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I think the use of the phrase 'Industries' to imply evil corporation in fiction is too played out now. Weyland, Reynholm, Kaini.. no company would believably use it; it is too cartoonish. Now they would probably be called Trask Solutions. This film is set in the 70s though right? so I'll give it a pass.

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looks pretty cool but I don't understand why they'd change the design so drastically of one of the most memorable creatures/characters from the X-men universe. It's sort of reminds me of Prometheus, when they made the Space Jockey like a 12 foot guy instead of a hulking 20+ giant. Does hollywood not think a gigantic robot would sell as well? A Sentinel is supposed to be the size of fucking king kong, a ridiculously sized robot, not a look alike from the shitty Judge Dredd movie

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Guest Gary C





Or this:




I know which I prefer, and it's the one that doesn't look like a Michael Bay Transformer.


Probably due to my age and place in the timeline of comics more than anything else, I firmly believe that X-Men, Batman and Spiderman were practically perfected in their 90s cartoons. Fuck, even Hulk and maybe Fantastic Four. Silver Surfer. She-Hulk.


The X-Men cartoon sucks in a lot of places, but the scope is excellent and the storylines it weaves in the later series' are excellent. Spider-man tried to do the same thing with alt-world Spidermen and Marvel team-ups on alien worlds, but it always felt like a mash-up rather than a great story.


X-Men is generally the only Marvel property to, at least metaphorically, deal with important real-world subjects. I'm genuinely excited about DOFP...


But those fucking Sentinels.

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the X-men cartoon is the best outside of the comic world adaptation of the universe ever done. Does have plenty of weak spots and dated qualities (it was when the early 90s was still very 80s, the soundtrack for it has a hilarious amount of twangy FM synthesis). The spider-man cartoon did a halfway decent job but it's way shittier than x-men.


i think what's so awesome about the original sentinel design is screams Jack Kirby, it just has that look from old comic books that is very aesthetically pleasing to me. I don't know if he drew them originally or not, but comic book movies need more jack kirby influences. When i first heard Avengers were doing Skrulls i got pretty excited because they remind me of that style as well. It's just idiotic to me that Fox, who owns all these other marvel characters is too afraid to ever do the comic book version visually speaking. They did the same thing with Galactus, made him a giant cloud again missing an opportunity to bring a very cool Jack Kirby design to the big screen


this is why i'm hoping if they do a Justice League live action movie, they root it comfortable and unapologetically in DC's golden age roots. It's something that Marvel can't do at this point. DC's universe is much more filled with anachronistic weirdness. Someone should just put in a scene as a figurative middle finger to chris nolan, the symbolic equivalent of 'fuck you nolan-verse'. Just boom Martian Manhunter comes down and teleports Batman and Superman to Oa for a Green Lantern Corp pep talk in the first 5 minutes of the movie

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the X-men cartoon is the best outside of the comic world adaptation of the universe ever done. Does have plenty of weak spots and dated qualities (it was when the early 90s was still very 80s, the soundtrack for it has a hilarious amount of twangy FM synthesis). The spider-man cartoon did a halfway decent job but it's way shittier than x-men.


i think what's so awesome about the original sentinel design is screams Jack Kirby, it just has that look from old comic books that is very aesthetically pleasing to me. I don't know if he drew them originally or not, but comic book movies need more jack kirby influences. When i first heard Avengers were doing Skrulls i got pretty excited because they remind me of that style as well. It's just idiotic to me that Fox, who owns all these other marvel characters is too afraid to ever do the comic book version visually speaking. They did the same thing with Galactus, made him a giant cloud again missing an opportunity to bring a very cool Jack Kirby design to the big screen


this is why i'm hoping if they do a Justice League live action movie, they root it comfortable and unapologetically in DC's golden age roots. It's something that Marvel can't do at this point. DC's universe is much more filled with anachronistic weirdness. Someone should just put in a scene as a figurative middle finger to chris nolan, the symbolic equivalent of 'fuck you nolan-verse'. Just boom Martian Manhunter comes down and teleports Batman and Superman to Oa for a Green Lantern Corp pep talk in the first 5 minutes of the movie

Galactus on the big screen was one of the biggest disappointments ever.


Lol that green lantern pep talk would be brilliant.

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lol, the other secret to making Justice League a success is they can easily throw in 3 black super heroes and nothing would be 'weird' about it. They wouldn't have to put in a crappy character like the Avengers 2 is planning to do with black panther.
John Stewart, black green lantern could work fine because nobody wants to see Ryan Reynolds again plus hes probably too expensive. Martian Manhunter has often been represented by a black man in human form, boom another black guy put in Reddick from the wire. And then we have Cyborg, who also is black. People would be 'raving' about how progressive of a cast it was. Idris Elba can easily play one of them, doesn't matter which one.

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Guest Gary C


Galactus on the big screen was one of the biggest disappointments ever.



Massive letdown. From what I recall there is a silhouette of the classic design, but yeah, he's a voice in a Transformer cloud.


Uh, Fantastic Four 2 is just terrible all over.

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  • 2 months later...

Hm, fine. I'm excited by the concept. I think this could be decent. But if the sole reason that young Xavier is so fucking emo about saving the future is that he's paraplegic, then lol.

But, as I presume they're still filming, I guess that was the only trailer they could throw together from current footage. I expect the 'convince young versions to save the future' will be the first half of the movie at most, and more elaborate things can happen later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol, really? That's a little odd. But I've always thought she was the weakest interpretation of a character in the whole series. Always seemed like they made a mistake reinventing Rogue as so weak and emo so early on (she's the MacGuffin of the first film) and just had to carry on with it.


Her desire to have her powers taken away in X3 never sat right. Certainly not like Rogue. She was practically written out when Kitty Pryde arrived in that movie anyway

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