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Girl trying to get her surgery funded


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I thought you could donate different amounts of money and you get stuff in return? I'd be willing to do maybe £5k for the piece of removed metal or £10k for my name on her headstone.

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Guest Franklin

Hey guys, I'm sure you all heard of the Fukishima reactor meltdown in Japan. I happened to be traveling in Japan at the time and some radioactive cesium got lodged in my esophagus. If I can raise enough money in exactly 60 days I won't die. In fact, if I raise double the amount in 30 days, I'll suffer 50% less death. Please send unmarked bills to my address in the Cayman Islands (pm me).



well guys, lumpenprol is probably lying, but i happened to be on the beach at fukushima when the tsunami hit. a kitten got lodged in my throat and died. the dead kitten entered my bloodstream and made me gay, and my parents happen to be fundamentalist jihadist muslims who are probably going to perform an honor killing on me. basically, i can't cover the onset of gayness because amurikah, so pm me for details.



i like the part about her mom not understanding her because she's a lesbian. Nice touch.



all fucking gems.

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Oh and by the way,


"To be embarrassed about your own identity is your problem not anyone else's. So to say that someone holds responsibility for ruining your life, because they shed light on who you truly are is really to confess that you are ashamed of yourself."


It's not about being embarrassed you idiot, it's about being safe. Check out the violent crime statistics for transwomen.


Seriously this is probably the dumbest, most ignorant comment I've seen on this board outside of a compson post for weeks. As if trans people can just walk out of the closet into a world that's accepting, tolerant and non-violent. Flol.



Sure, the violence factor is a good point, but I wasn't really talking about violence. I was talking more about people doing things like taking their own lives.


Does it make you feel like a man to be such an asshole?


You seem ignorant or oblivious and naive or something based on some of the tremendously horrid statements you've made. I think when it comes to those statements that Iain C has every right to "be such an asshole" regardless of his masculinity.



Then your philosophy is contradictory in that it is promoting the persecution of someone for no reason other than their ignorance/naivety/obliviousness for the sake of protecting someone from some verbal or idealistic persecution based on their supposed biological makeup. If you were truly subscribing to a philosophy of fairness and compassion then you would realize that everyone should be dealt with in a respectful and compassionate manner. You aren't though. You are subscribed to a philosophy of over-sensitivity, being reactive emotionally, and some kind of underdog-soapbox mentality.


I also feel you should focus on using appropriate words when you are writing. I find it hard to believe, unless you are living in some wonderful Utopian society somewhere, that my comments were "tremendously horrid". What are you comparing my comments to? The Holocaust? Maybe the ever increasing incident of gang rapes in India? Maybe the tragedy at Newton?


You have every right to disagree with me if that is how you feel. I respect that. What is startling and sad about this forum is that most people here have zero respect for differing viewpoints. They will make unnecessary personal attacks and inflammatory posts. What they don't realize is that they are actually discouraging open discussion and the exchange of ideas. All you forum members who are emotionally invested in your worldview need to wake up and realize that every individual is going to have a different experience from which they draw their ideas and opinions. You don't educate someone or make the world a better place by calling someone ignorant and prejudice and refusing to engage in logical conversation. Is that how you deal with people in your normal lives? Do you go up to someone speaking and start yelling, "BIGOT, RACIST, HORRID PERSON". I'm going to bet unless someone is being intensely egregious that you don't. I'll actually go out on a limb that most of the users here avoid verbal and physical conflicts generally. So why do you think that it is OK to treat people differently here? Why is it OK to abandon manners and respect?


I understand that some could see some of my comments as insensitive and maybe phrased more appropriately, but I find it incredible that in "General Banter" someone can post over and over to cover there ass and there will be these select individuals who decide that they are completely offended and all this nonsense by one single comment.


These are all my posts in this thread. I mean if I was reading these posts by another person I would assume they were a monster. Throw this bastard up there with Stalin, Hilter, Mao, Westboro Baptist, etc.


Sure, I'll concede like I've already conceded that I didn't factor in violence against this specific demographic, but like I said, I don't promote people being outed against their will. I only said that I am ok with people being curious and questioning this fundraiser that relies on public support.


I respect that you guys are compassionate individuals and are sticking up for people and all that, but you are being overly sensitive in my opinion.


