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Swing in Ableton

Guest The Bro

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guys, seriously, don't add grooves. it's so bad. if you are using Mac, just go into 16th notes in the MIDI sequencer window at the bottom and then hit command+3 to switch to triplets. after you put in your triplet hi hats or whatever, then you can select the whole row, turn off the guide (right click/off), and drag them a little to make the swing more human. I use that all the time for more natural sounding flams.


A quick swing roundup: the easiest way to think of swing is a kick and a snare occurring normally on the 1 and the 3, but the hi hat in between is past the 2, not right on it.

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^^^ tried that, worked way better than the groove shit.


Still boggles my mind how they couldn't impliment a midi swing like even something as basic as my EMX-1 has. The Groove thing in Live 9 is my least favorite feature so far, aside from latency issues, but that is probably more to do with no firewire and a cheap lexicon interface than Live 9 as when I use an Mbox2 it works perfectly in sync.

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I'm using the Appegiator for swing in Ableton. Sort of half works although its a bit fiddly. Sometimes I manually do it too but I'm not a pro at that.

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