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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. regardless who it is, the unseen stuff is wonderful. innovative and enjoyable sound imo
  2. https://twitter.com/buitengebieden_/status/1438924760625385475
  3. i made progress on splitting it into tracks first i skipped through and tried to identify tracks by ear, which gave me 8 or 9 tracks then i looked at the apparent track list in the JPG that comes with the download, which has 12 tracks, including vortrack remix vortrack is easy to identify, narrowing down where i needed to add new track breaks. the biggest segment i had after step 1 was like 10 minutes at the beginning the word acid in the track list actually helps a lot. it tells you: 4 acid tracks, then 1 maybe not acid, then 2 acid, then 1 maybe not acid, then 2 that are acid before vortrack remix i had already cut a track that is not acid, in step 1, which is at 13 minutes in, which would seem to confim that the epic 10 minute acid start is broken up into a few there was another segment that is easy to identify and is not acid (labeled "d & b" in my labels), which helps to identify tracks 9 and 10 there seem to be some audio cues that represent track changes in a few places, which help to confirm and place the cut i found segments that fit with the track list. i may be off in a few spots but i am posting the source material in hopes that anyone can help improve it. Label Track.txt That's an audacity label export. you should be able to open the long audio file and then import the labels from that. the labels in audacity can be used to break it up and "export multiple" as described here if anyone improves the label placement, please export the labels and post here
  4. i am here for it. lush, dark beast of a song https://pitchfork.com/news/squarepusher-remixes-danny-elfman-we-belong-listen/
  5. poor norm. young guy. great comic
  6. great. are we still in "the before times?" i have discovered a near perfect way to predict modern american history. imagine the dumbest thing that can happen, and it will probably be that. august 2021 is worse than august 2020. but now it's a lot more younger people
  7. right here you reveal a concerning departure from reality. go easy zeffo and stop trashing the ones fighting for you
  8. your logic is magnetically bad, which just perpetually makes me wonder about your motivations and mental wellness. dems try and come close to passing minimum wages hikes, which you want, and your response is to disparage them and push revolution. be advised your political takes are bad.
  9. dems came up a few votes short to pass the current minimum wage bill. if only they had more seats............................................................................................................................................................
  10. taking your appeal to ridicule fallacy as concession and retreat
  11. bro the democtrats stand for workers. they push the higher minimum wage bills american government is a system of self-government. you want to throw out a system of self-government, rather than use it. it's not even that hard to get into politics. it's not even that hard to go around town persuading people and mobilizing turn-out. this is the avenue. it's precisely backwards to reject the entire system, rather than participating. and you push revolution! what?? dude i'm good on domestic terrorism. let's not have any more. stop pushing that shit.
  12. yeah well i really don't understand how you can think that you can help anything in that way. the more people we have touting marxism in america, the more the fascist right will win seats in congress.
  13. you're the user formerly named cyanobacteria (and a bunch of other names), no? don't you claim to be american? i remember drilling you about it, and you avoided answering the question, as you were posting here in an effort to stoke unrest during the beginning of george floyd protests. edit: yes, it is zeffolia. here is the thread where he was trying to use george floyd protests to stoke his marxist revolution. trump was also trying to foment the unrest by actively antagonizing, threatening, and ordering brutality against protestors. this makes more sense in light of trump's ultimate, multi-pronged attempt to carry out a self-coup in america. just like trump seeming to deliberately spread COVID makes more sense after seeing clearly that he was in fact intending to attempt a self-coup. civil unrest would set the stage and provide cover for drastic actions. and it is easier for fascism to rise amid depression and strife.
  14. that's some junk, bro. you deserve for somene to tell you that. it's a nice story but it's not what people find when they dig into the truth.
  15. >marxist wing of the democratic party I'll believe it when I see it. Care to name some? obligatory i'm thinking of those damaging democrat representation by talking about socialism all the time. bernie made it big and bernie bro AOC carried the bad-slogan torche. there's literally no reason to label one's self socialist. none. it just makes voters think of communism. you can be the same person and fight for the same things and just not use that bad slogan.
  16. i was explicitly talking about the US. yeah i'm guessing you're a brit
  17. the marxist wing will doom the democrat party in the US, only to eventually realize that capitalism is fine and we just need social programs, sane tax rates, and outlawing dark money in politics nobody likes communism. marxism scares people from half the world. not sure if this is an info op or not. don't participate in the fight for better government! climb into a rabbit hole about revolution!
  18. totally won't result in a discovery so powerful it must be hidden by christian bale batman because humans would just destroy themselves
  19. fucking ron johnson living in the era of people learning you can't pull facts from your ass citizens of wisconsin next year can vote him out
  20. far left: healthcare for all! get dark money out of politics! carbon tax! far right: we decide who won the election
  21. disagree. activists have been pushing and it would be cool if you didn't pretend to see the future, which works to prevent further activism. congress people change their minds when the phones blow up. those in touch with the facts know that democracy is in peril. manchin started out opposing filibuster reform, at the beginning of the year, and then said he may be open to changing some rules. he is a dem representing a red state, and his tack is to play conservative before the vote, then vote with his party when they need him. sinema is a freshman senator. she's a hot chick in a purple state who thinks she can play both sides, but i would guess there is a point at which she folds. for example, if manchin folds, then i don't see her standing in the way of her own party on a momentous issue. that fact that 48 dem senators favor this is significant. their arguments are bad. some people walk stubbornly into doom, many don't. constituents need to help these 2 individuals see the light.
  22. I'm against the filibuster but as a counterpoint here, I wonder how many nations that pass legislation by a simple majority only have two parties. britain has 2 major parties and passes by simple majority. australia, also. most US states do not have a filibuster, and pass state laws by simple majority. for those interested in the case against the filibuster in the US, here are some resources brennan center indivisible quote from the indivisble link:
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