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Woody Allen/Dylan Farrow thing


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i find it weird how everyobody is 'this guy gives me a bad vibe, so he's totally a pedo'. first i read the dylan letter i was in shock, i am such a huge fan of allen's work and it was probably even worse than when klaus kinski was accused of fucking his daughters. but once your read deeper into the thing it starts to collapse onto itself. it's just not happening. and if he was into that sort of stuff it would probably manifest itself in more ways than by singularly molesting your exgirlfriend's daughter that one time. with kinski at least it was more of a lasting thing, so it's easier to believe, than a one act thing of such proportions.

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yeah, I know Allen has at least a couple of other current daughters (I saw a vid with them walking together, the daughters looked hot-ish), will be interesting to see if anything comes out later. If it doesn't, then it just adds weight to the "Mia made it all up" camp. I think pedos usually re-offend.


You're right, Kinski was a much more open-and-shut case.

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she wasn't his stepdaughter. She was the adopted daughter of his girlfriend and Andre Previn. He was never a father figure in her life, they didn't live together ever.

but dude have you seen the movie he made starring her? it's like a reality show style follow in the life of woody allen movie, it's creepy as fuck. He's treating her as if he was her daughter, a daughter in which he fucks. Its very surreal that it was a portrait of his life that he had full control over but it still makes him look like a creepy mother fucker


my entire conclusion of if Woody is a creep or not comes from that documentary, not any of the claims I've been hearing recently, but they've only helped reinforce this image of him I already had based completely on a presentation that he put together.

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she wasn't his stepdaughter. She was the adopted daughter of his girlfriend and Andre Previn. He was never a father figure in her life, they didn't live together ever.

but dude have you seen the movie he made starring her? it's like a reality show style follow in the life of woody allen movie, it's creepy as fuck. He's treating her as if he was her daughter, a daughter in which he fucks. Its very surreal that it was a portrait of his life that he had full control over but it still makes him look like a creepy mother fucker


my entire conclusion of if Woody is a creep or not comes from that documentary, not any of the claims I've been hearing recently, but they've only helped reinforce this image of him I already had based completely on a presentation that he put together.



Which movie is that?

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If i were an alien and someone from earth told me woody allen was a pedophile i would believe and not dispute that claim, i mean how old was his adopted daughter when he started fucking her?

But what if you were woody alien?

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she wasn't his stepdaughter. She was the adopted daughter of his girlfriend and Andre Previn. He was never a father figure in her life, they didn't live together ever.

but dude have you seen the movie he made starring her? it's like a reality show style follow in the life of woody allen movie, it's creepy as fuck. He's treating her as if he was her daughter, a daughter in which he fucks. Its very surreal that it was a portrait of his life that he had full control over but it still makes him look like a creepy mother fucker


my entire conclusion of if Woody is a creep or not comes from that documentary, not any of the claims I've been hearing recently, but they've only helped reinforce this image of him I already had based completely on a presentation that he put together.



Which movie is that?


i dont even remember, it was on the IFC channel one day and I was so struck by how creepy it was I couldn't click away, it was like watching a train wreck. It was just him i think traveling around in europe with soon yi. I don't know, i mean it wasn't molstery, it wasn't overtly pedo, since she's a grown woman. But let me just say that If i knew anyone in real life who acted that way around their 'lover', like almost like a father/daughter vibe I'd never want to have anything to do with that person again, it would be far too creepy for me to see it in action. It was revelatory enough to make me thing that he has a very fucked up constitution in terms of a) sexuality b) how he seems women and females

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so are all of his kids adopted? is he sterile? i mean ronan is very obviously frank sinatra's son. i dunno, i'm all over the map on this one. mia farrow seems like a psychotic bitch who has brainwashed her children and lied repeatedly to the media...but then, allen is such a creep, drifting around having relationships with these adopted kids. this is his quote regarding soon yi:


"The heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to those things. You meet someone and you fall in love, and that's that."


sounds suspiciously like a nambla slogan.



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Yeah just reading some vague stuff on Wiki about him is weirding me out so I won't be watching that doc!

what's weird is even though the doc seemed to for his jazz music or whatever, it seemed that by design it was a sort of 'relax guys, we're a normal couple' like a propaganda doc to combat all the bad press about his relationship with her, but for me it totally utterly back fired and took me from a neutral position on him to 'holy shit this *is* sleazy' but again many normal well adjusted men seem to be into heavily unbalanced age difference relationships. I guess that shit doesn't fly with me in general, I've yet to see a relationship like that in real life that doesn't seem built on a sleazy power dynamic foundation.

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I prefer Woody Harrelson.




Antz was a great film though.




All of you dismissing it as, "she wasn't his adopted daughter," are completely wrong and know nothing about adoption. When you adopt someone, that person becomes your child. End of story. No different than a biological child. That is the commitment you are taking on. And if you marry someone with adopted children, that means they are your children, not even just step children.


Basically what you are saying is that being adopted makes you less of a member of the family, but if the adopted child doesn't truly belong to that family, where does she belong? That kind of mentality is rampant in the media, and it's sickeningly ignorant. It's much worse than homophobia or racism -- it is purely anti-human. It is one of the main things wrong with the world.




Woody Allen should have been locked up long ago so we could have been saved from that past few decades of his cinematic garbage.

