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A couple of things about Canada


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Oh they do when it's direct conversation, even in a group (although those attitudes are changing, and rightfully so IMO), but when it's in a public place and you're behind them, there's no getting round it.

However the reason you'd be able to do it is precisely because you're an elder. If you were younger than them and tried to do that, you'd get a right earful.

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the people walking thing is a problem everywhere. people are just retarded, they will stop and stand not realising there are others behind them.

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tbh i feel like canada gets too much of an upsell from american kids on the internet. they're all like "oh canada is so ~~nice~~ and so ~~beautiful~~ and they all know how to speak french & play hockey & they live in log cabins in the forest!!!", but then they actually get here & we're like "well shit man i dunno, i've got a half cup of tims here I can microwave maybe if yer hungry"

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the people walking thing is a problem everywhere. people are just retarded, they will stop and stand not realising there are others behind them.



They don't plan ahead and are not able to adjust behaviour based on prior experience. So for example if you are just going to loiter in the middle of the path, surely at some point in a busy mall you will be in someone's way, ergo it behoves you as someone above the age of say seven to realise that perhaps you (and your party, should there be more of these crash test dummy people (or ctdps) clustered together) should move to the side when stuck in a moment of indecisiveness.


I could go on with observations about this topic for an age such has it been a core frustration of mine. Like i've found that women tend to be less aware of things coming at them from their periphery than men, perhaps it's that they are less instinctively courteous to strangers and so don't give a fuck, it's some kind of power play, but to be kind i think it's more to do with spacial awareness, which is an accepted idea isn't it, that men have better spacial reasoning because they used to be out hunter gathering. Hence in the supermarket they'll just plonk their trolley in the way, no micro adjustments to help with the passage of the chap that has walked the whole way down the aisle in your full view and can only proceed if you either move your arse or the trolley, which is it to be adherent to the tenets of clone people insanity, because one or the other will be giving way to me. Perhaps though it's a cry for interaction, i'll put up an obstruction and this will force conversation. This is a nice idea except for the fact that there never seems to be any humble courteousness in the interaction which engenders the removal of aforementioned buttocks.




/awaits the whichhuntmob out for hashtag troll dleetrboi for his outrageous sensibleness.


#troll dleetrboi .. so insensitive [@hugskittenswithintensity]


#troll dleetrboi .. not a kind bone in his body [@specialunicornharness]

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It pisses me off also, tbh. To the point that I get super anxious in malls and generally avoid them or take some valium or ativan before going mass shopping (like at christmas) for fear I'll otherwise go into a rage and start using my rather large sized elbows.



Other than that I'm generally a polite guy.

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It's being a polite person that makes you realise what utter tossers these people really are being, they're so mired in utter indifference to their fellow man that they could never fathom the foggiest.

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the people walking thing is a problem everywhere. people are just retarded, they will stop and stand not realising there are others behind them.



They don't plan ahead and are not able to adjust behaviour based on prior experience. So for example if you are just going to loiter in the middle of the path, surely at some point in a busy mall you will be in someone's way, ergo it behoves you as someone above the age of say seven to realise that perhaps you (and your party, should there be more of these crash test dummy people (or ctdps) clustered together) should move to the side when stuck in a moment of indecisiveness.


I could go on with observations about this topic for an age such has it been a core frustration of mine. Like i've found that women tend to be less aware of things coming at them from their periphery than men, perhaps it's that they are less instinctively courteous to strangers and so don't give a fuck, it's some kind of power play, but to be kind i think it's more to do with spacial awareness, which is an accepted idea isn't it, that men have better spacial reasoning because they used to be out hunter gathering. Hence in the supermarket they'll just plonk their trolley in the way, no micro adjustments to help with the passage of the chap that has walked the whole way down the aisle in your full view and can only proceed if you either move your arse or the trolley, which is it to be adherent to the tenets of clone people insanity, because one or the other will be giving way to me. Perhaps though it's a cry for interaction, i'll put up an obstruction and this will force conversation. This is a nice idea except for the fact that there never seems to be any humble courteousness in the interaction which engenders the removal of aforementioned buttocks.




/awaits the whichhuntmob out for hashtag troll dleetrboi for his outrageous sensibleness.


#troll dleetrboi .. so insensitive [@hugskittenswithintensity]


#troll dleetrboi .. not a kind bone in his body [@specialunicornharness]





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I disagree. Common decency should dictate that you don't stand in the middle of moving foot traffic as people are trying to traverse a distance.


It's like............ if you're driving in a 60mph zone and some guy is just going 13.871mph because he's looking around (his car is working just fine btw he just wants to look at blinking lights or something shiny or whatever)...........


Not cool man

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The worst is groups of people standing at the top (or foot) of escalators/stairs having a gab.

It's like jesus christ, can't you see this might be one of the most likely places for people to come through? You just got off the damn thing.

