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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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I think all these ancient aliens aficionados are selling ancient people a little short. 5000-6000 years isn't that long of a time on an evolutionary scale and the ancient Egyptians were pretty much the same as today's folk and they could have reasoned much of these supposed "advanced" knowledge just like we did 200-300 years ago. I am sure that much knowledge has been lost over the millennia only to be re-discovered at a later time, then lost again and so on. Just consider the accurate and thorough mapping of astronomical data many ancient civilizations conducted, they were dependent on agriculture most likely and understanding and knowledge of the cycles in nature was key for the survival and add to that some religious superstition and you will have a group of dedicated people observing the skies and natures and they will come up with ways to predict these things and as a side product come up with mathematics and so on. And what else were there to do in the evenings in ancient times, other than the necessities, than look up at the sky that would have been far more brilliant without all the light pollution and other crap in the atmosphere?

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I think all these ancient aliens aficionados are selling ancient people a little short. 5000-6000 years isn't that long of a time on an evolutionary scale and the ancient Egyptians were pretty much the same as today's folk and they could have reasoned much of these supposed "advanced" knowledge just like we did 200-300 years ago. I am sure that much knowledge has been lost over the millennia only to be re-discovered at a later time, then lost again and so on. Just consider the accurate and thorough mapping of astronomical data many ancient civilizations conducted, they were dependent on agriculture most likely and understanding and knowledge of the cycles in nature was key for the survival and add to that some religious superstition and you will have a group of dedicated people observing the skies and natures and they will come up with ways to predict these things and as a side product come up with mathematics and so on. And what else were there to do in the evenings in ancient times, other than the necessities, than look up at the sky that would have been far more brilliant without all the light pollution and other crap in the atmosphere?


yeah, it's a major mistake to equate ancient with primitive (and I think that mistake is taught in schools). probably some groups of humans in the past had more powerful brains than is considered average now. undoubtedly societies have existed that had more integrity and stability than a lot of societies today. when i look at something like puma punku i see a stable society that was made so comfortable that people actually had lots of extra time with which to develop a rich culture of artistry in the form of masonry, generation after generation developing and sharing techniques with which to create marvels for their community.

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Agreed with SR4. Sorry to get so heated but you have to admit some of the responses were just attempts to take the piss.


You mean "true" north?


The egyptians didn't even have a north like we know. One of the great wonders of the world is why people believe in crap like this.


edit: and it's not a wonder really. it's pretty trivial.... *sighs*


It was aligned with the north star 5,000 years ago or however long it was and has since shifted. as far as i know, it's the most perfectly aligned true north structure ever built. just because it's hard to grasp how huge of a job that would be in that time doesn't mean it's inaccurate or factually wrong. whenever i read data like that my imagination starts to take hold which i'd hope to be a lot healthier than simply refusing to believe it. incidentally, de nile river is very close by.

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To say that alien technology was required, is under the assumption that such knowledge and execution cannot be gained by human consciousness, which it can. This, is one of the aspects of the pyramids that needs to be understood (that they were built by consciousness itself), in order to understand their true purpose.

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which is?


hundreds of years of extreme labor and manpower to build something in honor of some dots in the sky? or something else? it just seems like a big waste of time if not.

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which is?


hundreds of years of extreme labor and manpower to build something in honor of some dots in the sky? or something else? it just seems like a big waste of time if not.

lol, I could take what you said, change "dots in the sky" to "man in the sky", and it would apply to every grand cathedral ever built. Welcome to the human condition.

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the planet has shifted since then so everything the pyramid (and every other ancient site) was aligned with is slightly off now.


Have you actually read the page i linked to? It is explained how you could align a building with the sun. A trick widely used in those ancient times. It's so low tech and simple, kids can do it as a science project.

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which is?


hundreds of years of extreme labor and manpower to build something in honor of some dots in the sky? or something else? it just seems like a big waste of time if not.


