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Russell! Brand! Unleashed!


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Trews stuff is good. I can't think of anyone else doing more to engage with da yoof when it comes to politics, media, current affairs etc. Also, a good way of tackling voter apathy is getting people talking and thinking about the value of their vote. The discussion will encourage more young uns to vote, not less, and the discussion wouldn't exist if brand came out encouraging people to vote

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the discussion wouldn't exist if brand came out encouraging people to vote


the discussion has always existed, therefore RB's role/input/opinion is/was irrelevant


why? people can make their own minds up as opposed to definitively "not voting", which is what Russell pretty much advocates

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the discussion wouldn't exist if brand came out encouraging people to vote

the discussion has always existed, therefore RB's role/input/opinion is/was irrelevant


why? people can make their own minds up as opposed to definitively "not voting", which is what Russell pretty much advocates

I'm only talking about young people that don't even think about politics and don't recognise how things affect their lives- that's the trews demographic I reckon. I'm saying Russell Brand has got that lot thinking and talking about their vote where no-one else has been able to. Which is good, no?

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From a UK perspective, the Scottish independence referendum seems to have shaken things up the most, for all age-groups. Compare voter apathy prior to that.....the only thing that compares was the turn out against the Iraq war in early 2003. The rise of UKIP has also played a big part in shaking up a sense of voting responsibility, again for people of all ages.


People can see that voting can change things for the better (and not change just for change's sake), so i dont buy the line that Brand has invigorated dem yoofs or that he's found a way to engage with them politically........if anything his few token gestures are more in keeping with narcissistic self-promotion of the Brand brand

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with systems that invite participation, if they aren't operating properly, the solution isn't less participation, it's more.


so not only is russel going exactly the wrong direction in that sense, but, in addition to that, encouraging armed uprisings is bad. people will take it seriously. here in the united states there are lots of people stock piling weapons and dreaming of taking on the government. they shouldn't be given encouragement. the us government could take on russia, some local militias dont stand a chance. besides, it's not that far-gone. these "revolutionaries" would be better using their energy improving the system from within. there is nothing stopping people in free societies from organizing peaceful movements for change. but it's a lot easier to destroy than to create. it takes less energy to say fuck it all than to put your finger on a specific issue and figure out how to work on it, which is not only possible, but the very thing that's needed.

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brand basically endorses a defeatist attitude. he doesn't encourage anyone to do anything. i don't know if he held on to his E4/Big Brother fans but they wouldn't even be youth anyway,and were 100% lost cause anyway,what influence does he have on the apathetic youth? is he considered cool now? i havent like, looked at the age of his youtube followers etc. so maybe i'm wrong but i've not encountered any youth who take notice of him.. it seems to be folk in the 25-35 age bracket who wouldn't vote anyway, already paradoxically care about politics, but don't actually do anything. the types one would expect to agree with brand don't even, cuz it's friggin obvious he's commissioned by rupert murdoch

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actually i would say shit like brand has a negative influence on youth already interested in politics,.. same with that adam curtis cunt, make people feel satisfied that they've cared enough (which is often the main reason youth take an interest in politics, cause it makes em look clever) but accept they have no influence

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I think the negative people in this thread are very ignorant of reality. I don't really know how to phrase it more politely. Very obtuse and silly perspectives. Like, you're being extremely critical of a person spending their time and effort trying to help people and fix things yet you yourselves probably do nothing but the bare minimum of participating in these types of things. Am I wrong? Or are you guys actively spending your time engaging in changing the world? Have you read his book? Some of the assertions in this thread like the idea that he promotes violent revolution are just plain wrong.


The dude is a millionaire and he spends his time going down to housing projects to work with regular people to help them. Specifically, trying to save their housing from being purchased by a large corporation.




I'm kind of disappointed by the people in WATMM and their silly myopic perspectives and overly critical opinions that don't acknowledge their own contributions or lack thereof. It's really insulting to someone who actually cares and tries to help.


He spends his days putting together news videos so that he can put good and positive news out into the world to balance out all the bullshit MSM. He's trying to change the common feelings and ideas that have resulted from years and years of misleading propaganda.