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the people walking thing is a problem everywhere. people are just retarded, they will stop and stand not realising there are others behind them.



They don't plan ahead and are not able to adjust behaviour based on prior experience. So for example if you are just going to loiter in the middle of the path, surely at some point in a busy mall you will be in someone's way, ergo it behoves you as someone above the age of say seven to realise that perhaps you (and your party, should there be more of these crash test dummy people (or ctdps) clustered together) should move to the side when stuck in a moment of indecisiveness.


I could go on with observations about this topic for an age such has it been a core frustration of mine. Like i've found that women tend to be less aware of things coming at them from their periphery than men, perhaps it's that they are less instinctively courteous to strangers and so don't give a fuck, it's some kind of power play, but to be kind i think it's more to do with spacial awareness, which is an accepted idea isn't it, that men have better spacial reasoning because they used to be out hunter gathering. Hence in the supermarket they'll just plonk their trolley in the way, no micro adjustments to help with the passage of the chap that has walked the whole way down the aisle in your full view and can only proceed if you either move your arse or the trolley, which is it to be adherent to the tenets of clone people insanity, because one or the other will be giving way to me. Perhaps though it's a cry for interaction, i'll put up an obstruction and this will force conversation. This is a nice idea except for the fact that there never seems to be any humble courteousness in the interaction which engenders the removal of aforementioned buttocks.




/awaits the whichhuntmob out for hashtag troll dleetrboi for his outrageous sensibleness.


#troll dleetrboi .. so insensitive [@hugskittenswithintensity]


#troll dleetrboi .. not a kind bone in his body [@specialunicornharness]







lol, my humblest to the most esteemed chen for pointing that out.


/thinks, damn, now i can't edit it. lol. special reasoning was kind a cool spin on it too, lol. [-;

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I disagree. Common decency should dictate that you don't stand in the middle of moving foot traffic as people are trying to traverse a distance.


It's like............ if you're driving in a 60mph zone and some guy is just going 13.871mph because he's looking around (his car is working just fine btw he just wants to look at blinking lights or something shiny or whatever)...........


Not cool man


what are you disagreeing with ? I was suggesting that as a polite person you are in the position best suited to understand the problem at hand when confronted by one of these obstructors and so therefore likely to be upset by it even to the point of anger through frustration through vivid awareness of a problem so obvious that yet others still ignore. Whereas others would not notice and perhaps even empathise with the horrid hold-upers, being of a similar ilk.

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Nobody gets in your way when you shop on the internet you moany bunch of bastards.

Depends on what you're shopping for. Electronics and MP3 downloads are no prob, but what about groceries?


I have nothing against Canada personally. But I've only traversed BC and Yukon during my move to Alaska 15 years ago. I am aware that the Quebecois John C. Garand is to credit for designing the M1 semi-automatic rifle used by Allied forces during the Second World War.

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Nobody gets in your way when you shop on the internet you moany bunch of bastards.

Depends on what you're shopping for. Electronics and MP3 downloads are no prob, but what about groceries?


I have nothing against Canada personally. But I've only traversed BC and Yukon during my move to Alaska 15 years ago. I am aware that the Quebecois John C. Garand is to credit for designing the M1 rifle used by Allied forces during the Second World War.



You can buy potatoes on Amazon over here.


I feel for Canadians if they can't buy potatoes online yet.

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@ stephen and Chen. I would've been more social, but it was a girlfriend vacation with scattered work stuff (boss is trying to get the magazine up in Canada for god knows why)


I was mostly kidding about my gripes, but they still do exist and boggle the mind. I do agree that in general 'muricans are more 'busy' and narcissistic than our Northern friends.


I had a lovely time. Ate at a very nice restaurant (West) and got really high for new years. I would go to Canada again, just maybe not Vancouver.

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@ stephen and Chen. I would've been more social, but it was a girlfriend vacation with scattered work stuff (boss is trying to get the magazine up in Canada for god knows why)


I was mostly kidding about my gripes, but they still do exist and boggle the mind. I do agree that in general 'muricans are more 'busy' and narcissistic than our Northern friends.


I had a lovely time. Ate at a very nice restaurant (West) and got really high for new years. I would go to Canada again, just maybe not Vancouver.


stephen lives in Calgary, which is an honest to god shithole. ;) (I'm from Edmonton, so stephen will hopefully take what I say about Calgary with a grain of salt, although it truly is a lifeless, culture-less, shithole)


I think those gripes exist everywhere though? I mean, I see plenty of mongers every time I go down to Seattle.


And West is an excellent restaurant, went there for our Xmas celebratory dinner, had the 40 day aged steak and just about spooged all over the owner's face at how good it was.

Couldn't handle the overpriced wine menu, so had some beers instead. Restaurants here do try and get away with murder on their wine prices, and it's especially galling if you know how much they actually cost. Plus the BC liquor tax can blow me.

Come to Vancouver in the summer time, cannot be beat in Canada. Guaranteed.




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