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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. The Dissident doc about kashoggi killing. deece. interesting stuff about government use of paid twitter trolls in saudi arabia. podcast about the doc was good The Phenomenon doc about UFOs. deece. podcast about the doc was good
  2. jacques vallee and a documentary film maker on rogan, december 2020
  3. eliminating the electoral college seems like a good idea. also, puerto rico and DC should be states. this would make the senate less insane, which could have impacted the first impeachment. the dems wrote the For The People Act, HR1, in the last congress (116th). this bill had numerous protections for the democratic process, which would have significantly increased turnout and reduced voter suppression a few healthy measures that would help, off the top of my head. but right now the dems really have very slim majorities in both houses. people need to continue the activism through 2022 and through 2024 to reinforce dem majorities, to enable them to do some of these more drastic measures. this is the path
  4. maybe after the impeachment trial would make more sense. should be about a week from now that it's done.
  5. "how can i be racist, i pardoned lil wayne" maybe katie miller is a lil wayne fan?
  6. ^ ah, thanks. good point on a different topic: mcconnell looking very much like a yea on conviction good time for americans with republican senators to call them up. gonna be an interesting vote.
  7. yes i don't really feel like defending corps as people. we got onto this because i used the check of corporate political influence as an analogy for digital sovereignty as a check on government. i think that point stands. i don't think the examples i laid out of corporations providing checks have been disproven. whether or not these limited instances are worth the tradeoff of corporations being considered people in US law and being able to donate to campaigns is a separate question. i DON'T feel strongly about corporations being legally people or able to donate. i said i don't even have a position on the question. the answer to this question does not have bearing on whether or not my analogy worked to illustrate my point about the value of digital soverignty. heh are you kidding me man This is straight up fucking stupid. The role of a corporation is to make as much money as possible while spending the least amount of money to get it which has historically caused much exploitation and inequality. Remember how laborers used to not have a weekend? If anything, the government is a check on corporations. rude, man. i don't call you fucking stupid when i disagree with you. and i don't even think we disagree. i explicitly was not coming down on the side of corporations as people. i just mentioned that sometimes they can function this way, i did not weigh in on whether or not this was worth the trade-off of the negative aspects of their present political role.
  8. i take your point, but it's not that simple. departments and agencies in the US are basically all executive branch, tools of the president. mechanisms of check and balance are there but we've seen inspector generals fired when investigating trump and impeachment convictions foiled by party allegience. we've seen trump purge leadership at voice of america, socialized media. we've seen trump installing inept lackeys everywhere, leaving posts unmanned, and threatening leadership to cater to his objectives. the executive branch really got trashed in the last 4 years. it's been a stress test, over here, and i'm hoping some legislation happens to strengthen checks and maybe institute some new ones. i agree that the office of the presidency could use major reshaping. it could easily be split into two positions, and additionally have powers stripped away. regarding the two party system, i see the shortest path away from two party to be splintering one or both of the two parties, and we see that starting to happen. i'm not sure what reinforcement mechanisms can be dismantled, or what catalysts can be introduced, to faciliate this, but this is maybe a good question to consider. i think the most destabilizing element is the information situation. i'm hoping we're now through the worst of it. i sensed in 2016 that it would worsen, but now i hope we are seeing some of the extents. Hmmm, no - businesses can't act as a balance to the government because they aren't elected or got into power through democratic processes. i am speaking in terms of systems design. voters are a power vector, though they are not elected. meritocracy in career positions is a check. media is a check. the corporate sphere having some type of influence i am not necessarily opposed to. i'm not sure where i am on whether corps should be allowed to donate. i think donations should definitely be transparent and capped, in any case. something about leaders of industry having an additional voice seems rational to me, but maybe i'm wrong. i'll reiterate that i would be for very low donation caps.
  9. we agree campaign finance needs to be reformed, and is a root problem. dark money is a big problem. i think citizens united is up for review in the near future, that established corps as people.
  10. you seem to be reflexively judging based on prior concepts surrounding "corporations" and "comcast" and not really considering the specific instance i was discussing. i think the point i made was pretty self-evident. please don't conflate: the corporate sphere is an independent power vector that has the capacity to provide a check on government with: i approve of all things relating to large corporations and politics no one has absolved dow chemical of all things. but yeah it's nice that they are using their power to thwart the anti-democracy threat.
