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I smoked my piss

Jody Dark

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Ok, so lastnight, i got completely smashed. I bought 6 tallboys of pilsner, drank them in some dark staircase, and decided to go back to the store to buy a mickey of whiskey, a miskey if you will. So anyway, i got fucking smashed on the streets, met up with some dudes, went under a bridge, mabye did a little sniffy sniffy, and had a good time all around. I remember hanging out with some guy in a parkade, then i think went home home. Well anyway, i wake up today, my mom is buzzing my apartment, wondering if we,re still going camping. I am fuck

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Ing hungover as shit. I tell her ill be right down. I analyze my pants, my underwear, and socks, which are lying near the front door. They are completely covered in what i believe to be my piss. I must have passed out somewhere, and lost all control of myself. That, or i fell in a pool. However, it hadnt rained recently so i assume i have completely covered myself in piss. So as im quickly gathering my things to go camping, i realize that my pack of smokes was still in my pants, and also, comeletely soaked in what i believe to be my own piss. I pack my pissy ass pants and wet ciggarrettes, and go camping with my mom. So i was gonna start this thread earlier asking you guys what you thought about smoking smokes that may or may not, but probably, are soaked in your piss, but then i got drunk with my mom, and went rogue, and ive smoked like 5 of them now. Im just about to smoke another one. Anyway, thanks for listening, i needed to tell someone, and i knew you guys would be here for me


More updates soon!

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Thank you for relating radar man.


It tastes just fine, im a clean pisser, but they are fucking wet. They dont smoke well, so im drying them off on the fire, but its burning my hand. I wanna smoke the last few i have, but they're brown. Figure that one out!

I love u guys...

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Aww, man- I seriously thought this thread was gonna be more street-legit-shiz: I thought someone was gonna post about saving bottles of piss, pouring it into a pyrex oven dish, evaporating the water, scraping the piss crystals off the glass, then freebasing pure piss crystal.


Buuut nevermind.....


On a related note, I once drank my piss from a mug in the toilet, due to taking shrooms (or some other plant psychedelic), and a lot of the good stuff comes out pure. As I stood there gulping a mug of my own piss, I just looked at my hands holding the mug and thought... "-the fuck? Aaaaand my life has come to this."


Back to what I thought this thread was gonna be-- this is actually a good method to save piss-drugs for later. A lot of drugs come out in piss, in refined form, and especially with plants, the stuff that makes you wanna puke is cleaned out. So if you do a lot of those types of substances, save the piss in the freezer (piss during and post trip), then on a rainy day, evaporate all the water, and take your body-purified goodness. Eat it, or freebase that piss-cryst. p.s. If you save many sessions of urine, beware to not trip into another dimension, cuz you might not come back. ...And the one you travel to might be where you have kneecaps in place of nipples.

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Be careful.

Phosphorus was first isolated in 1669 by German physician Hennig Brand (ca. 1630-1692). Brand was convinced that the key to changing metals into gold could be found in urine. While heating and purifying urine, Brand discovered phosphorus!



The elementary phosphorus is used in several pyrotechnic applications (fireworks, luminous projectiles or in commonly denominated matches).




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I dont care. Theres ducks on this lake somehow making drukqs style beats with thier wings and its amazing. Even more incredible is the fog, but really the cows mooing in the distance takes the cake. Ok. Its almost 7am. I say goodnight and good day to you all. Thx for reading, look forward to talking with you soon. Bye for now...

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one time I was 20 meters up on the bake that is baking natural gas so higher hydrocarbons degrade to methane, and methane degrade to H2 and CO2/CO/O2, and I badly had to urinate, so I did on the afterburner that is ~300oC hot on the outside, and the fucking wind blew the fucking cloud of my piss right in my face

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