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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. yeah, for sure. it's like connect the dots where you can tell it's a butterfly, but trump is like "hey i just put the dots and the numbers there, i didn't know it's a butterfly"
  2. he didn't say "go crime" but once they were in, he refused to tell them to leave until hours later, after the cops had beat them back anyway. literally everyone was begging him for hours to ask them to leave, but he wouldn't. he was watching on tv, rewinding and rewatching, excited. so, this demonstrates the intent that he wanted it. he's a master of hiding behind strategically vague wording. the people interpretted that this is what he wanted, and he knew that, but he was careful not to say it explicitly. hiding behind ambiguous wording helps people get away with things sometimes but not all the time. plenty of mob bosses who thought they were insulated by never stating the criminal things explicitly, nevertheless, go to prison.
  3. a big part is the pence pressure campaign. the eastman memo goes over it, and it's well-verified. pence had to publish a letter on the morning of jan 6 saying he would not go along with it. then trump sicked the mob on him. pence doing what trump wanted, and discounting certain states, would have been a constitutional crisis all by itself. and think of how sycophantic pence was! we're lucky he didn't. the crowd was invited by trump weeks in advance. qanon circles had been priming attendees with a "storm the capitol" mantra. many were dopes, as you describe. within the crowd of dopes were many who were armed with not only mace and stun guns but also firearms, which are banned in dc. 2 pipe bombs were left at dnc headquarters and rnc headquarters in dc. not only was pence being pressured and threatened, so were congress. trump could have called off the mob at any point, but he didn't, for more than 2 hours. people from all sides were begging him. it would have taken a tweet. militias had caches of weapons stored across the river in a hotel as part of quick response team. bannon was informing his podcast audience the day before that they were approaching the objective and that things would happen fast. oath keepers were with roger stone that morning and later at the capitol. i'm not saying they were all trying a coup. many were victims of deception and pawns. but it was part of a coup attempt. there were plans, there were conspirators, there were intents to thwart the transfer of power, including by threat, violence, and corrupt use of doj. textbook coup stuff, even without the military. it will be very interesting to see what doj and the house committee lay out. thanks for hearing me out.
  4. cash-grabbing is a big part of his equation. he raised more with stop-the-steal than he did for the election campaign, i think here we differ. more will come out on this, both from doj and from the house committee, over the coming year. but i will say that doj has already charged multiple participants with conspiracy to disrupt the congressional proceeding. and there are likely to be more similar or worse charges. i didn't believe timothy snyder, the yale historian who specializes on authoritarianism, in 2016 when he sounded the alarm that trump was an authoritarian. but he saw the checklist checked. assault the press, question election legitimacy, pander to prejudice, stoke political violence, announce intent to prosecute political opponents, etc. anyway, as the years went on, i became convinced that there was something dark lurking in that dude. we know he was compromised. he was compromised as soon as he lied about ongoing business dealings with russia. that's kompromat, the russians knowing he lied about that. he was compromised again when his team hid the trump tower meeting with russians about russian state assistance to the trump campaign. they hid that for a year. kushner, jr and manafort were at the meeting, you think trump didn't know? they lied on their background checks, it wasn't revealed until a year later. that's another thing that could be lorded over him. that's how intel develops agents. incrementally compromise them more and more. trump support has gone up since january 6th! polling shows around half of republicans take the big lie seriously. this is a profound threat to american democracy. it's interesting because in a coup, the military is a major player. the pentagon was very concerned about the prospects of trump using the military in his attempts to stay in power. he requested the national guard deployed in DC for jan 6, in the days leading up to it. the DC national guard has 1 commander and that commander is directly commanded only by the president. there were multiple plans. see: the eastman memo, the clark letter, and the meadows powerpoint. the meadows powerpoint suggested declaring a national emergency. the military slow-walked the deployment of the guard on january 6th, because they feared how it could be used. multiple plans were being tossed around, in trump camp, about how to stay in power, despite the state-certified election results. it looks like one very concerning plan, which may have ended up being their best hope, was to indefinitely delay the certification. it seems that we came very close to an emergency being declared and the guard being deployed and the certification being put on hold. then there were several plans in motion by which to claim various states' electors were bad, and to, in some cases by threat, get states to produce alternate electors. it was a full-on coup attempt. more will be coming out. but there's already enough to call it.
