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What do you do all day?

Guest happycase

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wake up, have a wank, eat breakfast, make a coffee, have a wank, have a shit, exercise/tennis, shower (with some music), have a wank, eat lunch/dinner, have a smoke (sometimes), listen to music, chatmm, have a shit, make music/chatmm/study, have a watch of something, go to bed, have a wank (2 if necessary), sleep, rinse & repeat.

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wake up, have a wank, eat breakfast, make a coffee, have a wank, have a shit, exercise/tennis, shower (with some music), have a wank, eat lunch/dinner, have a smoke (sometimes), listen to music, chatmm, have a shit, make music/chatmm/study, have a watch of something, go to bed, have a wank (2 if necessary), sleep, rinse & repeat.

And I thought I wanked a lot.


All of a sudden I feel normal again.

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usually get up around 7 or 8, do work until about 4 (if im doing work at work until 5), then exercise, then shit around and be depressed, then sleep.

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get up around 5-6, have classes every day except weekends, do a decent amount of studying, reading, tutoring&/volunteering in lab on campus, music-making, teaching myself some programming atm, sometimes i play videogames, and i like baking stuff. PARTY DUDEE also i am usually high.

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Up at 6, in work for 8, tit around on watmm, come home at 4, make tea, feed baby, do various jobs around house, collapse into bed at 10, up at 2 and 4am to settle baby. Up at 6, in work for 8, tit around on watmm, come home at 4, make tea, feed baby, do various jobs around house, collapse into bed at 10, up at 2 and 4am to settle baby. Up at 6, in work for 8, tit around on watmm, come home at 4, make tea, feed baby, do various jobs around house, collapse into bed at 10, up at 2 and 4am to settle baby.

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Guest disparaissant

up at 7. shower. eat. work at 9. work until 12. eat. class at 12:30. class until 1:45. class at 2. class until 3:15. class at 3:30. class until 6:10. go home. eat. do homework for 3-4 hours. fuck around on the internet in between. bed at around midnight.

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Woke up at 9:30 to go and take a Library Research test at 10:30. Took me about 2 hours(long test) so i started longboarding home around 12:30. Got some lunch and sat around in some nature. Got home at 2:00, tired as fuck, took a shower. Finished up the Mastodon album i was listening to in the morning and then listened to Replica. Went on the computer, checked my tumblr, played some counter strike. Listened to more music, Action Bronson and Talking Heads. Ate dinner and now going to walk around with some friends and most likely smoke some cannabis.


Pretty much my day, usually have a bit more studying/sitting in class time but i mostly have Fridays off.

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wake up 12

eat carrots + blackberries


try to decide whether or not to go to class


if go: class 1-4

if skip: browse internet 1-4


convince myself to do some homework/reading


get sidetracked and work on music/philosophy


get drunk and make soup


watch a movie


pass out at 4 AM

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wake up, have a wank, eat breakfast, make a coffee, have a wank, have a shit, exercise/tennis, shower (with some music), have a wank, eat lunch/dinner, have a smoke (sometimes), listen to music, chatmm, have a shit, make music/chatmm/study, have a watch of something, go to bed, have a wank (2 if necessary), sleep, rinse & repeat.

I hope your joking about all that wanking...

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wake up 12

eat carrots + blackberries


try to decide whether or not to go to class


if go: class 1-4

if skip: browse internet 1-4


convince myself to do some homework/reading


get sidetracked and work on music/philosophy


get drunk and make soup


watch a movie


pass out at 4 AM



man i really miss doing that. lol

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Wake up 7:40 - Brush Teeth, Dress, car pool with cuz to college.

College-Cal 2 Lec, Cal 2 Lab, Lunch, Comp Sci 1 Lec, Comp Sci 1 Lab, leave.

Get home around 5:00, nap till like 6-8,find something to eat, get on computer, do homework/surf net/play online games/listen to music/smoke/maybe open up renoise till 2-3AM. Sleep



Wake up 7:00-Brush Teeth, Dress, drive myself to college(Super Bad Traffic...)

College-Historical Geology Lab, then Lec drive home.

Get home around 12:30, eat something, nap till 4, study/do homework/snack/smoke/snack/listen to music/game/maybe open up renoise till 2-3AM. Sleep


Friday-Same crap just Cal 2 lab and lecture and hang out with friends at night.


That's the general routine. Need to find a job though so probably going to have to stop smoking and start applying.

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wake up, have a wank, eat breakfast, make a coffee, have a wank, have a shit, exercise/tennis, shower (with some music), have a wank, eat lunch/dinner, have a smoke (sometimes), listen to music, chatmm, have a shit, make music/chatmm/study, have a watch of something, go to bed, have a wank (2 if necessary), sleep, rinse & repeat.

I hope your joking about all that wanking...


Use it or lose it my friend...Of course the wanking is occasionally substituted with actual sexual partners. (human)

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I carried my chilled out student years through to my professional carreer. I will never be able to buy a decent home at this rate but how can I give up this freedom.


