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- post less: I mean, Jesus! That's a lot of posts you got there. Right now, I can't find a thread where there isn't some of your "trolling". Guess what: I don't want to see it.


- don't be a mod: you're everywhere, the things you say aren't the most enlightening.... it's like a party where the bouncer decides to choose the music... bully the band off stage, then do a 48h freestyle battle with himself.. no thanks.


no offense, but thx.

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I have been on the verge, multiple times, of starting a serious ATTN JOYREX petition thread to remove this person as a mod. all personal differences of opinion aside, the bottom line is that a good mod is essential in maintaining good relations between users and admin in this community. when you have an especially shit one, who just laughs it off or ignores you when their shortcomings are addressed instead of taking them seriously as a representative of this forum, it undermines everything that Joyrex was trying to do in making this place more respectable and "upstanding". I have addressed him (edit: delet, not dad) in PM in the past about his attitude and lack of rigor/judgement as a mod and he has simply ignored it.


delet's modship is an obscenity. this behaviour would not be tolerated from ordinary users, they would be banned inside of a week for acting out like this (Whylessness: lol/RIP).

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When has Joyrex revoked modship? I can't think of any instances, and it's probably awkward for him to do so - just assuming he's friends with the mods and doesn't want to hurt their feelings. Not saying he shouldn't (OR should) but just pointing out that short of some huge petition I don't see this happening.

After all, on the list of modships I'd like to see revoked, Rubin Farr is before delet on my list. How many stupid pop culture or cheesy aw-shucks-type threads did he start and then start deleting posts when he got butthurt at the reaction? Ridiculous, juvenile behavior, even for WATMM.

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you can have whatever holier-than-thou beliefs you want, just keep control of how you express yourself when you're a mod. it's a position of responsibility, not of privilege. there are sensible ordinary members on here who understand this and wouldn't take up modship if they were offered for this reason. like the adage about how the only people who ought to be in power are people who don't want it.


After all, on the list of modships I'd like to see revoked, Rubin Farr is before delet on my list. How many stupid pop culture or cheesy aw-shucks-type threads did he start and then start deleting posts when he got butthurt at the reaction? Ridiculous, juvenile behavior, even for WATMM.


yeah, it's annoying, but I still think it's less shitty than what's going on with delet.


for the ftr, I pretty much dig most of the mods here. Herr Jan was a great addition too.

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yeah, it's annoying, but I still think it's less shitty than what's going on with delet.


for the ftr, I pretty much dig most of the mods here. Herr Jan was a great addition too.

Yeah I think delet has offended more people.


Yeah Herr Jan is great. Honestly I can't think of who the other mods are off the top of my head (in fact, I forgot HJ was one), which imo is -exactly- what you'd want from a mod.

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Guest Chesney

Herr Jan is the Model Mod. Take heed Mods.


I don't care for delet either way but holier than thou approaches are annoying.

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I really like delet, in fact I may love him, but some of his views are far worse than McGriff starting a thread about feet.

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all the mods should be revoked & people with the largest record collections, should nominate themselves to be mods & then embark on a rigorous 10 year campaign, where a non-democratic voting system is in place, where people making the wrong votes are beaten by gangs wielding air guitars

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Delet's posts are influenced by red wine, well, the ones with "heh" in them anyway. I think he might be on the wrong path. No post count should be above 13000. It's a gothican tragedy. Somethings askew. When the forum takes control of a person's life they can't break the cycle, that's why awepittance and drillkicker had to get themselves banned, the forum held a power over them and it consumed them. When they were kids they could never have imagined this is the way they'd be spending their adult lives. They must have hoped for more.

Is Rubin farr's commitment to cheesey pop culture observations an abomination? Well, yes. Especially when it's sprinkled with that "aw shucks" style. But both he and delet are so far gone, there's no way back. If they lived in the same town they'd be dating. Now, imagine you walked into a restaurant and the two of them were having a romantic dinner and you could overhear the conversations. How would you react?


