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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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well, it's rubin farr so of course not remotely funny, but i believe the image is meant to portray calvin harris, taylor swift and some cats....i think that's about the size of it.


maybe something about pussy? or pulling at threads? like i said...rubin farr, so i wouldn't think to much on it.

Edited by BCM
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Hmm, ok yeah I was close to understanding this.


I assumed that was Taylor Swift and it was an xmas card that was sent out. And Rubin was saying that he saw on E! or Buzzfeed that the guy got a happy ending type massage.


Or in other words, this person you vaguely know about is with another person you don't know about and he got wanked off for money once.





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You've never paid for a tug, Rubin?

I've bee to one massage in my life, with my last girlfriend, and the lady touched my feet I'm so ticklish I almost kicked her in da face.


And yes that was the Xmas card Calvin Harris and Swift sent out this year. wtf don't you people read Hilton Perez? I kid, really, no really!

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Used startpage to get to the wiki. And glad I did, going to places like that would really get you flagged by the security state in our supposedly free societies.


Would be ironic if you were right and I posted pics from there whilst I also happened to be listening to 80s disco on my phone. Also, half of those pics could have come from the dank pic thread, but of course as they would have been posted by someone else, your obvious hateful biases wouldnt have been triggered.





Tryin' to get over the norbets

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A stormfronter would have had something about coons in a fried chicken trap in the caption.


where do you get your funny pictures from? stormfront.com?

A stormfronter would have had something about coons in a fried chicken trap in the caption.

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did i say stormfront? i meant stromtrooper.com, didnt mean to question your tolerance, also nice "i cant be racist cause i have a black friend" post with the 80's disco shit (if i were a SJW i would say you like 80's disco cause it reminds you of a time where minorities were being oppressed and pushed to the inner cities)

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