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I prefer Woody Harrelson.




Antz was a great film though.




All of you dismissing it as, "she wasn't his adopted daughter," are completely wrong and know nothing about adoption. When you adopt someone, that person becomes your child. End of story. No different than a biological child. That is the commitment you are taking on. And if you marry someone with adopted children, that means they are your children, not even just step children.


Basically what you are saying is that being adopted makes you less of a member of the family, but if the adopted child doesn't truly belong to that family, where does she belong? That kind of mentality is rampant in the media, and it's sickeningly ignorant. It's much worse than homophobia or racism -- it is purely anti-human. It is one of the main things wrong with the world.




Woody Allen should have been locked up long ago so we could have been saved from that past few decades of his cinematic garbage.

I swear reading skills are on the decline. Soon-Yi Previn was adopted by Mia Farrow and Andre Previn.

Mia Farrow and Woody Allen were never married and never lived together.

Soon-Yi's father was Andre Previn. Woody Allen was her mothers boyfriend.

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thank you Chen. That's what really bothers me about the way most people react, a completely blind rush to judgment.


Zaphod, I was wondering the same thing (about either infertility or him actually being a pedo, and so unable to perform with adults?)


I'd really like to watch that doc you mention Awe.


I don't deny there's a possibility Woody is a pedophile (or, more likely, an...ephebophobe...lol new words). I do find it strange that he does his talking through his lawyer. The Soon Yi thing doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother some people - I don't see people denying she was a consenting adult when they got involved - but yes, his excuse of "the heart wants what it wants" seems like he's almost proud to break cultural norms. In that case he might be willing to go further. On the other hand, I could see myself saying something similar under certain circumstances, and they have been together seemingly happily for 20 yrs or something, so...But yeah, if Mia's brother was a pedo, it stands to reason someone in her bro's early life was a pedo preying on him, and if that guy was the Farrow patriarch, then Mia probably was exposed to some shit growing up...which might explain her going with Sinatra when there was more than a 30 yr age gap.



Mia's father John introduced his daughter to Frank Sinatra at the age of eleven. John Farrow was sleeping with Frank's first wife, Ava Gardner. The affair had separated her dad from her mother, the actress Maureen O'Sullivan. John Farrow told Frank to stay away from his daughter. Farrow was a Hollywood girl, although due to a childhood bout of polio, extremely inexperienced in matters of sex.

(this article has some interesting claims, who knows if true, a much better read than most:



But it seems more reasonable to me that Farrow went for father figures, not necessarily pedophiles.


I haven't yet re-examined Allen's work with an eye towards pedophilia, but I don't remember anything overt (unlike, say, Luc Besson, who I wouldn't be surprised at all if they busted for pedophilia...The Professional, and anyone remember the bizarre last convo between Bruce Willis and his mother in 5th element? Dude has issues imo). In fact I've always liked "Everything you Always Wanted to Know About Sex but were Afraid to Ask", the orgasmotron in Sleeper, etc. Also he has several films which seem to show a normal, adult fixation with romance, breakups, etc. Seems to me at least going from his body of work that he's a normal enough dude (if neurotic and geeky). Eg., Mighty Aphrodite shows a fixation with a tall bimbo stripper, not a Lolita-age hooker (based purely on filmography, you could make a better argument for Scorsese being a pedo based on Jodi Foster in Taxi Driver, lol).

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I'm a big Allen fan. Haven't seen one of his films since these allegations came up again full-force. Not sure I'm bothered.

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i guess this technicality about whether she was actually his daughter or not has no effect on my view that the whole premise of their relationship seems very sleazy to me. It seems like a semantic distraction from the fact that a 55 year old man 'officially' got with a 19 year old. Who knows how much earlier than 19 they were fucking or getting down with eachother, i'd prefer not to think about it. A lot of celebs though live this odd king-ish lifestyle where they marry super young girls, aside from R Kelly's whole under-age pissing debacle, I just found out he married Aalliyah when she was 15, holy shit thats creepy.

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Let's imagine the same scenario but say Soon-Yi is actually Mia Farrow's "real" daughter.


More offensive?


How does Allen living in the same house make any difference at all? Because all of the sudden it's domestic?

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According to Mia farrow. Woody and Soon-Yi hardly interacted at all until Soon-Yi was 18 or 20. There is some difficulty in ascertaining Soon-Yi's real age because the paperwork from South Korea was inaccurate (hardly surprising considering the state of South Korea at the time).

I like how everyone is so quick to pass judgment. My gf is 7 years younger than me. Am I creepy as fuck for that?

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of course not, but there's a context that makes woody creepy. i don't actually have a major issue with the soon yi thing, although the age gap is pretty large. certainly much more than 7 years, which is not an issue at all (my gf is 23, i'm 30, this isn't uncommon). anyway, i'm inclined to believe he didn't do this and mia farrow is just a conniving crazy person. she tried to convince stacy nelkin, who allen supposedly dated when she was 17, to say she was actually 15 and that the romance was not consensual (it was). unfortunately for him, even if this dylan farrow thing isn't true, it's now solidified into "something that happened" in a lot of people's minds. kneejerk outrage is one of the worst aspects of internet culture and it seems to have heavily influenced "journalism".

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