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

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Has anyone met a sane Australian? White men are not suppose to live there, I bet being white in Australia makes your brain act in weird ways never seen before in white populations

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When you are consumed by routine and verging on insanity it's time to watch Charlize Theron's jadore by Dior advert. She says "the past can be beautiful but it's no place to live", then she climbs up onto the roof and walks towards the camera, free of the shackles of her past. When I see that ad I always imagine delet doing that on one of his nightwalks, even though he would never have that courage. He'd just go "heh" and stay on the same path.


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

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delet's modship is an obscenity


lol seriously does anyone on this site want to have fun or do we have to take this shit as seriously as the fucking parliament.


Delet.. is just a flavor of internet user, its good to have all sorts of characters, if you drive all these characters away all you gonna have left is an echochmaber and echochambers are boring AS FUCK!!!



Has anyone met a sane Australian? White men are not suppose to live there, I bet being white in Australia makes your brain act in weird ways never seen before in white populations

do you mean because of the heat and stuff?


the cities are as socially progressive as other major western cities but rural areas can be very hit or miss...mostly miss.



i diagree, you take the white person away from its natural habitat (europe) and you move it somewhere like australia you are bound to get some changes

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Has anyone met a sane Australian? White men are not suppose to live there, I bet being white in Australia makes your brain act in weird ways never seen before in white populations

do you mean because of the heat



also +1

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I'll take up the flag for delet here, realize that some of you members come off as holier than thou as well, and feel entitled to expect everyone to perform perfectly within your expectations of the human race, people aren't perfect, no one is perfect. We all have different personalities, nationalities, and a host of different demographics that make us different from each other. Some members and mods come off as more abrasive, some are nicer, deal with it, that's life.

As for my fascination with pop culture, yes I am American and that's what a lot of us are fed there, but please realize MUSIC IS POP CULTURE TOO. I've said that before but maybe it's needs reiterating.

carry on

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Guest Chesney

I like how responses swing from either way. "i'll Jump on the cool side, no wait now the other side is cool, fuck I look a dick now, i'll wait it out until the bashers bash the bashed bashers again so i'll be cool again, fuck, i'm a dick again, arrrgh, why am I not cool? oh nice now it's back to bashing, yay!"

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delet, please delete this thread




lol seriously does anyone on this site want to have fun or do we have to take this shit as seriously as the fucking parliament.


Delet.. is just a flavor of internet user, its good to have all sorts of characters, if you drive all these characters away all you gonna have left is an echochmaber and echochambers are boring AS FUCK!!!

This... anyway has he really abused the mod privileges to the degree that Rubin Farr has?


I came to WATMM for the IDMz. I stayed for the wacky forum antics that aren't quite the same anywhere else.





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I also love how the people who love MDE the most are the ones who want to ban/remove delete the most, its like you realize mde is making fun of people like you right ? lol

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nobody said delet or farr should go away,

surely the wackiness is a strong part of watmm.

but it's kind of obvious that you guys are more or less dominating this forum by sheer quantity of posts.

shitting all over everything.

plus, you guys are mods and thus a bit untouchable or something.

every thread is starkly tinted by you opinions on anything, I just feel like it would be more fun if there was a bit less of that.


I mean, wouldn't it be fun if we could actually look forward to a refreshing post by delet or rubin, for a change? more is less.

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As for my fascination with pop culture, yes I am American and that's what a lot of us are fed there, but please realize MUSIC IS POP CULTURE TOO. I've said that before but maybe it's needs reiterating.

Yeah and some of us Americans come to WATMM to get AWAY from that shit, where we are free to be neckbeard basement dwelling DSP wankery rocking weirdos. The some American males seem to expect that everyone wants to fellate all the Marvel and DC heroes, Luke Skywalker, and insert 2-dimensional 12-sequel Hollywood franchise character here, really gets on my tits.


There's a difference between pop culture and tepid intellectually inbred hegemony entertainment passing as "culture" or "art". I don't appreciate having the latter shoved down my throat. Facebook and advertisements do enough of that, no need, thanks.

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