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New consoles/E3 2013 thread


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Guest jasondonervan



All the goodwill MS has built up with me, with the 360, has completely been ruined over the last of couple months.


Pretty sure all the "core" gamers will flock to the PS4, and that will leave the Xbone to housewives (with a shitload of money) that wants to use kinect for the family, and COD dudebros, that buys one or two games a year (Call of Duty and some sport game).


But don't you think that the CoD dudebro crowd will migrate to the PS4? It's a cheaper box, and the only thing they really lose out on is Microsoft's insistence on buying up timed exclusives like map packs. It will be interesting to see if the brand alone pervades among that sector of the buying public, and I guess you have to consider the loyalty that exists in America towards buying an 'American' product? Or am I over-generalising?


There's no patriotism behind gaming in the US - Americans want the best, that's it. Doesn't matter if it comes from Japan, China, Europe. That whole "buy American" is just a feel-good thing nobody really stands behind.





Cheers for clearing that up :beer:

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Sorry if this is old news, but apparently that Titanfall game is running on a "enhanced version of the source engine" (not even kidding).


That can only mean that Half-Life 3 is coming up.. right?... RIGHT!?

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Sorry if this is old news, but apparently that Titanfall game is running on a "enhanced version of the source engine" (not even kidding).


That can only mean that Half-Life 3 is coming up.. right?... RIGHT!?



the Source engine has gone through numerous 'enhancements' since it's release in 2004, the last enhancement made by Valve themselves was with the release of Portal 2.


other devs can fuck around with it themselves though, and it could be deemed an 'enhanced version of Source' in much the same way that GoldSrc (the engine for Half-Life) is itself an 'enhancement' of the Quake engine by id Software.

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Oh yeah totally. I should clarify, that was more aimed towards the Half Life 3 point. I think that will be made with Source 2. That's what's being suggested from insiders etc anyay

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I'm really interested in Quantum Break - mostly because I really like Remedy's stuff - but apart from that I'm not really sure that Xbox One has anything to offer right out of the gate... at least for me. Plus, the $100 price difference between PS4 and Xbox One sure is a sales pitch in itself :)

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Guest Gravity










That sort of character is like Game & Watch or R.O.B.. A fun, unexpected addition.


Looks like they may replace Zero Suit Samus with her though, seeing as they look like similar characters (in build, not moves).

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What you talking about, s'fucking brilliant. About 5000 times more interesting than LOOK WE MAKE SHOOTAN GAME that's been featured in about 90% of this years E3
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so Nintendo's strategy is "remake everything" or "port it from 3DS". underwhelming, only Mario Kart 8 looks to do anything innovative for their franchises. Hoping at least one unannounced major game comes from the rest of the Directs scheduled.

That's been Nintendo's strategy since the GameCube days...


And Mario Kart is in the same boat - wow, they brought back motorcycles! Innovative!


I hate bashing Nintendo; I really like their games and systems, but they had a chance to redeem themselves with the successor to the Wii, and they blew it. Almost as bad as Microsoft with the XBone. Almost.

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What you talking about, s'fucking brilliant. About 5000 times more interesting than LOOK WE MAKE SHOOTAN GAME that's been featured in about 90% of this years E3




I guarantee you, there will be a Wii U version of:

Mario Golf

Mario Tennis

Mario Party

Wii Play (oh, look...)

Wii Fit (oh, look...)

Smash Bros (oh, look...)


Don't get me wrong - I don't mind sequels, but c'mon Nintendo - come up with some new IP! They have brilliant ideas and designs, why not lead by example and come out with something truly unique like Nintendogs was, or Brain Age, or Wii Sports (which weirdly enough, there is yet to be seen a Wii U Sports)...


If you're going to recycle IP, then dig up some older classics, like Ice Climber, or a Kid Icarus game in the Wind Waker style, or a new take on Balloon Fight.


Or, (and I know I'm really going out on a limb here) how about a Metroid game that harks back to the original or Super Metroid, and leave all that Prime nonsense behind. And no, Other M doesn't count because Tecmo don't know shit anymore except for how to make enormous virtual boobs jiggle like they were filled with water.

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Yes I know Nintendo leans on their franchises waay to much, like Disney, but at least with Wii there was usually a new or novel game mechanic introduced. This time,


Rereleasing a 10 year old Zelda game

identical looking Donkey Kong sequel (really Retro?)

Basically porting a 3D Mario game, that isn't 3D

Releasing what looks like the same Smash Bros game on 2 platforms

Pikmin 3 that's been in development for a decade

A "sequel" to New Super Mario Bros 1 YEAR LATER


No Starfox

No Metroid

No Kid Icarus

No new IP


Like I said, Mario Kart's hover cars and sticking to walls/ceilings really was the only new mechanic I saw for an established franchise.


I think Iwata has run his turn at the wheel, and needs to be replaced. I'm sure Yamauchi still makes that decision, being the major shareholder, but I think they will be better off once he's dead, and some new blood can come in. I just hope they don't try to promote Miyamoto too far up the management chain where his attention would be saving the company instead of hardware/software development.

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Guest Gravity

For anyone who hasn't seen it, Watch Dogs looks insane.




I like how Geoff drills Reggie here on the weak 3rd party support for the Wii U


lol yes, he does this to Reggie all the time. Great stuff.

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Guest Mirezzi

I think The Division looked great in terms of atmosphere but the gameplay was dull as fuck. It's just World of Guncraft. I can see it now.


"LFM - Secure Police HQ - Full on snipers!"

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i agree totally that it might be cool for nintendo to dig up older franchises/characters if they aren't going to put much effort behind coming up with new IPs. and i agree absolutely that kid icarus, balloon fight and games from the early nes days would make perfect candidates for a modern update. balloon fight could possibly be a great thing. and a 3d adventurous kid icarus is so long overdue. i'm sure there are others, like hogans alley, star tropics, basically any of the earlier nintendo developed nes games. and i also would love to see a return to the pre-prime metroids, even as great as the first prime was.

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Guest Gravity

and a 3d adventurous kid icarus is so long overdue.


Have you seen this? Or did you mean something better, haven't played it.


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oh god. no i hadn't seen that. didn't know about it. now i wish i still didn't/hadn't. theres already a nonsensical final fantasy series which is a total trainwreck of narrative and random tech-based visuals crammed together with no real rhyme or reason. why does kid icarus need to be that too? i haven't gotten on board with any of the FF games of the past decade plus so to me this looks bad. very bad. i can barely see any kind of greek/roman influence in that at all. wtf nintendo. and god the voices and music sound like something from ps1 era. generic cock-rock with super reverb-drenched voices that sound like they are coming from a metal chamber for some reason. reminds me of symphony of the nights voices. ugggghh

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