  11. not sure i like the idea of someone like trump having authority over social media (actually i'm sure i don't). not that i claim to fully comprehend the situation or to know the best solutions to the various problems. we do need to acknowledge that these platform execs are akin to national leaders, operating as though sovereign and with enormous consequence. years ago i thought national governments would become less significant than corporations, eventually, but didn't know how the transition would play out. we are now seeing the overlapping paradigm more clearly. information is powerful. maybe it's good that the two paradigms of digital and government contend with each-other, as a form of check and balance? kind of like the way that the corporate sphere can operate as an independent vertical of power that has the ability to provide a check on government, in the US. see: wallmart and comcast halting donations to political entities to express disfavor with recent political decisions. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/12/business/walmart-political-donations-Republicans.html https://www.phillyvoice.com/comcast-political-contributions-republican-objectors-capitol-riot/
  12. yeah, good points. i try to project my consciousness into the future and view the evolved solution. i think increased norms of logical debate literacy and media literacy will be in the future, but that's a long-term thing, and it cannot be relied on as the only solution. i would like to see momentum on the legislative initiative of bolstering public resources on logical analysis, civic manipulation and methodologies for assessing reporting, as well as school curiculums adding weight to critical thinking and civics. i think that society is growing a new layer, adjacent to journalism: a stratum of the public interacting with, more closely following, and somewhat participating in journalism. for example, sharing is distrbution. i think we're not used to thinking about this mode of civic participation so it's not yet fully evolved, and perhaps we will benefit from it being stronger. journalism needs to level up and one thing that will catalyze that is the public applying pressure to them to be better. this has been happening and it needs to continue. continued and increasing democratic participation will punish, disincentivize, and remove a number of bad actors there are ungodly media actors who need to have the shit beaten out of them, metaphorically. i don't know how, exactly, but they can't continue to be allowed to get away with their shit. maybe just increased awareness and shaming will punish them through their revenue. like, if every lefty decided to apply themselves to describing to rightists the heinous dog shit nature of fox, oan, newsmax, limbaugh, and alex jones, those shit feeders would feel the hit. social media: tweetdeck.twitter.com is great if you want to bypass the selection algorithm. open a couple home columns. you can link multiple accounts. maybe you want to have a pseudonymous activist account that follows a lot of journalists you like, that you use to influence them and lobby politicians. then another one to follow comedians. you can do that with lists, too. unfollow without pity, and twitter can be a good content feed. you can also contribute to the public conversation.
  13. we got a glimpse of this with christopher wylie's information on cambridge analytica. we don't know the latest in evil ai and user-data-based manipulation. i would caution against declaring imagined conspiracies where we do not have evidence that they exist. but yes this is a new kind of threat that we must be cognizant of. i may have noticed indications of some things going on in certain spaces, but it's hard to tell, and i don't want to even describe any such evil methodologies that i may suspect, in my paranoia. we can say that manipulation is absolutely going on. we see systematic hearding of cattle by nefarious actors. the introduction of the online disinfo environment functioned as a third ingredient, binding with deceptive media and corrupt politicians. they wander, oblivous to accuracy, bound by solidarity, increasingly dependent on their alliance as a result of their discordance with truth. they're drawn to cooperation because the power is in reinforced narratives. they settle on the set of narratives that serve the most important objectives of each. in this way, there is a natural, dangerous potential for massive brainwashing networks to form. the result is the present situation, and their weakness is that they become a joke of an alternate reality. it's easy to describe the mess. they've kicked up dust, in order to try to get away with it. this is why the solution is sociological norms. we need to empower individuals to be able to sort verifiable from not verifiable on their own. then these monstrosities won't progress so far.
  14. the chimes at the end of the 1st one are one of the cooler things i've heard in music recently. punchy drums. deranged, delirious bass. throw in some vocoder and pads and i am a happy consumer.
  15. that is good footage ignatius posted. a 12 minute compilation from an embedded journalist here's rep raskin talking about how his wife and daughter were hiding under a desk, and he was separated from them by the rampaging mob. he had instructed his staff, in the room with them, to guard them with their life. january 6th continues to blow my mind. in how many universes did we escape worse scenarios? maddow's jan 15 show covers AOC feared and declined to flee to the safe zone because she felt congress members and/or security personel were coordinating with the rioters and that she would not be safe while trying to arrive there she had a close encounter she is unable to detail in which she feared for her life pence came within a minute or two of coming in contact with the mob here's the link to the maddow show podcast, which is the audio version of her msnbc show, which gets posted within hours of the episode https://art19.com/shows/msnbc-rachel-maddow it's also on spotify and stuff like that chris hayes's msnbc show also gets an audio version podcast feed: https://art19.com/shows/all-in-with-chris-hayes
  16. hm yeah ok not burglar sounds like mr jams. but i'm brain damaged do what you will to me
  17. i'm sorry but i'm hype lookit im. it's like an eddie murphy movie where an average joe becomes president by magic. my mind keeps going to fdr. fdr grew up in the white house, son of teddy roosevelt. modest dude who had seen it all and knew how to do the job. wins ww2 and elected to president 4 times expect information warfare. there was always going to be information wafare. there is no universe in which there is not information warfare.
  18. well it's out. digging it. https://analogicalforce.bandcamp.com/album/afus01-unseen-series-i anyone think it could be burglar?
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