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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. fucking ron johnson living in the era of people learning you can't pull facts from your ass citizens of wisconsin next year can vote him out
  2. far left: healthcare for all! get dark money out of politics! carbon tax! far right: we decide who won the election
  3. disagree. activists have been pushing and it would be cool if you didn't pretend to see the future, which works to prevent further activism. congress people change their minds when the phones blow up. those in touch with the facts know that democracy is in peril. manchin started out opposing filibuster reform, at the beginning of the year, and then said he may be open to changing some rules. he is a dem representing a red state, and his tack is to play conservative before the vote, then vote with his party when they need him. sinema is a freshman senator. she's a hot chick in a purple state who thinks she can play both sides, but i would guess there is a point at which she folds. for example, if manchin folds, then i don't see her standing in the way of her own party on a momentous issue. that fact that 48 dem senators favor this is significant. their arguments are bad. some people walk stubbornly into doom, many don't. constituents need to help these 2 individuals see the light.
  4. I'm against the filibuster but as a counterpoint here, I wonder how many nations that pass legislation by a simple majority only have two parties. britain has 2 major parties and passes by simple majority. australia, also. most US states do not have a filibuster, and pass state laws by simple majority. for those interested in the case against the filibuster in the US, here are some resources brennan center indivisible quote from the indivisble link:
  5. it's not easy to pass, it's hard to pass. but all we need is 2 votes: manchin and sinema need to realize that they should change the filibuster rules. i'm sorry but i don't buy the argument that the filibuster is a good thing. i will make these points: the founders considered it and rejected it it is a product of the senate and was created by accident. senators allowed it to persist because it makes their job easier: less legislation passes that they need to work on and be accountable for. blame the filibuster, which the masses (historically more so) don't understand many nations pass legislation by simple majority and it's fine many nations have 1 legislative chamber instead of 2. the US having 2 means we already have an added layer to filter legislation through. the filibuster makes it too hard for legislation to pass. there could be no better scenario to justify a rule change than the current need to protect american democracy. the argument about the filibuster protecting us from bad laws fails when you look at nations with simple-majority-passed legislation. the voters see and experience the impact of legislation and vote accordingly. legislation can be subsequently amended or repealed. we have a fascist party intent on overthrowing democracy, aided by fraudulent media and foreign enemies. election tricks give them majority control while they actually represent a minority. changing the filibuster rule, to pass hr1 and hr4, is how we fix that.
  6. i'm not sure where you are getting that. indications point to this fall. state governments are consolidating power to throw out election results they don't like, and republican voter suppression and gerrymandering are expanding. rightist narratives are firmly entrenched in fantasyland and actively hostile to truth. this is america beyond the pale, and the next step is american fascism. congress must act. this may be the month. we may see a vote on changing filibuster rules. don't give up. raise awareness.
  7. stalling and positioning to frame the committee as unfair (gop rejected the offer of a neutral commission). this is dangerous because the liars just dig in deeper, as we try to set things right. liars lying about other people being liars is kind of the essence of the information divide. given trump's attempted self coup, the rise in domestic terrorism, and the problem of the industry of shit takes & deception, i view these seething republicans as very scary. hard to engage with your argument of "looks like a turd" due to a lack of substance. not sure what you're looking at. biden kicked ass with vaccine roll out, despite trump trying to sabatoge it by leaving no plan for distribution. covid deaths were at their hgihest point when he took office and he brought them down ike 90% ended the afghanistan war is a sane individual who says masking and distancing can help with the pandemic the infrastructure bills look deece and likely to pass, including significant green initiatives. the real test of this congress and his first term is democracy legislation. dems need to get sinema and manchin to change the filibuster rules so they can pass legislation based on the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights bill. the right is full-blown fascist, now: basically rabid. if the dems fail to combat state-level anti-democratic activity with federal democracy legislation, they have screwed the pooch. schumer and biden need to make it happen, and anyone in arizona or west virginia need to get manchin and sinema to unfuck their shit.
  8. the second WEME EP, The Splash of a Drop, has released on digital https://rtrmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-splash-of-a-drop read the rules
  9. US officials: Russia behind spread of virus disinformation
  10. lol that one. reminds of t23 441 but made into some kind of acerbic d&b/raver. worth the listen, some good percussion.
  11. nts > XI > ae_live['16-'18] > sign > elseq > ae_live[2014-2015] > plus but i like it all and consider it all leagues beyond mortal music
  12. we think we're special but imagine a feral human: they are an animal. it's the inherited ideas. fingers and the brain led to written language, which brought in accumulated knowledge.
