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Don' Bite 'cho Lipz

peace 7

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Yo, dawgz. Check this shit out:


You ever look in the mirror and think to yourself: "Yo dawg- the botched cellulose injections in my lips that I got in an alleyway shop in Mongolia makes me look like wanna go around sucking dick for free, but that's okay cuz it's IDM as fuck." No? Well, good. Because that's exactly how I didn't feel a few weeks ago after a night out of apparently just biting my lips on the dancefloor. I'm not saying this happened, but- you ever be rolling and railing charlie on toilet counters, with such a fucking tropical salad in your system that you feel like you're in the phuture? Yah, well- of course you bite your lips in the phuture. I mean- a collection of all human knowledge in your pocket? We fucking made it, yo.

I haven't logged onto this site in like 8 months or someshit, and next thing I know, my lips are more swole than my forearms. Da fuck.

Oh, yeah, and check this shit out: I ain't got no updates or anything, but the url I acquired ~PHOR PHUTURE PROJECTZ~~~ is fucking dope as shit: http://idm.ninja

Fuck, dude. Da fuck.

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a custard apple did that to me once. what the hell is a custard apple anyway


good to see you here again. If you're ever in melbourne I owe you a tour of some craft beer places or something.

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Hey shit, mangz-- really nice to see y'all again!!! The warm welcome fills my heart with a... warm welcome feeling.




My website hasn't been updated since like 2011, so everything there is ooooold... But the new idm.ninja url is for this forum-esque project that I've been conceptualizing for years, which keeps on coming back to the forefront of my mind after a forum closes (from mu phorum, to braindance, to xlt temporarily, to braindance again...). I seriously don't know whether I'll ever get around to it, but it's some next-level forum paradigm that doesn't exist yet but should. Computers are finally fast enough to make it feasible.


As for stupid lip biting/chewing-- that swollen retarded shit never happened to me before. ...Actually- not with my lips- but there was one time when I was like 21 where I wanted to see what a dick pump was like, so I bought one and tried it. But then I accidentally fell asleep with it on hard vacuum. Anyway, so then I wake up several hours later, and my dick was as thick as the area between my forearm and wrist; like the girth of a soda can. I couldn't even get my dick out of the tube at first, because it was so legit swole. But it's not like I had to go to work in a couple days with my dick hanging out. Anyway-- at like 6 AM my lips were larger than my thumbs. I'm glad it went away after two days, cuz I work in a space with other people and it really looked like I was intentionally trying to look ghey as fuck:






This is pretty sweet, thanks. I like the space between my nose and lips, which I imagine would be convenient for storing select vinyl releases to spin on demand.

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peachy 7


welcome back. high quality posts seem to be your forte, which i applaud vigorously


so, the idm.ninja project: what is your ideal conceptualized manifestation of it?

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peachy 7


welcome back. high quality posts seem to be your forte, which i applaud vigorously


so, the idm.ninja project: what is your ideal conceptualized manifestation of it?


Fenkz, mang.


idm.ninja-- basically what I realized from many years ago is that we are in the phuture. We are always in the phuture. The downside is that most forums/communities are using generic systems that don't directly represent any heart of the forum/community. I think WATMM is great, but at the same time, it's publicly available open source software with themes slapped on it. From a utilitarian perspective this is fine- and WATMM incidentally has its fair share of users, so that's sorted- but there is nothing overall that has been or can really be refined to directly speak from the heart of the community or its founders (it's using a paradigm that wasn't specifically designed for it). The non-custom design of the software already limits the site's ability to express soul. The other issue is that most web designers are hacks, and this can be seen with overall regurgitation of "trends"- again, with no consideration for true heart. So the net is full of generic forums, with generic vision. idm.ninja has always been planned as the way I feel forums could be implemented, if I were to create one. Overall, definitely might be worse for some people, but the main point is that we are in the phuture. And I realize this fact. With idm.ninja, hopefully other people can realize that fact, as well. From an aesthetics standpoint- and working standpoint- think hardcore Russian flash from the early 00's, combined with supercollider meets pd, combined with telnet, combined with cyberpunk video from 1991, combined with holograms, combined with a 303 with overdrive, combined with the never ending comfort that laying in great nature can give. That's the vision, anyway. I've done concepts over the years, but when- if- completed, it could very well be shit.

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