I've watched pretty much every single interview with brand on youtube. It's really easy to be judgmental of people with open minds and spiritual leanings. The dude is spreading wonderful philosophies and possesses a brilliant perspective that will affect the minds of endless amounts of people in the most positive way. He's just the beginning too. You can look around and see all these old paradigms slowly crumbling, and this shift in perspective is attributed to all the wonderful people out there merely putting all these ideas out in the open. These are our new age heroes.


Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Abby Martin, Aubrey Marcus, Graham Hancock, Dr. Rhonda Patrick just to name few. There are also countless amounts of people working behind the scenes that don't have a public persona that deserve credit for publishing these ideas that will alter the global mindset.


Also, fuck tim heidecker's opinion. Dude makes the most ridiculous low brow art. It's funny. It's entertaining, but come on man. You've contributed laughter. Great. You're an entertainer. There is value in that. What else are you doing?


Fuck people who sit on the sidelines and try to detract from the positive things people do.


2.3 million people have watched this. Do you have any idea how many lives this will impact in a positive way?



It is equally as important to keep people curious and open to the mysteries of our existence that currently surround us, and awaken them from this cold, sterile, boring, lonely life that is so easy to get locked into and is resulting in widespread depression and psychosis. These concrete jungles that are more or less poisoning humanity.


Look at him blow up this bullshit.



He's a hero to me. You should recognize your allies. They are often too few.

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i dont want to watch that whole thing, anything noteworthy in there?


If you're talking about the committee the most noteworthy thing is that he is using his influence to alter the conversation the government is having about how it handles drug which has far reaching social implications.

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I run a range of community youth access projects, from archaeological digs to full drug rehabilitation field-work for ex-addicts, so understandably i find your tone fairly patronizing.


What do you do to to improve people's lives in the big scheme of things when you're not casting aspersions on others for criticizing a cock like Brand? Fuck all i bet, other than posting on internet forums, or watching every single RB vid on u-tub (<--- how worthwhile but the latter "doesnt really count as participation btw).


Its one thing to talk about voting issues..... how about trying to find ways (funding issues etc) for young people who have nothing to educate themselves as a direct result of failed education systems/structures, and thus increase not only their self esteem but their ability to move out of hell-hole estates (as an example)?


There's a big difference to that kind of activism and the RB-roadshow playing politics with a bunch of privileged home-counties 6th-formers and ex-public school media studies students. Huge difference. If you cant/dont/wont see or acknowledge that difference, there then i'm truly wasting my time.


If anything the myopic bs sits mainly high-up in the ivory towers of folks who believe this toss has any actual content. What you see as actual "ideas" are just part of a larger narcissistic self-PR agenda that the man flouts as something that should be listened to or invested in. Apologies if this comes across as a bit salty, but Russell Brand is laughing all the way to the bank. Cue new book, tour dates, a few dodgy film roles etc to keep the coffers rolling in the £$£.


He's a confidence trickster at best.

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and do you think he would've given any of these issues a precious second of his time/focus if his "Hollywood career" had actually taken off and he'd stayed in the states?


he's only back here because all his films were utter shite and his ego refuses to let his media presence and reputation falter - hence the recent detour into politics


sorry, but in my mind thats the clincher

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I run a range of community youth access projects, from archaeological digs to full drug rehabilitation field-work for ex-addicts, so understandably i find your tone fairly patronizing.


What do you do to to improve people's lives in the big scheme of things when you're not casting aspersions on others for criticizing a cock like Brand? Fuck all i bet, other than posting on internet forums, or watching every single RB vid on u-tub (<--- how worthwhile but the latter "doesnt really count as participation btw).


Its one thing to talk about voting issues..... how about trying to find ways (funding issues etc) for young people who have nothing to educate themselves as a direct result of failed education systems/structures, and thus increase not only their self esteem but their ability to move out of hell-hole estates (as an example)?


There's a big difference to that kind of activism and the RB-roadshow playing politics with a bunch of privileged home-counties 6th-formers and ex-public school media studies students. Huge difference. If you cant/dont/wont see or acknowledge that difference, there then i'm truly wasting my time.