  13. i think it is important to not speak to people with anger, and i hope alco doesn't feel too bad. there are exceptions to that rule, though they are rare. like: in war, or when people are dying. the zeitgeist is far from where it needs to be, and conversations like this can serve to advance the public discussion. frankly, the efforts in the us to avert a successfull coup were mammoth, herculean, and spanned numerous fronts. i'm talking about JOURNALISTS, civil servants, activists, and citizens going all out. and we squeaked by. it's hard to measure and quantify the prevalence and influence of disinfo. to those who follow the topic, it is possible to know with high confidence that there is extensive nation-state disinfo going on. russia appears to be the big actor on this front. disinfo from russia and other countries combine with other deception operations, like fox. it's this combination which has utterly pulled the rug out from consensus in america. it's hard for people to know what's true, at the macro scale. this has been the case since before the internet. the internet introduced new ways to exploit that weakness, though. the way i see it, we're 1 variant away from civilizational collapse. people need to wake up to who is doing the deceiving, who is careless, how to be careful, and how to recognize responsible journalistic practice. many journalists covering the disinfo beat do stellar work. there is much scientific research on influence campaigns. bellingcat, first draft, and graphika do good stuff.
  14. yes, glad you find it interesting. it takes big civil suits to get alex jones or fox to change behavior on the junk they pedal, because the 1st amendment wisely keeps the press out of reach from government control. this means that things that are REALLY criminal fraud are allowed to happen because they hide behind claiming to be part of the press. yeah man you're literally helping the liars get away with their heinous crimes, here. you're duped and coopted. from the point of view of people like me, it is an amazing thing to behold, to see people like you just utterly taken in and helping the deceivers. fox pushes the lie that russian interference was made up by "liberal media" and russia itself pushes that lie in disguised accounts to americans they manipulate. here's part 2 of the bipartisan (republican led) senate intel report on their investigation into connections between trump campaign and russia. it details sweeping russian intel operations. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Report_Volume2.pdf you scoff at it, you're helping the russian military fuck up my country. fuck you man. you've been had. and your autechre reviews all sucked fucking ass
  15. dude... in the states we suffer from the challenge of media being exceptionally free from government encroachment. for example: fox news literally caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, but we have to let them get away with it. you seem to be suggesting government control of media??? what??? get your hands out of your ass alco. the article "gets into" the topic of comparing russian disinfo to other state actors like china and iran, as i said. fox is also a problem, but why are you making excuse for russia fucking with my country and worsening a pandemic? i'm sorry you wish the article had more information. it's not supposed to be all the information. your shit is garbage. stop. "liberal media outlets" gtfo with that shit. that's what fox calls actual journalism
  16. russian disinfo operations are significantly different than those of other states, and maybe the worst in the world by a lot. the article i link on the previous page gets into that. you seem set on just excusing russian disinfo operations which are destabilizing democracy and worsening the pandemic. i don't need to convert you today. also no it's not the same as it's always been. the masses didn't show up online until like 2008, with social shit and smart phones. we are rapidly evolving through chaotic changes in the information ecosystem. for example, we just had the first attempted self coup in american history. LARGELY fucking fueled by that greedy oil despot.
  17. yeah man. wanted to note that (A) it's not only the US being targetted and (B) what country has a clean history? the logic of the excuse crumbles.
  18. thank you guys for making excuses for putin. that's awesome. yeah fuck me because of the bushes
  19. relevant that countries with innocent histories like the UK are also targetted by disinfo from the restless nuclear oil despot bear https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/russia-report-uk-national-security-brexit-terror-islam-a9630126.html
  20. information warfare. bold added Washington (CNN)The Biden administration is receiving regular intelligence reports indicating Russian efforts to interfere in US elections are evolving and ongoing, current and former officials say, and in fact, never stopped, despite President Joe Biden's warnings to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the summer and a new round of sanctions imposed in the spring. Biden made deliberate mention of Russia's operations two weeks ago when he revealed in public remarks to the intelligence community that that he had received fresh intelligence about "what Russia's doing already about the 2022 election and misinformation" in his daily intelligence briefing that day. "It's a pure violation of our sovereignty," Biden said at the time. One of the people familiar with the matter confirmed that there have been recent intelligence reports about what the Russians are up to, particularly their efforts to sow disinformation on social media and weaponize US media outlets for propaganda purposes. There are some indications that Moscow is now attempting to capitalize on the debate raging inside the US over vaccines and masking, other sources told CNN. Sources closely tracking Russian activity say that Moscow's tactics are evolving and are more sophisticated than their early 2016 efforts, which included easy-to-trace efforts like buying Facebook ads. They also emphasize that elections are not Moscow's only target. "There's definitely a spike in activity around elections — they do take an interest in down-ballot races — but the activity is sustained," said Emily Harding, who was the deputy staff director for the Senate Intelligence Committee until this spring. "It never really stopped, and we should not be linking our attention or efforts to the election cycle, because they're not." https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/13/politics/intel-report-russia-election-interference-2022/index.html the article is longer, that's the beginning exploiting and worsening existing fractures in society is a classic information warfare tactic. racism is another example. disinfo has been a focus of russian intelligence services since before ww2. if they can make american society divided, by jumping on the antivax thing during a pandemic, it gives them that angle to exploit. it also is a way of building followers for accounts and mapping influence networks. it's fucked up. putin seems to be putting much more resources into creating confusion about a pandemic than he does into creating a sustainable and prosperous russia. dude's fucking dumb. russian society is already in ruins, which makes the depraved leadership think it makes sense to try to weaken american society
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