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syd syside

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Frank Zappa on Crossfire 1986 :



Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright (Part 1/7) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFjoEgYOgRo


Noam Chomsky vs. William F Buckley on the Vietnam War : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbTxLmbCoo4


Mr. Rogers speaking to the US Senate :



John Adams defending the British in court :



Carl Sagan attempts to debate with a creationist :


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here's a video of Chomsky calmly bitch slapping neo-con stooge lackey cunt Christopher Hitchens repeatedly



Hitchens was a (self-declared) socialist.


There is such a watershed of Chomsky that I will in no way ever dismiss him nor his sincerity, but I agree with Hitchens that his views in the last decade or so seem irrelevant and ideologically narrow-minded. It's as if Chomsky is so developed in political views he can't adjust them to realities of the present day world. In other words, I feel like with Hitchens I could absorb an opinion of his I didn't agree with (say his arguments for the 2003 Iraq invasion) because it would be backed with an array of historical tidbits, moral arguments, etc. I could hear an argument, learn something interesting, but still disagree. With Chomsky I just feel like he re-hashes the same broad critiques of American foreign policy and capitalism, even if it's regarding a subject with little to do with either. I feel like skipping through his speeches all the time, because I already have an idea of what he's going to say. :shrug: quite superficial I'm sure.


I plan on listening to the entire Chomsky vid btw, I always try to examine and listen to a healthy amount of criticism of opinions I agree with and intellectuals I respect.

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here's a video of Chomsky calmly bitch slapping neo-con stooge lackey cunt Christopher Hitchens repeatedly




Hitchens was a (self-declared) socialist.



There is such a watershed of Chomsky that I will in no way ever dismiss him nor his sincerity, but I agree with Hitchens that his views in the last decade or so seem irrelevant and ideologically narrow-minded. It's as if Chomsky is so developed in political views he can't adjust them to realities of the present day world. In other words, I feel like with Hitchens I could absorb an opinion of his I didn't agree with (say his arguments for the 2003 Iraq invasion) because it would be backed with an array of historical tidbits, moral arguments, etc. I could hear an argument, learn something interesting, but still disagree. With Chomsky I just feel like he re-hashes the same broad critiques of American foreign policy and capitalism, even if it's regarding a subject with little to do with either. I feel like skipping through his speeches all the time, because I already have an idea of what he's going to say. :shrug:




i think he gets repetitive simply because of the massive scope of his material...if anything hes overpublished, tries to attack too much.



but his explanation of anti-authoritarian attitudes in criticism is spot on and i try to remind myself of it daily.


basically the burden of proof is on authority to prove the need for its existence, not the other way around.

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Also, I think that Chomsky arguments usually as equally interesting and valid as Hitchens, it's just Hitchens is more often than not far way, way more entertaining and gripping. Hell, it's really Hitchslaps versus, uh, Chomksmacks...Chomstrikes? Chomskeets? :/

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I found Patrice not only hilarious but actually pretty consistent in his argument. Usually comedians or other entertainers, even when I'm on their side, get a bit too ad-hoc or hypocritical. I think he's quite on point here.


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Hitchens was a (self-declared) socialist.


I'm sure he was, but as soon as he allied himself with the psychopaths otherwise known as the 'crazies' (quote from former Reagan official Ray Mcgovern) he was completely toast. You don't come back from that shit. Granted whatever his work was that predated his turn to the stupid & very dark side is valid and entertaining. I just have absolutely zero respect for him promoting the war on terror especially the war on Iraq, and it left a black mark on his career that eclipsed pretty much everything else he did in my eyes until his death.

At least Chomsky is consistent and never let his egoistic thirst for blood get in the way of his ideals. Repetitive, boring, whatever you want to call him, he's just not cunt who got on board with one of the worst, tragic and depressing periods of American imperialism .

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here's a video of Chomsky calmly bitch slapping neo-con stooge lackey cunt Christopher Hitchens repeatedly




Hitchens was a (self-declared) socialist.



