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I think I get Oversteps now.


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Well I guess I'm the new Oversteps hater now. I really can't listen to it. I tell myself that it isn't really Autechre. I just don't get it for some reason. I can't remember the last time I tried to listen to it.


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I`ve really started to appreciate and like this more since Exai came out, It`s definately their warmest album since their 90`s period [the ghost of Amber in there].

yeah its much more happy emotionally than most of the recent stuff

exai has some happy songs but ive not listened to it properly yet lol

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Oversteps would be a great album for a band like Tangerine Dream (which I also love). But this is Autechre afterall.


Move of Ten was okay, but i've barely listened to it since 2010. I also remember the only time I ever was pulled over by a policeman was when pce freeze was playing. The next time that song played in the car, a cop car came out of nowhere (but went racing after someone else). There and then I assumed the track means police! freeze!, and vowed to never play MoT in the car again.


Lmfao I will remember that when I hear that track from now on.

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oversteps is hella lush in comparison to exai.. r ess, qplay, os veix, and even known(1) are EASY on the ears, real brain BALM. the amount of polish, space, and background subtlety on oversteps is remarkable. it glows in the context of exai. and d sho qub still sounds sweet as ever.


in addition, pce freeze is possibly the most crisp sounding track i've ever heard on my stereo, despite the monotony of the beat. the sound mix literally *pops* out in the room. the physicality and sharpness of the track is striking.

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Guest Chogg

Listened to oversteps for the first time since Exai came out today. What a beautiful contrast. Krylon is a fucking gem.

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Yes, I've really been enjoying Oversteps since Exai came out, too. Not because Exai is bad. But I never seem to get tired of Oversteps...It's both very easy to listen to and full of depth. And so warm. I have to be more 'in the mood' for Exai, but Oversteps seems to win me over, whatever state.

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Guest khurmookum


I predict that Oversteps will be looked back upon in (5, 10, 20?) years as one of their more amazing and "cosmically relevant" albums.

I hope so. I see it as on par with the classic 70s German electronic albums that everyone ejaculates over (myself included). I hope that when I'm in my 40s/50s/60s I can say to people in their 20s that I was around when it was released, saw them live, etc haha

wow. i was going to rave about how oversteps seems to me like 70% pure krautrock when i saw that you had already mentioned this. it reminds me a lot of cluster/kluster, brainticket, anima, harmonia, popol vuh, and so on. i think that after the shallow emptiness of quaristice, oversteps was like a rebirth of ae, and a very solid statement.

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I don't get how you 'get' or 'don't get' something, you like it or you don't, there's nothing to get. You either like Oversteps/ Draft 7.30/Amber/whatever or you don't, they make another album and another, so it's not like they made Oversteps just to be able to make Exai. Their style has changed again, that's all. It's not like you have to listen to lyrics and you don't get what they're saying and then suddenly you do, it music you like or not.

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Guest Chogg

I don't get how you 'get' or 'don't get' something, you like it or you don't, there's nothing to get. You either like Oversteps/ Draft 7.30/Amber/whatever or you don't, they make another album and another, so it's not like they made Oversteps just to be able to make Exai. Their style has changed again, that's all. It's not like you have to listen to lyrics and you don't get what they're saying and then suddenly you do, it music you like or not.


There is a sort of phenomenon with autechre's music/fans where we are devoted to continually listening to their material even if we don't like it at first, trying to "get it" -- time has proven to us that their music contains dense layers of content and logic that reveals itself over time with repeated listens. This is true for lots of electronic artists of course, but something about the brand Autechre carries a higher level of loyalty and devotion than many others. Because their style and methods change considerably with each release/period, it holds true that each new era tends to lend a new perspective and appreciation for the previous. What I've observed from watmm culture in the last 5 years is that we fanboys are a demanding bunch. I've never seen a group of fans so specific about what they want their beloved artist to do with their music. It becomes this sort of love/hate relationship because we love what Ae do but it is never what we expect - how could it be? Only time seems to smooth it out. /fanboy rant

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I don't get how you 'get' or 'don't get' something, you like it or you don't, there's nothing to get. You either like Oversteps/ Draft 7.30/Amber/whatever or you don't, they make another album and another, so it's not like they made Oversteps just to be able to make Exai. Their style has changed again, that's all. It's not like you have to listen to lyrics and you don't get what they're saying and then suddenly you do, it music you like or not.


First of all, it's inherently obvious that this is a thing due to the widespread use of this term here in the Ae subforum, but that aside it certainly is a thing with Autechre as well as all challenging music. As a music listener who is quite fond of challenging music I can comfortably say that I can like a song well before I get it, or I can not like a song but listen to it enough times to get it eventually, and at that point I like it. Both of these contexts can be acceptable use of the term 'get' or 'don't get' music.


