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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. No blatant phase issues? Going to be a bit phasey, but mixed well it probably won't be a massive problem - I'd start with EQing out the low end from those audience recordings anyway, so that'll minimise problems. I thought the same after totally digging what I heard today, but wanting some reaction to join in with :P are you going to take a stab at it? I was just going to through in my Krakow remaster + the soundboard as the starting point. I actually kind find my '7 different chains' flac or mp3, if anyone saved it please let me know. All I have is Amni's remaster doesnt the krakow soundboard have an extra few minutes at the beginning compared to the audience recordings? that would ruin any combination for my delicate sensibilities. the set is one big composition.
  2. i listened to a podcast about real coffee and how it needs to be fresh roasted because starbucks over roasts it and its not fresh and shit. i found a local roaster and was spending 20 bucks a pound and it is nice and cool how the flavor is more detailed and less roasty, but starbucks french roast tastes good and its actually not a bad deal, its basically the same rate as what you pay per pound for grocery store coffee. i paid like 8 bucks for a quad machiato the other day and no, that is not the real thing
  3. congrats on vice and cosmic pint glass. thoroughly enjoying the tune.
  4. just listening to krakow over and over is enough for now. saving the others. basically anyway, i listened to the utrecht bootleg a few times and played the first half of dublin as an alarm (on relatively shit speakers), but having not heard them on my monitors its like i havent heard them yet, and brussels is totally unheard. will be nice having those, and krakow is more than enough for a while. real glad i got monitors, its like a different set compared to playing it on my car's jbls, and i thought those were good. i gather that the sets are largely different, which makes this not less than a normal release, but more. this is a quadruple album.
  5. ultimate fate of the universe is lovely (from the florists album) not to overlook dreamhunter 2, which is quite good!
  6. that one was insane but i didn't download it. very mental and lush
  7. wasnt that keen at first tbh but now i'm noticing some i like a good bit
  8. sicario - quite good. check it out. maybe not maximum echelon level or whatever but definitely a good one lol. i liked it but i see what you mean. i'm just so starved for good sci-fi that i'll take something half-decent gladly. i was pissed that they made mars look like arizona. this is the one planet that we know what it looks like, and quite well. it wouldnt have been hard for them to figure out how to make it look like mars, but they decided it needed to look like a funky arizona. some producer or effects manager decided mars doesnt look enough like arizona. one of the cool things about mars is that its so small, you see the curvature of the planet by looking at the horizon, but they never had a horizon shot because matt damon was always inside a canyon wherever he went. and mars doesnt look like narrow canyons everywhere, most of the place has a very vast look with very gradual inclines, and very distinct, gnarly rocks (not gnarly like those funky arizona rocks, gnarly like you can see millions of years of a different kind of erosion), but fuck that, sand and weird canyons is what we're going with.
  9. He embedded the list of all the youtube links posted in the track comments I compiled I also made a rich only list of his links here (now in reverse order (newest on top)) 88 tracks by now. nice!
  10. i was at butterfly meadows appreciating the autumnal equinox and eclipse. the fish were jumping from the pool at the base of the waterfall and there were a lot more turtles than usual. 3 of them came up to me as 4bit came on and decided to chill. a blue tailed hawk was swooping down, i think it felt the vibes and wanted to check it out.
  11. damn that would be great for warp if they agreed to it. such a draw to get viable customers to their website is marketing gold.
  12. went hiking yesterday and found what i believe to be ruins from the Old Ones
  13. psychologically, gun love originates in fear obviously, specifically as it relates to historical group tensions. think: native americans, mexicans, and both pre and post-slavery blacks, and how the whites must have feared them. sure maybe the dudes writing the constitution thought militias might dissuade people with fascist aspirations, but that ship sailed before world war 1. so the two arguments in the pro-gun camp are this: 1. we like guns. we like them a lot 2. the united states government and those seeking to misuse it fear our guns (garbage argument so pitiful its honestly sad and concerning) how many more mass shootings and massacres we will have to go through as people go back and forth with their ridiculous debates before something is done, i can't say. 50 years? thats probably about 50 senseless mass shootings. plus theres the daily tallies coming out of inner cities or whatever you call them. yes states should control things and not defer to the fed on everything. however, people can cross state lines with guns. so, it doesnt really matter if one state actually has responsible gun laws if an adjacent state lets you grab one for 200 bucks with no requirement. but what does reason matter? guns make millions of people feel good and we may just have to wait until millions feel fear and/or disgust about guns, so much fear and disgust that it counterbalances the warmth derived from guns by those who enjoy great security, confidence, and recreational pleasure thanks to guns in all their elaborate forms and with all their cool accessories and with the most expedient, convenient, and unlimited availability.
  14. martian: good black mass: hollow gangster film mimcry that manages to make killing seem unpleasant
  15. when boxenergy4remix1 was on the rephlex site was it lossless, or higher bitrate? and was it free?
  16. yeah when i talk about 'socialism' i either mean a) exactly what the word means when used as an insult by conservatives (another word that doesn't mean what it means anymore): that is, someone who prioritizes collectivism over individualism or b) worker-owned and -controlled production something i left out of my op rant was the coming boom of robot automation and what that would mean in the current economic environment http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/the-late-great-american-promise-of-less-work-1561753129 many thought that robot automation would benefit workers-- reducing the length of work weeks, for instance-- but of course there's no reason to think that (say) Walmart getting better automation would benefit the workers it would benefit co-ops but it would completely fuck workers over so yeah i left all this out of OP but it's a crucial part of my thesis just try to play out the next like 200-300 years in your head of an anarcho-capitalist society with near-total automation... automation will benefit the rich and take jobs from the "middle" class.
  17. bernie is saying he's a socialist. wondering if that will doom him and give trump the apocalypse wheel. i see your point, hard to disagree with. the republicans have been using socialist as a slur against obama, not sure how bernie plans to win a general election proudly claiming to be a socialist.
  18. Not trying to get flamed to hell but has anyone got a "good tracks" playlist or better yet shared folder somewhere? i need these on my phone but 250 tracks whoooooo the voting site is a good place to get an idea which ones to check out first (sort by votes)
  19. holy fuck, this is one of the best space pictures i've seen
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