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biden was always going to win SC. super tuesday is the day. even so, boot edge edge and warren and bloomers have said they'll stay in to the convention. they're hoping for a brokered convention and for the DNC to put a crown on someone other than bernie. 

bernie's only hope is a huge lead or reaching 1991 delegates

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Can't wait to see how excited CNN will get because of Biden's win.

CNN: Does this mean Biden now will win the nomination? Our best analysts say: Please assume so.

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i bet bernie ends up with a good lead and gets the nomination. 


obama won in 08 because he wanted it. he scratched for the numbers. when i look at the campaigns, a lot of them are running great campaigns but i think the one who is clawing for it may be bernie. he's been plotting since 16. rank in the first 4, get CA, and grow the following.



Edited by very honest
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It's hard to say. We will have a much clearer picture on super Tuesday. I'll be at the voting booth bright and early that day.

I can't believe they're letting so many establishment Dems stay in the race. Like, Pete, Biden, and Bloomberg will only hurt each other in the long term. The whittling down process needs to begin for them and they need to get behind the candidate they think will be best, like they did with Hillary in 2016.

Edited by Brisbot
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23 minutes ago, Brisbot said:


has one office in the entire state of california. also, spent less than $1 million on ad buys in all the super tuesday states. bloomers spent almost $200 million. 

it really smells like the DNC is already fixing the game. pointing it all towards a brokered convention. biden picks warren as a running mate.. centrists and progressives rally behind them.. bernie gets shafted. 

bernie's only hope is if he gets a shit ton of delegates and bloomers steals enough votes from biden to make him look weak. 

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42 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

It's hard to say. We will have a much clearer picture on super Tuesday. I'll be at the voting booth bright and early that day.

I can't believe they're letting so many establishment Dems stay in the race. Like, Pete, Biden, and Bloomberg will only hurt each other in the long term. The whittling down process needs to begin for them and they need to get behind the candidate they think will be best, like they did with Hillary in 2016.

super tuesday is the whittling down process, i bet we see at least 1 drop out

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waiting on final numbers but the exit polls show for now that Biden wiped the floor with everyone. likely taking almost all the delegates, looks like Bernie will get a couple.

South Carolina definitely is not representative of the entire country's Dem voters, but it's probably closer than any state before. could be a bad sign for Bernie, but he did really well in Nevada among the Latino voters. Biden's apparently got the southern black vote down, or at least got it by a large margin. 

unless something wild happens on Tuesday, the others will likely drop out and it'll just be the two old white fuckers, but who knows... Warren and Bloomberg are saying they're staying in til the convention, hoping it's contested i guess because from what i've seen of the polls for Tuesday and afterward, neither's got any chance at overtaking Biden and Bernie. 

if Obama drops in before the convention to endorse Biden tho...that could seal things up. very unlikely (i think he's publicly said he won't endorse anyone until after the convention decides) but it could be his way of toppling Bernie's seeming path towards a possible plurality of votes.

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2 hours ago, very honest said:

i bet bernie ends up with a good lead and gets the nomination. 


obama won in 08 because he wanted it. he scratched for the numbers. when i look at the campaigns, a lot of them are running great campaigns but i think the one who is clawing for it may be bernie. he's been plotting since 16. rank in the first 4, get CA, and grow the following.

idk, Bernie's got a lot of the Dem voters and establishment against him. like, seriously against him. things look good for him now and the obvious path seems to be his but i wouldn't undervalue norms and party line voters who do not want radical massive leftward movement that Bernie and others represent. 

Edited by auxien
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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

has one office in the entire state of california. also, spent less than $1 million on ad buys in all the super tuesday states. bloomers spent almost $200 million. 

it really smells like the DNC is already fixing the game. pointing it all towards a brokered convention. biden picks warren as a running mate.. centrists and progressives rally behind them.. bernie gets shafted. 

bernie's only hope is if he gets a shit ton of delegates and bloomers steals enough votes from biden to make him look weak. 

If the dnc was fixing the game (against sanders), i'd expect more candidates dropping out sooner than later. I still believe part of why sanders is in the lead, is because of the number of votes spread over the other candidates. Sanders ceiling might be around 30%. 

now that biden looks set to win sc, maybe others drop out. I expect biden to do good at Super Tuesday as well, btw. Consider this an uninformed opinion though. I think biden just had issues to get the ball rolling. While sanders had good optics for various reasons. 

And wasnt kamela harris bidens running mate? cant remember where i got this bit of info, but it makes sense. 

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3 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

super tuesday is the whittling down process, i bet we see at least 1 drop out

This is their intent I'm sure, but the whittling down needed to begin like yesterday. I don't think the DNC thought Bernie would be doing this well already.  Btw I hope they stay in the race for as long as possible, lol.

Also Biden apparently called Warren's campaign and asked her to stay in the race until after super Tuesday. I wonder why he is asking for that, hmm.



If the dnc was fixing the game (against sanders), i'd expect more candidates dropping out sooner than later. I still believe part of why sanders is in the lead, is because of the number of votes spread over the other candidates. Sanders ceiling might be around 30%. 

It's too early to see to what degree they may fix the race. I do think they will (the legal way), depending on how well Bernie does on super Tuesday. Honestly they have many moves they can make to make winning harder for him. One of them being them asking Warren to stay in the race for as long as possible. I REALLY hope she doesn't follow that path when or if it opens up for her, and she is 'offered' a VP role from Biden or whatever. I used to really like her but these days am constantly disappointed by her so... IDK. So many things can happen.

Edited by Brisbot
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10 minutes ago, Candiru said:

“If ____ loses, it’s because the election was rigged.”


No I never said that nor is what I'm saying can be remotely summarized by that. If Warren stayed in, taking votes away from Bernie, that's not really rigging, it's a strategy and legal. It's been done in the past, and will be done in the future. It's underhanded but hardly counts as rigging.

Rigging would be taking votes for Bernie and changing them to votes for Biden. That would never happen as it would permanently mar the DNC.

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Lets just hope there will be one clear winner after Super Tuesday. Else, we'll be stuck with a shitshow about the primary being rigged and all that. 

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58 minutes ago, goDel said:

If the dnc was fixing the game (against sanders), i'd expect more candidates dropping out sooner than later. I still believe part of why sanders is in the lead, is because of the number of votes spread over the other candidates. Sanders ceiling might be around 30%. 

now that biden looks set to win sc, maybe others drop out. I expect biden to do good at Super Tuesday as well, btw. Consider this an uninformed opinion though. I think biden just had issues to get the ball rolling. While sanders had good optics for various reasons. 

And wasnt kamela harris bidens running mate? cant remember where i got this bit of info, but it makes sense. 

biden's lack of any organization on the ground anywhere is weird and just smells funny.  what's  their strategy?  just coasting on his name  and fond obama memories? i think warren, biden, bloomberg will stay in as long as possible in hopes of a brokered convention. the super delegates are already saying dumb shit. they can really do whatever they want  at the convention if no one has the required 1991 delegates or whatever. they really don't want bernie to win. all the pundits and insiders say shit every chance they get. "it's not his party it's our party"  and whatever. 

it's all fakakta. tuesday will probably make things more clear. .. hopefully

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