If anything the myopic bs sits mainly high-up in the ivory towers of folks who believe this toss has any actual content. What you see as actual "ideas" are just part of a larger narcissistic self-PR agenda that the man flouts as something that should be listened to or invested in. Apologies if this comes across as a bit salty, but Russell Brand is laughing all the way to the bank. Cue new book, tour dates, a few dodgy film roles etc to keep the coffers rolling in the £$£.


He's a confidence trickster at best.


It's awesome that you do those things. I don't do as much as i would like to do, but I try to contribute ideas in a positive way through the internet. I try to take time and support the movements that I see as important; Making sure to sign petitions, sharing information I find important, taking time to educate using the limited knowledge I have about certain things like health and nutrition via the internet in the form of discussion and commenting. I took part in the representative calling program that was being run by Fight for the Future over the Net Neutrality issue which involved calling representatives and the FCC daily and telling them how important it is to protect the internet. In my personal life I try to support people close to me in the ways that I can. For example, sharing a place with my cousin while she was completing school, and spreading information through my family. I also donate portions of my income to things in which I believe. I have ideas for other things, but I haven't developed them at this point. Anyway, the point of that comment wasn't to start a dick measuring contest about who is the most altruistic. It was meant to find out if the people with these, in my opinion, cynical views actually do positive things.


I mean your second question is a good one, but you can't discount the positive impact of just publishing ideas and creating a conversation. There are many important elements to this type of progress and one of them is having more focus on the people discussing important issues in the right way. Reframing the discussions if you will.


I agree there is a difference with these things, but they are all parts of a larger movement. Maybe Brand doesn't possess the right mind for developing these types of systems, but he is contributing using his skill set.


There is content all throughout it. I think that you are not able to recognize it, and you are allowing your cynicism to influence your perspective of brand. It doesn't even matter if he's narcissistic. It doesn't matter if he benefits financially from it. These are irrelevant to what is actually happening. It's irrelevant to the contribution. I don't mind if you're being a bit salty. As long as you make sound arguments. You frame your opinion of him as if you understand his motivations. I don't think you can assert the things you're attempting to assert without making huge assumptions, and I think his actions speak for themselves.

Also, I agree that his opinion about voting was a bit silly, but we are all fallible. We all have bad ideas.

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My personal belief is that speaking out against Brand is far more a positive action than your contribution to this thread Adieu. I'm building a business with the aim of creating job opportunities, with decent wage for people who wouldn't expect more than min. wage, and training in an area with among the worst rates of unemployment in Britain and I'll receive a government grant to help make it possible. If I already had Brand's wealth I'd be doing a whole lot more.


You kind of summed up my feelings about his influence. You get more people who believe expressing their ideas/spreading so-called awareness or watching videos is doing something. You get people who use a government grant to create an urban-cool indie-media co-op that will never profit or give contributors a wage and then use that platform to criticise government choice of funding (that would happen without Brand but he's encouraging those types whatev).

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My personal belief is that speaking out against Brand is far more a positive action than your contribution to this thread Adieu. I'm building a business with the aim of creating job opportunities, with decent wage for people who wouldn't expect more than min. wage, and training in an area with among the worst rates of unemployment in Britain and I'll receive a government grant to help make it possible. If I already had Brand's wealth I'd be doing a whole lot more.


You kind of summed up my feelings about his influence. You get more people who believe expressing their ideas/spreading so-called awareness or watching videos is doing something. You get people who use a government grant to create an urban-cool indie-media co-op that will never profit or give contributors a wage and then use that platform to criticise government choice of funding (that would happen without Brand but he's encouraging those types whatev).


Well, that's very good of you to be making such an important contribution, and most likely a very challenging one.


I think if you were to criticize him with the argument that there are systematic and structural ways that can be of more benefit than what he is personally doing then you have a good argument. Nonetheless he is contributing. Of course, we can all say, "If I had more wealth then I would be doing more." But it's more realistic to speak of what you are actually doing and what you are currently capable of.