I feel a lot of people here need to realize that everyone can't spend all their time articulating every single detail about the topics they are discussing. Some of us assume that you can understand that we aren't evil monsters. We are just normal people like you with our own opinions. By picking apart little instances of what people say and blowing it out of proportion you are making this a much less friendly place than any of this supposed bigotry.


Notice how I say, If I'm wrong and this is legitimate I hope she gets help multiple times, but that gets ignored in favor of criticizing other details.


All I really want is people to start treating other people with respect so that this forum can be a place where people aren't afraid to discuss things because they are going to be attacked and offended by others who view themselves as morally and intellectually superior.


It isn't just me. There are a lot of people here that I've talked with who won't post in "General Banter", because people will immediately attack them over very minor things.


I'd also like to point out amid the every increasing frequency of personal attacks from Lain that I kept my cool and didn't make attacks against him. I don't see how Lain's behavior is warranted, but I think that if you are going to promote this sort of thing that you have a warped view of justice.


Thanks for your attention...bye.




While shopping around for different doctors, I found one who was willing to cut the cost of the operation, he is very nice and I trust him to perform the operation successfully. His quote for the surgery was $29,700, though I am going to increase the asking amount of the donations to $35,000, for indiegogo fees, just in case, and to help keep me afloat during recovery. The recovery (which involves getting the remaining poisons out of my system) is estimated to take 2-3 months for me to be in the clear, and at this point it is uncertain as to any other long term or permanent effects I will have to endure.

On a side note, there is a second surgery that I am seeking to get caused by the accident, however, it is not vital to my survival, but it is vital to myself being able to live a normal life. I have not picked a surgeon for this operation, though I've received estimates upwards of $25,000.

In the off chance I receive more than the intended amount, or I receive enough for both procedures, I will donate all remaining funds to another charity (I'm not sure of which at this point, not exactly my highest priority, but if you've got any ideas, feel free to send me a message)

- She does seem a little masculine though. I agree that pictures should be posted of the xray or more details should be shared. Additional surgery? Drop your pride and be honest about what ails you if you want thousands of dollar given to you. I would not donate money to someone being so vague.



Guys this is obviously bullshit. Look at all the details. It is very shady.

There are SO many missing details. How about the date of the accident? Maybe the # of the court case? By the way, I searched the Cook County Records for a case involving a "Chloe Sagal", and I got zero results. It is possible the case didn't happen in Cook Count though.

How about you make your facebook profile public while the fundraiser is going on so people can see that you are being honest?

Why are all your pictures bad quality, low light, and hard angles?

Why are so few pictures of you available?

Why didn't you give us the details of the type of metal that is poisoning you?

Are there not detoxifying procedures that could help keep you alive for a while as your body fights the toxic levels of metal? (Sort of like in Iron Man 2)

Why are you continuing school when you only have a year to live? I imagine if you are estranged from your family that you are taking out loans for school even though you are going to die? That doesn't really make sense.

Why are you in such similar clothes in all your videos and pictures?

"I don't have time to futz with the system, right now I just need to get this thing out of me."

Really? If I was dying I would probably quit school and focus on trying to stay alive.

Oh, and a peoplefinders.com and ancestry.com search came back with zero results for a "Chloe Sagal"


From my short time browsing toxic metals on Wikipedia, most of them seem rather rare, and not the type of thing to get lodged into you from car accident. Granted, I'm not an engineer or a doctor. Wouldn't weekly dialysis keep you from dying from something like this? I know someone who posted one of these for a recovery from an accident. They listed the dates of the accident, posted clear videos and, spoke clearly. She has an uncommon name as well, and is easy to find pictures of on google. She also has a public Facebook profile, and also a public event to raise money for her recovery.





Quite different and in my opinion inspires much more confidence.


I'm sorry if this person is actually needing help and I'm seeming like an asshole. I'm just trying to assess the situation. If this person is really dying I hope that she gets the help she needs.


Yeah, I don't think anyone here cares that she is trans(I know that I don't). We were just questioning whether or not she is attempting to use this money for something related to gender reassignment, and is posing as someone whose life is being threatened. The stuff doesn't really add up. In reference to the quote that mcbpete posted above, if she can't handle people knowing she is trans then she shouldn't be trans. I would feel no responsibility for any repercussions of her being outed. Especially, when you are putting yourself in the public eye to gain financial help.

