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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. It was possible in v 4.3 (we're on 4.6 now) - let me see if it is still possible...
  2. Joyrex


    I believe Bill Skarsgard (sp)? who plays Baron Harkonnen said his role in the film is small...
  3. Wow, that is some harsh stuff: https://soranews24.com/2021/07/20/cornelius-resigns-from-olympics-suddenly-pulled-from-sony-webpage-and-nhk-shows-too/
  4. One of my personal theories/musings is that UFOs (or UAP) are not 'ships' in the sense of having occupants, but what if the 'ships' themselves ARE the beings/organisms? It would explain why some are observed changing shape or some having non-metallic surfaces. Another idea i've had is that they are not traditional vehicles that travel in space per se, but are actually intradimensional vehicles, which would explain how they can defy our physics and seemingly appear/disappear at will.
  5. UFO sightings haven't changed - people are still seeing the bright lights, disc shaped objects, cigar shapes, etc. What's changed is people's mindset when describing the phenomena. Interesting too that everyone has a personal video recorder in their hand/pocket these days, but I don't really know if there's more video evidence of UFOs now versus the decades past before modern cellphones and video recorders.
  6. Maybe I can redeem my respect in @Nebraska's eyes:
  7. Coincidently, Richard will be 50 YEARS OLD next month...
  8. I have both, so I am good in that regard - just need to find time to actually start playing!
  9. Fixed now - some settings had to be adjusted.
  10. Yeah, I'm seeing that as well - I think the forum upgrade might have changed a setting. I'll look into it.
  11. These are my personal favourite covers: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/aphex+twin+blankets
  12. Then why in the fuck I can't find a decent seafood restaurant these days...?
  13. Also, I would prefer an instrumental - the vocals aren't bad... just not my cup of tea shall we say...
  14. You can sign up for Squarepusher's mailing list to get a chance of owning a FMWT white label test pressing from the original 1996 release: http://squarepusher.net/fmwt-1996
  15. Just because the remix came out now, doesn't mean it was made recently - this could have been made ages ago, and just now Nevermen and BOC have decided to release it...
  16. Maybe this topic title should be changed to Regional or Indigenous Music? Ethnic Music? I dunno?
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