I don't think there is anything to speak against with Brand unless you want to point to things regarding actual application. But he occupies more of a theoretical space. A philosophical one. I feel this is just as important. Even more so to have a figure out there spreading these ideas. Not everyone has that skill set. Many are better at engineering and development. Some are good at dealing with the public. Each is an ally.


It's silly to me to see people say that, "oh, well he's useless because many people will watch this stuff and stop there." That's always the case with anything as you said. Not everyone follows through, but even having people supporting these ideas changes the consensus. It changes the things that people support.


It's like with society the way that you make changes is to have the loudest voice. When you speak the loudest then people hear you. When everyone hears then your conversation becomes their conversation. Then when everyone is speaking on the same terms that becomes the reality.


A big part of the battle is merely keeping that conversation consistent until change occurs. That's why the media is so important, and that's why changing the media is a huge victory.


Not everyone is a leader either. So if you are a leader it is important for you to corral people, and create a functional way to make positive changes. The future is all about creating efficient platforms where people can contribute as much as possible without unnecessary disruption of their lives. Efficient organizing. Efficient communication. Efficient contribution.


All these sort of "revolutionary" movements start with the privileged then trickle down from there. It's a matter of getting those people that have to care about the people who do not. I don't see the use in slagging someone off for "not contributing enough" when it seems to me that they are contributing quite a bit of their time. Time being the most valuable thing in my opinion.

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I was only responding to you accusing everyone who disagrees with Brand of not contributing anything themselves (which is clearly untrue isn't it?). And now you're saying you don't see the use in "slagging someone off for "not contributing enough""... erm, that's what you were doing. This conversation is irritating.


I was saying I have a problem with Brand's contributions,obviously he doesn't just do bad but he's doing damage IMO. Unless he's change his mind, on Newsnight etc. he denied that he's starting a revolution and has admitted he doesn't offer any solutions. He just helps people feel satisfied that they've done enough caring that day, and then he makes some money off it. I wasn't commenting on his wealth as excuse for what I do myself (I'm working my way towards that, and I obviously don't intend to do things that I don't personally believe will have a positive effect just cuz other people will naively believe i'm doing good,), I was just implying that he could easily do more because not much of his 'actions' are deniable as self-marketing.. i doubt his sincerity and much of it is extremely tasteless and exploitative! Only exception is the drug-related stuff he's done, which is clearly something he's genuine about and has put effort in to. Even then though, I saw he get pissy with a drug addict because she was too happy,therefore ruining his documentary,and then a nearby drug addict grabbed a chair and gave a decent performance for him. blugh..whatever


also like 70% of news media does nothing but analyse the other 30% of news media pointlessly n that's all brand does

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the western state as an institution is the most powerful vehicle for change, so choosing who will man it is the best way to enact the desired changes. people who don't realize and/or actively promoting not voting are fucking idiots who shouldn't be even listened to.

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How utterly pompous. There is NO scope for change under the current system, that's why people don't want to vote.


the western state as an institution is the most powerful vehicle for change, so choosing who will man it is the best way to enact the desired changes. people who don't realize and/or actively promoting not voting are fucking idiots who shouldn't be even listened to.

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would romney enact something like obacare that benefited millions instantly? of course fucking no.

the idea that voting doesn't change anything is juvenile intellectual hipsterism. "oh but i read klein, chubsky and watched RT's babby martin so i have a deeper understandings of things maaaan." fuck off already.

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heh, right - democracy will save us all. everyone just put their little hopes in th democracy and everything will be alright. press th little icon on yr phone to vote and then go on about yr business consuming..


after all.. revolution would be so much extra work and i work so hard already. i'm just tired from doing all the things my little flimsy democracy has already achieved for me and now i just want to watch a bit of telly and

lounge on th bed. please no, without democracy then it would be up to me; i would need to start making better choices with my lifestyle and that would infringe on my experiential reality and that is my God given right, to experience

what i want, to do whatever i want. it's all about me after all isn't it? survival of the fittest. it's my instinct to survive, i have to follow my instincts. i'm an animal after all, just a pathetic little animal who needs to be fed once in awhile

and let out for a shit by my democracy..


democracy is the only choice and don't question its authority.

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