There is such a watershed of Chomsky that I will in no way ever dismiss him nor his sincerity, but I agree with Hitchens that his views in the last decade or so seem irrelevant and ideologically narrow-minded. It's as if Chomsky is so developed in political views he can't adjust them to realities of the present day world. In other words, I feel like with Hitchens I could absorb an opinion of his I didn't agree with (say his arguments for the 2003 Iraq invasion) because it would be backed with an array of historical tidbits, moral arguments, etc. I could hear an argument, learn something interesting, but still disagree. With Chomsky I just feel like he re-hashes the same broad critiques of American foreign policy and capitalism, even if it's regarding a subject with little to do with either. I feel like skipping through his speeches all the time, because I already have an idea of what he's going to say. :shrug:




i think he gets repetitive simply because of the massive scope of his material...if anything hes overpublished, tries to attack too much.



but his explanation of anti-authoritarian attitudes in criticism is spot on and i try to remind myself of it daily.


basically the burden of proof is on authority to prove the need for its existence, not the other way around.



spot on, and as much as Hitchens tried to explain why he thought killing almost 1 million arabs to stop WMDs was valid he never came out with anything remotely convincing to a critical thinker in regards to the war on terror or islam. It always hinged on the sort of knee jerkish mentality of 'they want to kill us' so we should kill them out of 'self defense' which to me is borderline child-like. I find it sort of insulting to call Chomsky's views ideologically narrow minded, in my mind he's one of the most principled and consistent writers on American Foreign policy who has simply never caved to modern propaganda (in the same way Hitchens has, repeatedly). If that's what being 'narrow minded' is, count me in.

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Glenn Greenwald VS David Rivkin

David Rivkin's best argument for why they need to violate the consitution to spy on people is that they are only using it for 'people who talk to terrorists' lol and then he strawmans Greenwald repeatedly by saying that George Bush isn't spying on you! That's absurd to think the president is reading your e-mails!

Greenwald Vs Israel die-hard Elliot Spitzer

Greenwald Vs David Frum

another dangerous propagandist, David Frum tries to reasonably and intellectually cloak why torture is ok
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here's a video of Chomsky calmly bitch slapping neo-con stooge lackey cunt Christopher Hitchens repeatedly




Hitchens was a (self-declared) socialist.



There is such a watershed of Chomsky that I will in no way ever dismiss him nor his sincerity, but I agree with Hitchens that his views in the last decade or so seem irrelevant and ideologically narrow-minded. It's as if Chomsky is so developed in political views he can't adjust them to realities of the present day world. In other words, I feel like with Hitchens I could absorb an opinion of his I didn't agree with (say his arguments for the 2003 Iraq invasion) because it would be backed with an array of historical tidbits, moral arguments, etc. I could hear an argument, learn something interesting, but still disagree. With Chomsky I just feel like he re-hashes the same broad critiques of American foreign policy and capitalism, even if it's regarding a subject with little to do with either. I feel like skipping through his speeches all the time, because I already have an idea of what he's going to say. :shrug:




i think he gets repetitive simply because of the massive scope of his material...if anything hes overpublished, tries to attack too much.



but his explanation of anti-authoritarian attitudes in criticism is spot on and i try to remind myself of it daily.


basically the burden of proof is on authority to prove the need for its existence, not the other way around.



spot on, and as much as Hitchens tried to explain why he thought killing almost 1 million arabs to stop WMDs was valid he never came out with anything remotely convincing to a critical thinker in regards to the war on terror or islam. It always hinged on the sort of knee jerkish mentality of 'they want to kill us' so we should kill them out of 'self defense' which to me is borderline child-like. I find it sort of insulting to call Chomsky's views ideologically narrow minded, in my mind he's one of the most principled and consistent writers on American Foreign policy who has simply never caved to modern propaganda (in the same way Hitchens has, repeatedly). If that's what being 'narrow minded' is, count me in.




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