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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. what a shitty comic book we live in authoritarian conman & clan try to topple democracy, let russia into defense networks for months, then message this meme to buoy favor. burn down your relatives' thoughts and feelings about fox news and wake them up to who's deploying coordinated deception strategies.
  2. flipped through the little book of coincidence, which is about geometric coincidences of the solar system.
  3. that's actually really cool. they pass this closely only once every 400 years. but the last time they did they were harder to see, so the last time this was visible was 800 years ago. the fact that it's happening on a solstice... dramatically increases the rarity. the gravitational waves will align. we will have rare access to occult powers. focus on positive things.
  4. the mayans were off by 8 years. maybe it was the leap years edit: don't worry, it's not the end of the world. just the end of this world. there's another one, after.
  5. that this went on for months, and that they accessed so many networks, and that they were covering their tracks and creating backdoors... it's really bad. and it was some private contractor who finally discovered the intrusion. it's like the US defense agencies that should have caught this earlier or prevented it weren't operating at 100%.
  6. it also rewards what people value through market competition. why would government control enforce what is right, any better? rude and inaccurate. you describe work. you prefer a tunnel with no light at the end? invoking words like "bourgeois" doesn't make your argument any more coherent. you're arguing for government control while claiming to oppose monarchism? feudalism is distinct from capitalism. you assume i'm not a free-thinker... which demonstrates your own carelessness about reaching conclusions. capitalism is a very general word, it just means private ownership. your qualms can be addressed with regulation. safety nets can be provided in capitalist societies. capitalism is not your enemy. the alternative to capitalism is a lack of freedom, and an unwise forfeit of control to government. i think this is the source of your error. i think you incorrectly place the blame for this problem on capitalism. it could easily be resolved with changed tax rates and improved social services, within a capitalist society. it makes no sense to me to throw out private ownership when other solutions exist. by definition, capitalism is the freedom to own your own business. again, you misplace the blame. society not being perfect does not mean that capitalism is incorrect. here you acknowledge benefits of capitalism. i address the other part by again saying that social programs can be implemented in a capitalist society. the error here is that it unwisely puts faith in governmental authority, while removing power from individuals.
  7. doing what is right versus doing what makes money is a false dichotomy. things that make money are not necessarily wrong. capitalism is freedom. it means you are free to make money. the alternative is not being free to make money. that sounds good to you?
  8. i'm sure many of the compromised systems were built on largely OS stacks. that hot take is quite reductionist. and the sprinkling of capitalism reference is just lol. and it happens to be a talking point of putin's authoritarian propaganda squad.
  9. idk where to start with that whole thing. i hope barr rolls on trump. he must know a lot.
  10. yeah, for sure. at least he's such a pure buffoon. we can use the trump episode to illustrate arguments about the right. alternate universe trumps that are less obvious would be more harmful and less useful.
  11. at least all the legal challenges and recounts and everything serve to reinforce the legitimacy of the election processes. trump's con to undermine the democracy for money will net him some cash, but, if he is doing it as a favor to putin, then that function backfires, a bit. of course, the message still needs to reach the illiterates. and, hopefully, none of them harm anybody. deep shame is what trump's ilk have earned themselves, by manipulating the less educated, for personal gain, and in such a reckless and harmful way.
  12. really don't get why they're so proud of being boylike
  13. numgen is good for your air.
  14. love your shots, @jules and yeah the replication is great. that it's a replication kind of adds to it. like autechre from an alternate universe. not that i can tell s&bob soundboard would be any different
  15. nice illustration of what is happening: the modern gop beholden to their caretakers, morally vacant fox news:
  16. wait what joking. though i could digress, but i won't. i watched the 15 minutes in that video you posted dealing with the tic tac. it omits much of the account descibed by fravor, and describes it as shorter and less engaged than he does. the narrator claims the video is explainable, but also notes that considering the combination of observations to be erroneous would be absurd. it doesn't debunk it, and actually includes additional interesting info, like the radar tracking the things descending from space, rapidly. i think we can agree it was an unidentified aerial phenomenon.
  17. you raise good points. though i believe every major religion is true. heh yeah that video is not as compelling as i remembered it. though it does still seem they are passing behind the tether, albeit with a kind of lens-related glow effect. i would be interested in the fravor debunking. that was one where there were multiple eye witnesses, ground-based tracking, as well as plane-based tracking. i seem to recall that such combinations of corroborating observation are not uncommon, and that there have been a number of instances in which governments released the data. i'm not good about having that data ready to rattle off, off-hand. would love to spend 3 or 4 hours preparing the info but need to work. i think people know what i'm talking about, though, and i would like to think i'm not too far off-base in my characterization of this set of evidence. i would be willing to concede, if we actually built a list of the best examples, and then reviewed the best objections to them. i would accept that ufos are not real. i've even brought up one major criticism that i find compelling: in the last 20 years, everyone suddenly has a decent-to-good camera in their pockets, yet recordings have not spiked much, as far as i know. this is a pretty concerning data point, imo. though a kind of occult view as suggested by vallee may still be consistent, in which the observation is actually deliberate and purposed. further, it could be that it's both true that there is a phenomenon of false sightings/reportings, while, simultaneously, there is a much rarer phenomenon that is occassionally apprehended by aerospace professionals. i get the impression that it's not uncommon for pilots and astronauts to have fervent opinions on the subject.
  18. i mean, of course there's the distinction between evidence and proof, one being conclusive one not. the fravor tic tac video and account is one. i seem to recall the air force has declassified a number of anomalous incidents, including data collected on multiple independent devices (as was the case in the fravor tic tac incident). i think the mexican government has put out data on fleets of UAP. the french government i think has. i don't have a good list ready, it would be useful to try to build one. i believe there is a sizable collection of compelling and relatively solid data. the space station tether video? posters here could probably contribute if they wanted. i think there are a number in this thread already
  19. lol, good point this could be chalked up to national strategic disinfo to assert strength he's pushing a book in which he discusses it but i could also chalk the trump thing up to things like him avoiding intimidating topics, or dod advising him on the consequences of doing it wrong. trump's dod has declassified some stuff on this topic, which could be the path that dod would advise: gradual declassification of evidence i wonder what dod would assess about a full disclosure scenario. would countries with regimes tied to religion become destabilized? would cults claim contact, introducing new fronts of disinformation that would threaten the perceived legitimacy of governments? would it spur individuals to tap into their own transcendant abilities, further fueling destabilizing claims and disinfo? i wonder if those could actually be significant threat dynamics. i would not be surprised if addressing the information issue that is manifesting in destabilized american democracy would also serve to set the stage for a general competency to handle a kind of initiation into a praeter-human society. also, i'm not convinced that governments know that much. they may be in a similar position to the public's: being aware of anomalous incidents, but not having conclusive information about the exact nature. this dude who wrote a book may have phrased things such that they are not the most accurate formulations we already see evidence declassified by governments. what's lacking is society's ability to handle information, lol
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