4x days a week

11.45 Wake up, 12.00 Ride bike to train station, 13.30 Arrive at office. Work. 17.30 Ride bike to train station, 19.00 Get home. Do whatever I want. Music, videogames, coding, going out... Enjoying life. 06.00 Sleep.


Work at home on fridays from 13.00 to 15.30. Soccer on friday nights. Weekends are mostly spent behind the computer recuperating from hangovers.

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8:30 - wake up, feel sick, try to sleep for ten more minutes.


8:45 - wake up again, still feel sick, lay in bed and browse reddit on my phone until i build up enough strength to will myself out of bed


9:00 - get out of bed, put in contacts, go shower


9:15 - put on clothes and ~make-up~ quick as fuck, maybe stuff some food in my mouth


9:40 - get in the car, jet out!


9:50 - stop at walgreens to buy a soda to wash down my anxiety medication (only on some days)


9:50 to 10:15 - cruisin and blastin

on the highway


10:15 - arrive on campus, find parking


10:20 - walk to the psych building, smoke a cigarette


10:30 - arrive to class right on time, every time


10:30 to 11:45 - listen to a lecture about thinking, machines and thinking machines


11:45 - jet out of class to the other side of campus, maybe call the boyfriend while i'm walking to tell him how stupid my classmates are


11:50 - arrive at the engineering building, smoke a cigarette


12:00 - arrive on class right on time, every time


12:00 to 1:15 - listen to a lecture about the body, the mind and WITTGENSTEIN


1:15 - jet out of class to my car on the other side of campus, maybe call the boyfriend while i'm walking to tell him how cool my professor is (no sarcasm, dude is awesome on a daily basis)


1:20 - arrive at car


1:20 to 1:30 - exit the garage (because there are traffic jams in the garages this takes some patience)


1:30 - drive to mcdonalds, buy chikin nugs


1:40 - consuming chikin nugs en route to research institute


1:50 - arrive at research institute, find parking, smoke a cigarette


2:00 - go inside building, greet my coworkers, chit chat, get the key to the lab


2:05 to 4:30 - unlock the lab, go inside, sit at the computer, watch videos, type into a spreadsheet what occurs on the videos


4:30 - lock the lab, return the key, maybe chit chat more with coworkers, leave the building


4:30 - 4:40 - smoke break and daily call to the boyfriend to complain about the last two and a half hours


4:40 - get in car, drive home, blastin

as i navigate through rush hour traffic


5:15 - arrive home, greet my dogs and family, go shower


5:30 - change into yoga clothes


5:45 - get in car, pick up my cousin across the street, drive to yoga while playing drexciya to try to broaden my cousin's musical knowledge


6:00 - arrive at the yoga studio, right on time (not every time though, sometimes i'm a little late but they usually start late so w/e)


6:00 to 7:30 - poppin some downward doggies and then some blissful shavasana


7:30 - post-yoga hi-five to my cousin, drive home


7:45 - drop cousin off and park at house, go inside and greet my dogs and family


8:00 - chillin a bit, maybe grab some food to eat


8:30 - take the dogs to piss, smoke another cigarette


8:30 to 12:00 - browse the internet and wonder why i'm not doing homework (some days substitute with: browse internet and actually do homework)


12:00 - take the dogs to piss, smoke another cigarette, then moar internet (some days substitute with: then moar homework)


12:30 - shower, brush all my tooths, take out contacts, wash face


12:40 - drink my anxiety medication, go to bed



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Guest Frankie5fingers

I sit on my ass and read watmm on my phone in between breaks of taking shit and reading watmm

he was actually doing this at my house the same exact time i was on watmm


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Scenario 1: No Girlfriend

Wake up, go to school, watmm and read cracked during down time, come home, either lift weights or play piano, go to work, come home, take benadryl, listen to music, sleep. I usually end up eating one meal and maybe a handful of peanuts or a donut for breakfast.


Scenario 2: Girlfriend

Wake up, eat breakfast, bang eachother, eat lunch, play some sort of game, bang eachother, go outside/visit a park (when it's not winter), eat supper, and then either watch netflix, a movie, listen to music, practice our instruments/play together, eat more food just for the sake of eating food, ingest some sort of intoxicant, or have more sex. (When we have no other engagements).

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most weekdays i'll wake up around 2-3 pm, download daily show/colbert raport, make breakfast, eat breakfast while watching daily show, make coffee, drink coffee + smoke while watching colbert, brush teeth/shower, and between 4-5 pm i'll park my ass in front of the computer and start messing around with tracks for various projects. sometimes i work on tracks for 7-8 hours straight, sometimes i'll give up after an hour and watch movies for the rest of the day or get stuck on youtube/wikipedia/imdb. around 11 pm - midnight i'll make dinner, eat dinner while watching something, and then back to making tracks / talk to people online about whatever it is i or we are working on until 6-7 am, sleep, repeat. insert lots of coffee and cigarettes everywhere throughout the day.


i probably live the most unhealthy lives out of everyone i know atm.

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