  5. true. fascism is a real phenomenon. i think back in 2020 i wrote here that we shouldn't use that term, and authoritarianism is better. mainly i wanted to discourage its usage because bill barr was laying groundwork to use an antifa threat as some kind of a pretext. but, "fascism," though a relatively recent term, and kind of historically specific, points to an interesting combination of tendencies: the tendency for power to consolidate itself, and the tendency of the masses to fall under the sway of a demagogue, best illustrated by Hitler's Germany. and the term points to psychological manipulation employed by such tyrannical demagogues, such as by pandering to prejudices. it's continually shocking to behold people eating out of trump's hand. how much more obvious of a lying scoundrel could exist? he's literally a simpsons character. it's like fires in a dry forest. there is just an inherent danger that we must be on guard against. for me personally, i'm lucky that i happened to have had opportunities, and to have been disposed to learning skills and knowledge that, over many years, helped me to view things with a verification-based perspective. but i remember what it was like before i kind of learned the lay of the land. it's hard to know what is going on in the world, and who to believe. someone tells a story and it may sound compelling. even worse, we have the oil industry with their back against the wall, and the tools in their hands are to confuse people and disrupt governments and political parties that would institute green energy policies. so, highly motivated and powerful actors are exploiting the weakness. there is a measurable trend of increasing authoritarianism, and it coincides with the oil industry becoming more desperate. they have effectively infinite money, and they can just give it to entities that will convert it into narratives impacting politics to prolong fossil fuel dominance, and they can give it to politicians. unfortunately, reaching net zero is an incredibly hard problem to solve. we urgently need to get to work earnestly solving it. raising awareness of this whole thing is the way to get through this.
  6. the collective insanity that has always underlied the veneer of normalcy has been weaponized in the information age, the dawn of which coincides with the doom of the greatest power the world has ever known - oil. the information insanity infects those who are spreading it. the objective is to get the oil industry to accept its doom. the alternative is that they will doom human civilization. 2022 is a big year. activate. have you read philosophy books? what would philosophers think of the informational madness of 2022? things need attention. no one is at the wheel.
  7. maybe i shouldn't have put that red pill in my ass
  8. wait till you see what bill gates and george soros have in store next in the greek alphabet they've been cooking stuff up in a refrigerator in hell's kitchen, ny the military knows all about it but they are waiting until bat season in the amazon first they will push the masses to register to vote. this is how you will know that they are trying to correlate your data. whatever you do, don't register.
  9. oh true paradinas is lucky the mu variant didn't blow up i feel like i don't like the greek alphabet anymore
  10. happy µ year this year let's get the oil industry to fuck off with their fascism agenda
  11. "hey, i'm trying to sell fear-mongering, over here"
  12. interesting video conference on influence operations from the Atlantic Council, including discussion of the lag between disinfo innovation and innovation on the side of dealing with it "By definition, open-source research is only as good as the sources of information that are openly available. But that has become more complicated than ever: platforms reducing what is accessible through API access and search capabilities; bad actors moving their operations from public online forums to messaging apps and less accessible online communities; entire countries going offline as governments block social media access to prevent the public from sharing what’s happening on the ground. Is it possible for open-source researchers to overcome this challenge, or do we have to start approaching our research differently – and at what potential cost?"
  13. absolutely mind-crushing compendium of information about what was going on with the pentagon on january 6th, published at Just Security. Crisis of Command: The Pentagon, The President, and January 6
  14. for those interested, the truth of the situation has been masterfully encoded in song by watmmer @Acrelid https://indifferentspace.bandcamp.com/track/begin-with-yourself
  15. enjoying it on headphones. didn't know who it was and it was sounding tasty and atypical. kind of an honest feeling like he figured out how to exorcise caring what people think. vibe of music and enjoyment. i also found banans to have a fresh feeling to it. whatever bogdan is up to i am here for it.
  16. here you are slandering him online and making me explain to you the cost of his going whistleblower. his book describes some of the cost, at the end. if you're interested.
  17. You waste a lot of my time by offloading responsibility of making you understand. Honestly Chengo I'm running out of patience. you have taken hours of my life trying to force you to understand things that I've already explained. it's a potent methodology that scales and was demonstrated by ca. i'm sorry but it's possible to demonstrate a methodology that works at industrial scale while being a relatively small operation. get it?
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