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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i think you're a good-faith debater and i appreciate the honest debate. further, i think it is important to test assumptions. however, i don't think the vet on weinstein's podcast has pointed out a mechanism that evaded the attention of the largest scientific vaccine development push in history.
  2. this is an Appeal to Motive fallacy here's the AMA recommending vaccination https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/2020-12/covid-19-vaccine-patient-faqs.pdf
  3. alright well the CDC and the WHO recommend getting vaccinated https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/keythingstoknow.html?s_cid=10496:covid vaccine update:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21 https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/getting-the-covid-19-vaccine
  4. immunizations don't cause mutations, it's the opposite. allowing the virus to be more prevalent is what will cause mutations. where are you getting your info, @Claudius t Ansuulim? i wish you wouldn't spread harmful nonsense in dramatic large font. please lmk where you got this
  5. india needs all surplus vaxxes yesterday what you see here is that new cases skyrocketted, and that deaths are currently around 2,000 per day. this means that 1 month from now deaths will be much worse. they could lose 100,000 + people in a month. if they don't get it contained it could be half a million over a few months.
  6. which one of you is adam curtis? your new documentary series is absolutely sick. the score:
  7. cool thing about this artist Zdzislaw Beksinski
  8. people don't realize the power of megaphones. look at alex jones
  9. the thing with qanon is that it's hard to cover, report on, and do a documentary on correctly. there was a lot of talk about the "truth sandwich" best practice for reporting on disinfo, during 2020 in the US. disinfo can reach a level of being problematic, such that you need to report on it, even though reporting on it brings more attention to it. so the correct way to refer to a lie is: the actual truth the false thing again, the truth i've heard mixed reviews of the hbo doc, but haven't watched it yet. hbo does good stuff but it's easy to deliver an off-point doc, and this is a subject where being off-point means you botched it. i think we still don't appreciate the magnitude of what happened on earth over the last 30 years. it's not that we have introduced an information element. reality was always informational at its core. the universe is in your mind. mind is first. what we've done is completely reconfigured this core stratum, turned it upside down and gave it a bunch of drugs. the dawn of the internet and software will probably be remembered as a more transformational point than the industrial revolution. the big picture was already impossibly complex, and things will only get moreso, because deception multiplies complexity, and disarray in the info space has allowed decepton to achieve great successes. this hurdle of getting society able to swim in a chaotic information space is unavoidable and important. by the time we've made it through that, we will be emerging on the other side of history, where we have worked out more wrinkles of global civilzation and distributed benefits of the quantum leap of technological potency that we have already achieved, such that humans can all work less and have better lives.
  10. one in a hundred million chance of 14042021 being a random coincidence we've been trolled very funny richard/weirdcore i guess i will have to listen to some of the other millions of good songs stored digitally on earth but i will choose to cling to the richie sombrero theory that this was a marketing misfire intended to signal an anniversary event later this year, since we are a weird internet stalker club/cult
  11. weird to agree with senator john neely kennedy of louisiana he is one of the senators up for reelection in 2022, and he is an utter buffoon. 18 months is a lot of time to move public sentiment. i bet he sees a tough election. can't wait for vax. push the good word so we don't look back on this as the early times before it mutated. that's one thing about this whole vaxxer deal, there is tangible risk to letting the virus be out there. we're better off tamping it down as much as possible. the vax is fine. you will be fine. covid on the other hand kills people, and it's already mutating into more dangerous forms. people smoke street weed out of soda cans but won't get a vaccine.
  12. photo's from 68, 3 years after the shipwreck, per the caption. also 6 boys were shipwrecked and that photo includes them with some others
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