"Suppose I was for a moment that I was a transsexual. What does that have to do with anything? Are you assuming the only problems a transsexual has are related to body modification? You do also realize that many countries, including the US, will provide GRS to low income individuals who demonstrate a medical need, right? On top of that, who gives you the authority to out me to the rest of the world? That is probably the most unthinkably cruel thing you could do to a transsexual, and as a fellow LGBT, I have witnessed first hand the struggles these people have to endure, I have even lost one of my best friends due to people being this ignorant."

Answering questions with questions and dodging any kind of legitimate answer is usually a sign of foul play.

Also, her case could have been put back up for a number of reasons. It could have been as simple as the way that her donation was worded or that the company was afraid of legal problems arising from them denying her access to the site.

I've actually pointed out a lot of evidence that points towards this being bullshit. I'm building a character profile here with possible motive. To say I have no idea when I've gathered information and posed important questions is ignorant on your part. The forum post that mcbpete posted is basically a confession to the fact(obviously my opinion, but my opinion is as legitimate as yours). I really don't give a shit if she is trans or not, but when you are trying to decipher if someone is being deceitful then you build a character profile, and you examine possible motives.

No, what you proposed is not anywhere close to similar to what I've been talking about. So, actually that is false.

Also, I don't understand what you are getting at with that bolded quote. I never said anything about having a problem with masculine women whatsoever. I don't get why you are telling me I have a problem. Not one time did I say that it was bad that she has some masculine features, or that she could possibly (as remote as you think that possibility is) be trans. I'm a very open-minded person and accepting of all walks of life. Please do not try to make it seem otherwise.

To be embarrassed about your own identity is your problem not anyone else's. So to say that someone holds responsibility for ruining your life, because they shed light on who you truly are is really to confess that you are ashamed of yourself.

Stick to the facts.

And honestly, there aren't a lot of facts to stick to at all in this case, because she conveniently hasn't offered any to us. Please understand what investigating and speculation are and stop being emotionally invested in this subject.

EDIT: I've already stated that if I'm wrong and she legitimately needs help that I hope she gets it.



I mean I'm not promoting the idea, and I think everyone should exercise discretion regarding peoples' personal affairs. That specific forum question seemed to be framed as an inquiry into this fundraiser so I'm ok with it being posed. I think that she should be honest and up front about what she is doing with this money if she is asking for public support. Obviously, everyone has a right to privacy and in a perfect world nobody's private lives would be exposed unwillingly. She chose to be out in the public eye, and people are naturally going to be curious about everything. She has offered up very little concrete information about the legitimacy of it all. If she really needed money to save her life she could have given us lots of facts without compromising her personal information, and these other questions probably wouldn't have even be asked.

As far as her comment about losing someone who was outed...Well, I feel that is as much an internal problem with that person as it was an external issue. No one should be ashamed of who they are or made to be ashamed of who they are in most circumstances.


Actually, Lain I've used a lot of different information which I've outlined in all my posts in this thread. Not just her appearance. I also wasn't really commenting on it full stop. Half of my posts are in response to things other people have said, and due to the closed-minded nature and inability of others on this forum, once you make one comment you have to spend 5 pages defending your entire worldview. I was also touching on other aspects of this that seemed odd. Once again I didn't use just one photograph. I analyzed lots of other information that I've outlined in this thread. You can call my speculation stupid if you want, but I think it is perfectly valid. Just as I think your trusting her without question is valid, and I respect your right to decide that without being personally attacked.

I've also stated numerous times that I was speculating, but thank you for telling me that I'm speculating. I'm not being prejudice. Please don't accuse me of prejudice it is extremely offensive. My speculation is based on much more than outward appearance. I've stated this numerous times. It is a collection of things.



Sure, the violence factor is a good point, but I wasn't really talking about violence. I was talking more about people doing things like taking their own lives.

Does it make you feel like a man to be such an asshole?


I realize that they decided this was legitimate enough, but it reeks of illegitimacy.



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Thanks, I actually kind of want to retract the first couple of paragraphs, because I think they are distracting and somewhat inflammatory.

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Guest Pennywise

I just want to see how this all pans out. I think we should maybe cool our heads a little and wait and see.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Saw an article on Yahoo bout girl that faked having 4 types of cancer, raised like 33 grand total, while under 4 different drug charges that she faked doctors notes to get out of court, mostly all to fund her heroin habit.


Was expecting to come back here and see that this had been out as a hoax by now too.

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