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  1. Fantastic song by Jenny Hval that I didn't know yet. Up there with the best (Sabbath, most tracks from Viscera...)
  2. Very nice I'll be listening to this.
  3. Saw him live yesterday (in Amsterdam), it was awesome. Just one big idm gamelan jungle assault. Hadn't expected it to be as jungly as it turned out to be but it was really good.
  4. More saxophone stuff
  5. Saw them earlier this year in amsterdam, it was great.
  6. Saxophone, ambient-ish
  7. Cool EP, nailed that classic feel pretty well. Nice pads and acids throughout, and drums on track 3 and 4 are v nice.
  8. Always had a soft spot for him since I saw this vid back in the day
  9. https://www.discogs.com/release/4775327-Keith-Jarrett-Spirits
  10. Pretty sick. Nice fm pads too.
  11. Had no idea they did this kind of stuff, but this just came on my shuffle and it's pretty cool so far. Nice ambient album from Severed Heads https://www.discogs.com/release/321521-Severed-Heads-Contoured-Stimulation-Music-Server-Volume-2-Of-4
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