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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. yeah! interesting sound. analog? i had been thinking that rtr seemed like a digital project, like maybe max. this ep has a production sheen that's slick and seems more like analog. idk, cool either way. the selection is like a classic electronic EP. solid vibe. very cool release, thanks rtr
  2. It's quite justified, Hillary/Pelosi are lame and embarassing, maybe too miserable to really hate. They're both shallow bureaucratic drones. hillary is meh but pelosi is solid. she had a role to play as america contended with an authoritarian and it was a pretty politically complex role to operate and she rose to the occasion.
  3. black vinyl https://wemerecords.com/shop/rtr-compuphonic-ep-black-vinyl-pre-order/
  4. looks like pelosi but yeah the hillary/pelosi hate are lame and embarassing tells that reveal one is a duped mark.
  5. there should always be at least one billionaire on a space rocket
  6. was glad to hear michigan will look into people committing fraud by making money off election lies because systematically lying in order to profit is the definition of fraud like how trump raised hundreds of millions after the election with his stop the count campaign and what fox does https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/michigan-ag-investigate-bogus-election-fraud-claims-n1273459
  7. cool nyt interactive article on chicago and how the lake rose 6 feet in 7 years https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/07/07/climate/chicago-river-lake-michigan.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  8. we established that the fermi paradox is not logically self-contradictory you miss the point as though deliberately. i'm going to stop replying
  9. that's not equivalent, imo. i think we have different understandings for what constitutes a "reason to think something." i think there is not a strong argument for the idea that there is no alien ai here. so i think there is no reason to think that. in other words, i do not think a weak argument is a reason to think something is true. "no one has loudly announced their existence" is not a strong argument for "there is no alien ai here." so, in my mind, it is not a reason to think that. if you think that is a reason to think that, then ok.
  10. @Satans Little Helper the badly named fermi paradox is not a reason to think there's no alien ai in the solar system. a strong inductive argument is one in which the premises make the conclusion likely. there's no strong inductive argument for believing in the absence of alien ai in the solar system. "they haven't loudly announced themselves" does not make it likely that no one has ai here. i think you actually agree with me that it is possible that alien ai is in the solar system, which is equivalent to saying there's no reason to think there is not. note that i am not claiming that alien ai is here, only that it is possible, and there is no reason to think it is not possible. so you may be debating with some other position, if you are arguing that it is possible but not likely. i never said it was likely. my point was that there is no logical support for the position of believing in a definite absence.
  11. you acknowledged that the fermi question does not point to a contradiction. here: something is not a paradox just because it is named one. it's a good question but a bad paradox. they gave it a misleading name. i also addressed your point about "not seeing anything." that's only true if you ignore sightings. and even if we had not seen anything, the fermi question still wouldn't be a paradox or a contradiction. it would just be a question. you have yet to present a strong argument against my statement that there is no reason to think there is no alien ai in the solar system.
  12. no, your response was: None? I'd start with the Fermi paradox and work from there. maybe you meant to respond with "we haven't seen anything," but what you wrote was "start with the fermi paradox." they are different concepts. one is a claim about observation. the other is, as you quote, an "apparent contradiction" i was not saying that as an argument for there being no reason to think there's no alien ai here. i was saying that as a response to your response which told me to start with the fermi paradox. so i dismantled the fermi paradox which would be better named "the fermi question." yes, that's what i was doing: explaining why the fermi paradox is not a paradox. so, we agree that the fermi paradox is not a paradox. it adequately explains why we wouldn't encounter obvious alien presence if advanced alien civilizations existed in the galaxy, so it is logically strong as an explanation. here you seem to be reasoning in a hypothetical in which it's us and only one alien civilization? why only 1? i mentioned the analogy of a "creature in the wild," to try to explain my idea that i think evolving civilizations would not know who else might be out there, and there could be a diverse ecosystem, some friendly and some hostile. we have seen things we can't explain so we don't know that we a haven't seen anything we have seen things we can't explain., so we can't say we haven't seen anything. we just haven't seen anything that loudly announces itself. "nothing has loudly announced itself" is not a reason to think there's no alien ai in the solar system. the fact that i have jam in the fridge is also not a reason to think there's no alien ai in the solar system. the one does not make the other likely, so it's not a strong inductive argument. a weak inductive argument is not a reason to think something is true. so we agree that it's possible that there is alien ai in the solar system
  13. it doesn't take any imagination to solve that non-paradox. they lay low like any creature in the wild. hawking agreed with that being possible
  14. i have a theory that, with covid, a lot of the people who were covid deniers or whatever were actually people for whom the idea of a real pandemic was so unsettling to them that they were driven to reject the idea. i think i may be detecting the same phenomenon occurring with ding people who oddly claim to know what these unexplained phenomenon are not. there is no reason to think there would be no alien ai in the solar system. none
  15. i only entered the conversation because no one in my country understands the difference between evidence and proof, which has allowed media and elected officials to claim "there is 0 evidence of [thing]" when actually there is much evidence of the thing. i appreciate that you conceded my point.
  16. evidence is not proof. they are different things. testimony is evidence proof generally takes the form of a careful argument connecting multiple pieces of evidence maybe check out prosecutor's closing arguments from when he was indicted if you are looking for a proof
  17. ☝ absolutely masterful video journalism, that 30 minute video, which seems to not be paywalled
  18. what about the evidence, though https://www.npr.org/2019/03/05/699995484/michael-jackson-a-quarter-century-of-sexual-abuse-allegations
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