up the entire way! You're just gonna have to imagine Vietnamese district, quiet city park and CBD main street.

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Just wait until Google Glass comes out, this will be a lot easier to do. People should at least take pics and post them up though. Curious to see what other folks' commutes are like.

Yeah I'll take photos when I get back to work (i'm on holiday at the moment). I do pass some interesting places!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol it appears that thehauntingsoul is either a habitual speeder or just wanted to look like a bad ass in the vid because it appears that no cars on his journey are going nearly as fast as he is, constantly lane changing to pass and turbo nitroing passed all cars to in his peripheral.

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Guest milorad

well I worked in Harlesden and I live in Hove. I used to get a train to victoria then two undergounds and a short bus ride. I did this Monday to Friday for 11 months

Ah London.

-So mr. Burial, finally an interview. Would you care to reveal what the inspiration for your music is? Massive amounts of drugs in squalid London flats? Dramatic death of family members? A general losing of a sense of self?

-No mate... It's all about the agony of commuting in London.

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Guest milorad

My commute is a hideously boring bus journey, perhaps I will take some photos of the other commuters though.

I love doing that. This woman is by far my favorite.


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To those who can't film their commutes why not do a Google Maps thing of from a nearby place to your house to your place of work or school.

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Guest onesixoneight

Love the concept but my commute of 1.5hrs on motorways would be a bit crap especially since the clocks went back.


Would this work if you had the camera facing out the rear window? Especially if you went slow in the middle lane!

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I had a go on my way home from work today. The only way it would work was taped to the rear view. It's a bit bouncy and boring but I'll probably whack it on tomorrow.


Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2

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I'm not a video editor by any stretch of the imagination, is there any open source editors that you can speed up the video like OP?


I used windows movie maker, which is free.


Also keep the commutes coming. I like to vicariously feel your pain, whilst simultaneously enjoying the extremely reasonable speediness of the commutes.


lol it appears that thehauntingsoul is either a habitual speeder or just wanted to look like a bad ass in the vid because it appears that no cars on his journey are going nearly as fast as he is, constantly lane changing to pass and turbo nitroing passed all cars to in his peripheral.


Everyone here drives fucking slow as shit

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