There are many pyramids and high energy points which created one large tool. Pure Consciousness can build such structures in a time period that's perceived here as near-instantaneous, so the hundreds of years only applies to the theory of physical manpower. Such Consciousness is the only way to create many exceedingly mathematically precise, massive structures, coordinated around the globe. merkaba, yadayada, portals, yadayada, inter-dimensional, yadayada, Unified Consciousness, yadayada...

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on page 1 i posted a video and a link that shows why i think the great pyramid is more amazing than it seems.


i doubt anyone took the hour to view the video. and i believe this thread has become wankasaurus.

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the planet has shifted since then so everything the pyramid (and every other ancient site) was aligned with is slightly off now.

Have you actually read the page i linked to? It is explained how you could align a building with the sun. A trick widely used in those ancient times. It's so low tech and simple, kids can do it as a science project.


i'm sure that would be easy, if they were aligned to the sun. we're talking about lining it up to the north star (Polaris), which is the star the Earth's axis seems to line up to. you keep trying to belittle what i say while having no idea what i'm saying.



There are many pyramids and high energy points which created one large tool. Pure Consciousness can build such structures in a time period that's perceived here as near-instantaneous, so the hundreds of years only applies to the theory of physical manpower. Such Consciousness is the only way to create many exceedingly mathematically precise, massive structures, coordinated around the globe. merkaba, yadayada, portals, yadayada, inter-dimensional, yadayada, Unified Consciousness, yadayada...


I've heard some theories that involved sound waves used to move the blocks just above the ground. ..same case with Easter Island and Stonehenge. we simply have no idea how ancient people moved them so far, not to mention placing them so high up.

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pretty awesome. it makes you (or me) wonder what really was around before the last ice age. there could be entire civilizations under Antarctica and, obviously, the ocean.


There is an island in the pacific that is nothing but a rock, maybe 100ft square, that has a tunnel and multiple levels dug beneath it which goes really far down under the water. I remember it was supposedly an ancient site. Once I come across it again I'll post.

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the planet has shifted since then so everything the pyramid (and every other ancient site) was aligned with is slightly off now.

Have you actually read the page i linked to? It is explained how you could align a building with the sun. A trick widely used in those ancient times. It's so low tech and simple, kids can do it as a science project.
i'm sure that would be easy, if they were aligned to the sun. we're talking about lining it up to the north star (Polaris), which is the star the Earth's axis seems to line up to. you keep trying to belittle what i say while having no idea what i'm saying.

First, I'm asking you a question: have you read the page I linked to? How about giving it an answer?

And why you should read it? I can repeat it on and on, because, well, again, alligning a building can be achieved with very low tech and simple ways. And the polaris thing is talked about as well. But I'm wondering though, what makes you think the egyptians aligned the pyramids with polaris instead of the sun? What makes you so certain? Don't you think it's so much more plausible the egyptians used the sun? It was their single most important object in the sky. You don't need to know much of their religious beliefs to get that confirmed. And it can also explain the alignment of the pyramids. See how I don't need any polaris in my own weird little universe to explain the positioning of the pyramids? Why would you introduce a polaris if you can explain the entire story without?


So yeah, you can keep on trying to think that i try to belittle you and don't listen, but the obvious thing is that the reverse is even more obvious. Just read your own posts in this thread. Something about people being lame debaters? What? And now I am belittling you? Ehm, yeah. So, people who tell people belittle them and who are not aware of their own behavior...well... You started playing this game. Please don't start crying now people are playing back.


Hello Alice in Wonderland

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I'm still trying to figure out how you can align something on a moving sphere to another sphere.


also, the pyramid in Las Vegas has power in it and shoots a laser into space. did the egypters leave the blueprints for that in a sarcophagus?

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also, the pyramid in Las Vegas has power in it and shoots a laser into space. did the egypters leave the blueprints for that in a sarcophagus?

flol. eggylipters

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