This is largely due to the construction of the music, and that a lot of the tones and melodies have distinctly different sounds in different contexts. Taken completely out of context (as is the case with a new Ae listener) most of it sounds noisy and awful, but taken in context with the rest of their work, or taking each segment of each track in context with the entire track, is what makes Autechre music finally click and causes the listener to 'get it'.


If you seriously disagree here I can't imagine how you're a fan of Autechre music in the first place.


EDIT: Chogg's post above does a much better job conveying what I'm trying to convey.

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I get how you have to listen to their music a couple of times before you hear a few more layers, but I don't get the part where you 'get' the music. Isn't it just liking or disliking it? 'Getting' it is more like [what I said before] getting what they're saying, but since they're not talking, singing or rapping I don't think there's anything to 'get', but more something to like. If I don't like a track I never will, if I don't like it after the first few listens [because I don't hear everything the first time and therefor have to listen to it a second and third time to be able to hear more [as is the case with most of their music]], then I won't like it at all, that can be the case because of the sound design I don't like or something else, then that won't change.

Sure there are tracks that I like better now than I did before, but that's because I've noticed different things, but if I don't like the overall track [the surface sounds and rhythms] then I won't like it at all, ever. So that's why I don't get how you can suddenly 'get' a track or album.

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maybe it's the post Exai experience and snowy weather but Oversteps is sounding extra nice at the moment


os veix, krylon, yuop. pure delicious.

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Guest Sprigg

I still prefer that beated redfall remix someone posted a long time ago to the original, but damn if the qplay- O=0 segment isnt the loveliest thing I've ever heard!

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don't think I've heard that redfall remix, got a link?


yeah qplay & O=0 is lushyness, the end of qplay where the whole melody finds itself and settles in is dee-lish

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I don't get how you 'get' or 'don't get' something, you like it or you don't, there's nothing to get. You either like Oversteps/ Draft 7.30/Amber/whatever or you don't, they make another album and another, so it's not like they made Oversteps just to be able to make Exai. Their style has changed again, that's all. It's not like you have to listen to lyrics and you don't get what they're saying and then suddenly you do, it music you like or not.


Sometimes it's literally a matter of coming to understand how the music itself works. For example, I could not find any rhythm in a number of Confield tracks when I first heard it, and it drove me mad; I thought it was just arhythmic noise. Then one day I could actually hear how the beats were subdivided and shifted around where you would usually expect them to fall, but still with a consistent beat in there -- same for Xylin Room, for that matter. It took me a while to 'get' how the track 'worked,' in that sense.


Now, with Oversteps, I'm not sure that is the same issue, because it's not as musically oblique in that way; it's just a lot of reverb (*ducks*), so there I think 'getting it' has to mean 'came to think it's good.' But it could also mean 'understood how it fit in the context of the sound and compositional style of other albums surrounding it.'


So I don't get how you don't get what getting is.

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I don't get how you 'get' or 'don't get' something, you like it or you don't, there's nothing to get. You either like Oversteps/ Draft 7.30/Amber/whatever or you don't, they make another album and another, so it's not like they made Oversteps just to be able to make Exai. Their style has changed again, that's all. It's not like you have to listen to lyrics and you don't get what they're saying and then suddenly you do, it music you like or not.


Sometimes it's literally a matter of coming to understand how the music itself works. For example, I could not find any rhythm in a number of Confield tracks when I first heard it, and it drove me mad; I thought it was just arhythmic noise. Then one day I could actually hear how the beats were subdivided and shifted around where you would usually expect them to fall, but still with a consistent beat in there -- same for Xylin Room, for that matter. It took me a while to 'get' how the track 'worked,' in that sense.


Now, with Oversteps, I'm not sure that is the same issue, because it's not as musically oblique in that way; it's just a lot of reverb (*ducks*), so there I think 'getting it' has to mean 'came to think it's good.' But it could also mean 'understood how it fit in the context of the sound and compositional style of other albums surrounding it.'


So I don't get how you don't get what getting is.


Yeah, the analogy I was thinking of for 'getting' ae would be watching a foreign film with or without subtitles. You can't really say if you like or disliked a film if you didn't understand any of the dialogue.


Though if it was plain the genre of the film was not to your liking, say you hate zombie films and can clearly see zombies stumbling about onscreen, You'd be ok to say you didn't like it without having to know the intricacies of the plot.


Which makes me think a little of Oversteps and all the hate it got (all the 'twinkly bullshit' comments and such).

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